The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0204, the stone arrow demon is destroyed

"Is that okay? You guys are also here to fight with Big Brother Tojo." In the corner of the playground, Tojo's subordinate Aizawa said to Kanzaki.

"Of course I want to kill Tojo, but I'll clean up you first before talking." Kanzaki answered.

"Teacher, that bastard shouldn't be able to beat Tojo, but it can still consume Tojo's physical strength." Ji Chuan said triumphantly.

"Then you two attacked the weak Tojo Big Brother, it's really mean. But it's good to think, do you think you can beat us?" Xun sneered disdainfully.

"How can I know if I haven't tried it!" Kanzaki finished speaking and sprinted away first.Thanks to Kanzaki's actions, the battle in the corner officially began.

On the Tojo side, seeing Nie Kong look down on him so much.Tojo smiled, happily.

"Since you are not willing to put down the baby, I will take him with him for the sake of fairness." Tojo put the little Beiru sitting on the ground on his shoulders, not willing to take advantage of Nie Kong.

"Going up!" After making preparations, Tojo rushed towards Nie Kong with the momentum of the tiger descending the mountain.The speed is not very fast, but the strong body still brings a strong sense of oppression.

A violent right fist rushed straight to Nie Kong's face, a very simple and powerful fist.Even the black hair on Nie Kong's head and ears was fluttered by Tojo's fist wind.

"Is this your strength? It's too weak." Nie Kong simply stretched out his left hand to block his face.With a bang, his fist fell into Nie Kong's palm in Tojo's surprised sight.

The huge power even made Nie Kong's palm unable to move a bit, it was terrifying.

"A terrifying power, is he still a human?" Tojo was shocked and wanted to step back, but Nie Kong's right fist had already slammed into Tojo's face quickly.It was so strong that Tojo trembles with strength and blasts him out more than 20 meters.

"There are still people who can compare to me in power. It's too powerful. After searching for so long, I finally found an opponent that can excite me!" Tojo climbed up from the ground embarrassedly, but the fighting spirit in his eyes burned. .

The more the war, the stronger, it's people like Tojo.Live for war, die for war!

"You haven't given up yet, let's destroy your fighting spirit first." Although I took Xiao Lias, the speed was still so fast that Tojo couldn't react.

"Where?" Nie Kong was missing from Tojo's sight, and he couldn't help but observe his surroundings vigilantly.

The sound of the "hu" rang, Tojo's pupils shrank to the size of a needle, and Nie Kong's fists quickly expanded in his pupils.Compared with the force that was twice as large as before, he blasted Tojo's body into the depths of the hard concrete road.

"What a strong human being, is the world crazy. Without borrowing the magic power of the devil, the strength can already surpass most demons!" Xiludi opened her eyes wide, her eyes full of shock.

"It's no wonder that the sister of the Demon King of the Winged World chose him as his father, which is much better than the male deer. It's just that the young master still stays on Tojo and won't get hurt."

"Yes, in terms of his speed and strength, he has indeed surpassed a lot of demons! In the human world, it is very rare." The blue striped demon nodded in response.

Tojo's face was full of blood, and his body was scarred.Nie Kong's doubling of strength has exceeded the range that Tojo can handle.In his arms, little Belu lay there unscathed.

"You have already lost, remember to come to class tomorrow." Nie Kong stood in front of the fallen Tojo, his eyes looking down at Tojo.

"Don't make any conclusions so early, I haven't conceded yet." Tojo caught little Beiru and got up with difficulty.But his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and even though he suffered such a serious injury, he still failed to make him admit defeat.

"Why you still want to beat me now, it's just wishful thinking!" Nie Kong never believed that there would be such a thing.With a bang, the playground shook a few times.

Under Nie Kong's feet, Tojo was lying there with blood all over.Even the little Beru on his body was also affected.

"Dapor!" Little Beiru's green pupils shrank, and huge magical power was transmitted into Tojo's body.On his arm, a bright red Joo Wang pattern was truly formed at this time.

"Aha!" Tojo, who was seriously injured and dying, felt the explosive power in his body, and his injuries quickly recovered.After breaking the fetters of Oga, Beru signed a contract with Tojo again.

The magic power that could not be vented was completely poured into Tojo's body.Tojo's body is covered with the bright red Joo pattern.

"Hey, master has signed the contract again." Xiludi, who was about to rush out to rescue him, stopped, her eyes a little surprised.The Tojo human being is very powerful if he can bear all the magic power of the young master's body.

"Although the young master transferred the magic power to the human, I still feel that the chance of winning is very small. The father of the demon king is so terrifying without using the magic power." Lamia's master said regretfully.

"Young Master's magic is very powerful, so he shouldn't lose." Xiludi said firmly.


Because it was Tojo, Little Beiru didn't worry about whether he would explode and die, and directly transferred the magic power from him to his body.Wang Fever, which was caused by the accumulation of magic power on the body and failed to evaporate, completely recovered as the magic power dissipated.

"With such a powerful force, I should be able to win the battle." Tojo has been semi-demonized, and terrifying magic power runs in his body.The howling wind blew, Tojo appeared in front of Nie Kong swiftly.

The fist, which was ten times stronger than the previous one, pressed against Nie Kong with a power that could tear the air.After being strengthened by the power of the devil, Tojo's strength was already enough to watch Bai Xuekuo.

"Haha... things are getting more and more interesting. It seems that you have become a lot stronger." Nie Kong clenched his fists and used a tenth of his power to blast towards him.

"Peng!" Under the collision of the strength of the two, the huge wind pressure blew out from the center of them.

Puff, a large amount of blood mist was blasted from the strong Tojo's mouth to the powerful force, and his body flew upside down by Nie Kong's huge force and crashed into the teaching building behind him.

"Ten times stronger, am I still so vulnerable in front of him? How strong is his strength?"

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the huge teaching building directly pierced a five- to six-meter-wide hole in Tojo.The floor that received such a big impact.Slowly fell down diagonally.

After a crash, the five-story teaching building collapsed in front of everyone.

With such a powerful force as Nie Kong, Tojo had already closed his eyes and fell to the ground unconsciously.As for the little Beru, he was also slightly injured.

The Xiaokui group watching from a distance saw the battle between the two, their eyes widened.Is this still a human, too strong?

"Is that the teacher's true strength? It's too powerful." Staring at Nie Kong in the distance, Xiao Kui's eyes flashed with worship.

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