The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 02040, conquer Dean

"is it."

Nie Kong suddenly smiled dumbly, but Aixia told him that only a purebred dragon can forge a god-bred iron demon.The raw materials of the Shenzhen Iron Demon can be freely increased or decreased in quality, and it is said that it was a favorite of the Monkey King who commanded the seven demon kings in the past.

Then the elves of the goblins forge the raw materials to create steel dolls.Contrary to the hollow body, its huge body has an extraordinary weight.

"We can definitely create a purebred dragon of Master Nie Kong. I love Master Xia, how can it be worse than the group of elves." As she said, Aixia stared at the group of elves.

Those elves who had been upgraded from the children who died of the Black Death seemed to be a little afraid of Nie Kong and Aixia.Souls lost in natural disasters like Aixia sometimes take the body of the soul as a nourishment and sublimate into a new supernormal individual evil spirit demon.

And they became elves from humans.After being born in the form of rebirth, a group of spirits and merits are obtained.Evil spirits and spirits upgraded by merit are two opposite forces that are not reversed.

"It's just that I would also give the armor of the True Red Dragon Emperor to Asuka to defend himself, but your Dean is actually more suitable for Asuka's gift than the armor that directly improves your physical fitness." Nie Kong nodded.

"Hey, Lord Nie Kong, you... Are the armor of the True Red Dragon Emperor... a purebred dragon breed?" The Black Rabbit stammered.

What a precious purebred gift to give to others, Lord Nie Kong, how generous is he? Is he a fool? He is a fool.

"Yes." Nie Kong nodded and admitted, because Emperor Chilong was actually useless to Nie Kong.Give them to Esther in the ring, they don't look down on it either.

"Master Nie Kong is partial, why not give it to Aixia but an outsider." Aixia said again with a bulging mouth.

"Because Aixia will always stay by my side, and I will protect it myself." Nie Kong smiled to the girl as if he was already familiar with the road, but it made Aixia blush.

"Well, according to Master Nie Kong's suggestion, then I'll choose Dean." Because she fights directly with the body like Sixteen Nights, it is really not suitable for her who was born as a young lady.

Asuka put his gaze on the document, there was no Asuka sauce's signature on it.It should be hoped that her signature will indicate the choice of accepting the gift game or not.

After confirming the contents of the file, Asuka raised his head to look at the wizard: "I just want to confirm one thing. If there is a gift you made...Can I beat those guys?"

"As long as you can drive it, as long as you can make it obey, as long as you are willing to bear it, then it will definitely lead you to victory." The voice of the group echoed in the hollow.

"In that case, of course I have no reason to refuse." Asuka nodded and signed the document with a pen.

"Jiuyuan Asuka, accept the challenge." The documents that began to glow flew into the door, leaving behind a trajectory like a signpost.Fei Niao looked at Nie Kong, then speeded up and followed closely.

Going deep inside the gate, in the center of the open earth like a dome, you can see the sun shining in from the distant sky.

A red steel giant about thirty feet tall stood quietly in the middle of the hollow.The armor of the giant depicts abstract paintings that should be based on sunlight, and the appearance of red and gold ornate decorations is extraordinarily luxurious.It has huge hands and feet almost several times the size of a human, as well as a head and body of equal width.

When Asuka was looking up at the giant dumbly, the group elves' voices said to her: "The content of the gift game is that within seven days before the start of the decisive battle, you have to make Dean willing to obey your orders."

With that, the rumbling steel giant made the earth shake.Dean's silent and weird single eye gleamed, and it uttered a first chirp.The dead steel warrior was finally awakened by his life.

It lowered its head, and when it saw the bird, it dragged its heavy body and rushed towards the bird.

The ground vibrated strongly, showing how heavy its body is.

In proportion to its weight, it moves very slowly.It seems that the elves took Asuka's safety into consideration, so they let her participate in the gift game.It is a test for Asuka.

Asuka condensed his spirit, and screamed at the steel giant: "Awesome!"

Having the power to control others, and to control others' gifts, brought the steel giant to a standstill.

Although the materials of the Shenzhen Iron Demon are very high-level, it is made by the elves and does not have the spiritual intelligence, and it cannot be higher than the Asuka of the descendants of the gods.

So Asuka took control of its body instantly, but because it was too heavy, it was hard to get used to it now.

To Black Rabbit's surprise, when Asuka took control of Dean, she found that the giant's bulky body became lighter.

"It turns out that the prestige of Asuka can not only control humans, but also can control gifts. It even strengthens the ability of the steel doll. It seems that it has to be reassessed." Black Rabbit said in surprise.

"Asuka, try to control it to become smaller." The elf sitting on the shoulder said to Asuka.

Asuka nodded, trying to make the giant control according to his own thinking.

When slowly, the huge steel giant shrank to a height of one meter in an instant, completely like a small robot toy.

In the control of Asuka, the giant steel giant constantly learned from being jerky and difficult to control, slowly learning and making difficult movements.

Asuka's control is slowly becoming proficient and perfect. At the same time, in the game contract document, Dean's ownership is written to Asuka, and Asuka won the gift game.

"Asuka, congratulations." The elf said joyfully.

Asuka also showed a happy smile, and she could feel Dean's development.If you give her control, you can definitely play a very strong combat effectiveness.

When I thought of dealing with the exposed woman in the last two, I had no choice but to control the mouse first, and control a pottery figure with a strong jet in the second. I had nothing to do with her, it was really hateful.

Now that he has obtained it, Asuka finally has his own strength and confidence, and is no longer a useless vase.

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