The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0203, first meet Tojo

The sky gradually darkened, and it was time to go home from get off work.

Picking up Little Lias, who was already full, Nie Kong walked towards the school gate, his calm expression admiring Kanzaki and Ji Chuan.It's just the sight that I encountered on the way, which is shocking.

Under the dim moonlight, a lot of strange behaviors were surrounding the four of Nie Kong.Almost all of the students in the third grade of Shiya Demon are here, plus their messy-dyed hair, and they wield jagged weapons that they didn't know where they got, like monsters and ghosts.

Standing in the middle of the team was Tojo's capable subordinate Aizawa Shoji, but his face was full of puzzlement.Aizawa was originally met by Tojo, saying that fireworks will be set off at the school tonight.Where did I know that when I came to the gate of the school, the whole school would gather here.

Just as he wanted to inquire about the situation, three figures walked out of the teaching building, one of whom was holding a baby in his arms.

"Brother Aizawa, leave it to us here. Then if we win, you formally agree with us as a subordinate of Brother Tojo." The neighbors said excitedly.

"Ha... I didn't know you, what are you talking about." Aizawa said bewildered.

"This is a war to bet on the honor of our stone arrow demon. We must not be riding on our heads by the teacher. Now almost all the students have gathered here!"

"Really, you have to be modest. Because Big Brother Tojo called me, so let's go first." Aizawa nodded sweat on his forehead, feeling speechless to them.

"You are Tojo's powerful subordinate, Aizawa, it just saved me a lot of time. Lead the way, as a teacher I have a responsibility to teach Tojo." Nie Kong ignored the surrounding gangsters and directly picked up Lias and walked towards Aizawa. .

"Aha, are you kidding, really want to teach Big Brother Tojo?" Is he a fool, or is he confident of his own strength?

"Asshole, don't ignore us." Shiya Demon's bad guys took action. Although dozens of people have messy movements, they are still very imposing in densely gathered together.

"Aha, if you want to find Big Brother Tojo, wait until you knock them all down," Aizawa turned and left the battlefield, disappearing into the Ishiya Demon School.

The underwhelming crowd rushed towards the three of Nie Kong with weapons in their hands.The countless figures made the foreheads of Kanzaki Himegawa sweat.There are so many people, there is no chance of winning.

"Teacher, don't worry, let's help you! Xinyueliu draws a sword, breaks the mountain, and the chrysanthemum is chasing after it!" Xiaokui's figure appeared in the sky, and the bitter air caused by her swinging the knife formed a strong force. Sword pressure.I saw a dozen people rushing towards Nie Kong, just like that.

Not long after Xiaokui's appearance, the girls from Lieang Diru walked into the battlefield in an orderly manner.Although there is a gap in the number of people, the momentum is not weak at all.

Ningning took the lead and opened the way with a three to four meters long chain in his hand.Although women are inherently weaker than men in strength, they can become very powerful with reasonable weapons.Ningning entered the flock of sheep like a wolf.

"Qianqiu won't let my brother get hurt!" Two water guns appeared in Qianqiu's hands at some point, and no one could stop the continuous shooting.

Nie Kong felt relieved seeing the girls taking advantage.At this time, colorful fireworks lit up in the sky.Nie Kong walked past this melee and walked towards the school playground.

Nie Kong knew from the fireworks scattered in the sky that Hideto Tojo, the strongest student of Ishiya Demon, should be there.

Kanzaki and Jichuan knew that they couldn't help much here, so they followed Nie Kong.The loyal and loyal appearance of the two is almost like Nie Kong's two men.

On one side of the playground, there were a few things that looked like bamboo tubes emitting fireworks. Little Beiru was put aside by himself, and Tojo sat leisurely on the side.Beside him, Aizawa and Kaoru were standing.

There are a few big trees beside the playground, and the blond woman in Gothic costume sitting on one of the thick branches is not who Xiludi would be.Beside her, there was a strange blue creature with a hat.The body is a long strip from top to bottom, with no feet visible.Only one hand stretched out on both sides of the body, and a gentleman's hat was also on his head.

Under the tree is a pink-haired Lori Lamia wearing a mini denim skirt and a white lab coat worn by a doctor.

It turned out that Xiludi came to the school looking for the magic wave of Beru.It was only because of the inconvenience of his identity that Xiludi did not show up and take little Beiru away.

"Is it the child of the Demon King of the other world? No wonder the magic power was emitted last time to lure me over, so that's it!" Perceiving the magic power on Rias's body, Xiludi showed a dazed expression on her face.

"Sister Xiludi, do you know that little baby girl too?" Rania asked.

"I hurriedly met in the Demon Realm. Like the young master, I am a Demon Clan fostered in the human world." Xiludi staring at Nie Kong on the battlefield, a momentary blur flashed through her right eye.

"Assemble everyone for a battle, the one standing at the end is the general. Hello, I am Tojo Hideto in the third grade." Seeing Nie Kong coming, Tojo's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Tojo likes to fight, especially the strong.But in the vicinity, no one can attract his attention.But during this time, I heard that a teacher appeared in the school weirdly, and no one can help him.

Ishiya Magic High School is based on the weak and the strong, without force, you can't stand in the academy.So Tojo believes that the teacher is a strong one.

"Are you Tojo classmate who often misses class? Give me a five-thousand-word review book tomorrow. Although no one cares about you before, now there is a teacher in Ishiya Demon. I will never allow you to miss class like this the behavior of."

"Haha... if you want to teach me, let me wait for you to win, now I don't admit that you are my teacher!" Tojo's fighting spirit burned, and the bones in his body creaked constantly.

"Put down the baby on your body and have a good fight with me." Tojo's upper body was full of muscles and was as strong as a bull.No, stronger than a cow!

"Go ahead, if you just beat you, it won't have much effect on me." Tojo is very powerful, but it is limited to humans.

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