The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0201, physical examination (below)

"Ok...well, since you don't want to be in the first place, then Qianqiu will come first." Qianqiu mustered up his courage and walked in front of Nie Kong with his head down.

"Wow, Qianqiu sauce is so bold, so do you want to know the measurements for your brother?" The girls around laughed evilly, looking at the siblings with charming eyes.

"It seems that I'm right, Xiao Qianqiu is really in control." Ning Ning, who was in the back of the line, looked at Qianqiu's cute appearance, and couldn't help but teased.

"If you say anything more, I...I won't come!" Qianqiu stomped her little feet in shame, and the cute look caused the girls to giggle again.

Qianqiu wanted to run away embarrassingly, but Nie Kong quickly caught the small Qianqiu sauce in front of him.

"Okay, okay, Qianqiu will come for a physical examination first. You have to wait in line."

Knowing that he was in danger, Qian Qiu could only stand obediently on the platform of the measuring instrument with his head down.The measuring instrument automatically pressed down, and at the same time, he measured Qianqiu's height and weight.

"Qianqiu Tanimura, height 154cm, weight 35kg!" Nie Kong took out Xiao Qianqiu's file and directly filled it in.

"After measuring the height and weight, the next step is the measurements. Please classmate Qianqiu, take off your coat." Nie Kong asked the girl to take off her clothes openly. This was the first experience for Nie Kong.The feeling of excitement, there is simply no language can express.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Qianqiu's body keeps backing away, how can he have the courage to continue.It's too exciting to touch my brother in front of my companions.

"Qianqiu sauce, come on." How could the group of female students let Qianqiu go so easily and directly knocked her to the ground.With a few swish sounds, Qian Qiu's sailor suit was stripped clean.

"Brother, what are you looking at, don't you hurry up and help me measure?" Qian Qiu put his hands around his chest, and his lovely face showed amazing heat.Qianqiu, who was shy and panic, almost didn't pass out.

"Ok... OK." Nie Kong pulled out the tape measure.

"X circumference 78, waist circumference 55, hip circumference 80!"

"Xiao Qianqiu is 3cm old, remember to thank your brother when you go home." After the measurement, Nie Kong whispered in Qianqiu's ear.After hearing the words of Nie's air-conditioning play, Xiao Qianqiu got dressed in a panic and escaped from the classroom.

The cute look directly caused the girls to laugh.

With Qianqiu's leading relationship, the next girls took more initiative, and the number of the team continued to decrease.The secrets of the bodies of the girls in the Shishi Demon School were presented in front of Nie Kong.

"Teacher Nie Kong, it's my turn now." After many girls' physical examinations, Ningning returned to her normal mentality.Among all the girls in the room, Ningning had the best make

"Height 162CM, weight 46kg!" After Nie Kong said it, Ningning said with a little disappointment: "Have you gained two kilograms? It's time to lose weight."

"Take measurements now, classmate Ningning undress." Without any hesitation, Ningning gently rotated her body, presenting her plump body in front of everyone present.

Seeing the handsome teacher Nie Kong indulging in her own charm, Ning Ning was delighted and a little proud.

"Woke up, teacher." The pain from his heel made Nie Kong sober. The first thing he saw was Xiao Kui's bulging cheeks.It's shameful. Is it because of the absence of H for a long time, the self-control has declined.

"If the teacher sees enough, please help me measure the measurements." Ning Ning laughed mischievously.A girl with a great taste, especially the mole on the corner of her eye, adds a bit of charm to her.

"Ahem..." Nie Kong coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment, without answering, Ning Ning pulled out the tape measure and pasted it.

"X circumference is 94, waist circumference is 55, hip circumference is 90!" The perfect proportions of women's figure attracted the exclamation of the girls around.That's right, Ningning's figure has gradually become perfect.

"Huh, it's a lot bigger, it seems that the milk hasn't been drunk too much." Ning Ning muttered softly, hiding her plump figure in the sailor suit.

The next turn is Yuka MM with long orange hair and small red flowers on her head.

"Brother teacher, please feel free to measure Yujia." Although Yujia was a little inferior in front of Ningning, he stood up bravely.

"Height 156CM, weight 38KG!" After measuring her height and weight, Yuka Hanazawa boldly took off the outer layer of clothes.She presented her young body in front of Nie Kong.

"X circumference 79, waist circumference 53, hip circumference 80!"

Youjia was a little bit disappointed and looked at the measured data, but Nie Kong’s words made him feel more cheerful: "Is your body developed well? I believe it will become as good-looking as Ningning in the future. of."

After measuring Yuka Hanazawa, only Xiao Kui, who was hiding in the queue, remained in the class.Although it has been measured by many girls in front, it is thought of revealing all the secrets of the body in front of Nie Kong.Xiaokui's heart is more shy and embarrassing than Qianqiu.

"Sister Kwai, come on." Ning Ning encouraged.

"Sister Kwai's figure is very good, don't be discouraged." The girls around encouraged.

Xiao Kui was hesitant to hear the encouragement of the women, and finally made up his mind to stand bravely in front of Nie Kong.

"Teacher, please help me with a physical examination."

"Height 165CM, weight 44KG! Bang Zhikui's body is so slim, surpassing all girls." Listening to Nie Kong's sweet praise, Xiaokui's heart is sweet.

"Then you have to measure your measurements next, Bang Zhikui, please take off your outer clothes."

Xiaokui's face was so hot that a white mist came out directly.A few days ago, I was forced to call him her husband. It’s not enough. Do you want to see my body?Teacher, you are too greedy, we are not a real couple yet.

"Sister Kwai, I'll help you get the cloak." Xiao Kui, who hadn't decided yet, had a cold body, and the cloak was taken off by Yuka Hanazawa and held in her hand.

"Then I'll help Sister Kwai get the pants." Sister Ningning walked up, like a maid helping to take off the tight white pants that tightly wrapped Xiao Kui.When Xiao Kui woke up, her body was already half naked.

With straight and slender legs, no girl in the class can surpass.Due to regular exercise, the lower abdomen without any fat, looks very slim and slender.

"" Xiao Kui hurriedly stretched out her little hand, but Nie Kong had already seen completely.

"Don't be shy." Nie Kong forcefully pulled Xiao Kui closer, leaving no room for Xiao Kui to resist.If the shy Xiaokui takes the initiative, it is estimated that he will have to wait for the sun to rise from the west.

"Oh!" The nervous and shy Xiaokui could only cover his blushing face.

"For the real data, we can only untie it." Nie Kong pulled the bandage forcefully with one hand.

"Guru, x circumference 89! Waist circumference 52, hip circumference 85!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)With a misty red puff on his face, he couldn't stand it and fainted.

"Sister Kwai!" The girls around exclaimed, but they didn't expect such an accident to happen.Sister Kwai, who is shy and faint, is also so cute.

"Ahem... Your physical examination is over, the teacher takes one step first."

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