The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 02041 and Asuka fight together

A week's time is slowly coming to an end, the red glass corridors of Yemen are very beautiful, and the lively scene a week ago seems to be all phantoms.

At this time, the total number of people gathered in the fire dragon palace hall was only about 500.The people who were confirmed to be infected a week ago, gathered members from the contestants who were not affected by the disease, and even so, it was still less than 10% of all.

The number of people infected with the Black Death accounted for almost 90%. Fortunately, the people who died from the disease accounted for only a small part. The period of death from the Black Death is at least two weeks.Tomorrow is the day when the game is reopened. As the leaders, Shandora and Black Rabbit gathered all the people who can participate.

And Sixteen Nights and the others had cracked the hypocritical inheritance game two days ago, and they knew what to do to win the gift game.

First, the battle with the three demons is handled by Salamandr and NoName currently led by Ren.

Second, the other members are responsible for finding 130 pieces of painted glass placed in the town. Those who find the glass must first wait for the commander's instructions to destroy or protect the glass according to the rules.As long as they break all the hypocritical glass paintings in the town, they will be able to defeat the devil.

Black Rabbit and Shandora are not qualified to arrange for Nie Kong, so they can only say that Nie Kong and his community can move freely.

"The above is the policy plan of our contestants. Our final battle with the demon king is about to begin. Please be alert and concentrate on preparing for the battle." As a class dominator, Shandora gave a speech on stage.From the expression on her cheeks, Nie Kong could no longer see the timidity of her first appointment at the festival. Perhaps the naive Lori was slowly growing into a qualified leader.

"Now everyone has to prepare."

"Yes!" All the members yelled loudly, as if to vent their fear and tension.

Asuka's eyes moved away from Lori Sandola on the stage, scanning the surroundings, and finally saw Nie Kong in the crowd with great pains.

"Master Nie Kong?" She began to call Nie Kong's name, and her voice seemed to penetrate the noisy meeting place and reach Nie Kong's ears.

Nie Kong stopped and turned around and found Miss Flying Bird was running towards them.

"Flying Bird Sauce, what's wrong?" Nie Kong asked.

Flying Bird blushed and said softly, "I...I want to fight alongside Master Nie Kong."

"It's better for you to leave NOName and join our community." Aixia said aloud.

"Aixachan,'s a bad behavior to steal someone's corner." Leticia blushed and said loudly. She didn't want to weaken NoName's strength.

"Yes, I don't want to leave NoName for the time being." Asuka also refused.Hei Tu has the kindness to know them, she is not ungrateful.

"Don't care about Asuka, Aixia just likes to joke. Okay, let us work together to defeat the devil. We have a lot of things we don't understand, and I will be able to ask Asuka for help later." Nie Kong held her soft. Mi, looked at her with encouraging eyes and said.Nie Kong didn't know much about the inheritance knowledge of the Black Death Demon, and the appearance of flying birds made up for the shortcomings.If in the end the game loses to that spotty loli, Nie Kong is embarrassed, so Nie Kong has to be a little serious.

"Yeah." Asuka nodded vigorously.

"Then let's look for the stained glass when the game starts. It is estimated that the spotted loli will not appear in front of me." Just after Nie Kong finished speaking, a violent earthquake appeared.

The palace built by digging the boundary wall was swallowed by light, and a strong rainbow light surrounded the area of ​​the participants.

Looking up, the huge boundary wall of the sky had disappeared without a trace, and turned into an unfamiliar streetscape that expanded outside the palace.Looking around, the vaults of a large number of minarets have undergone drastic changes and turned into wooden buildings.The light of the chandeliers that created the twilight style has disappeared, the pink buildings have rebuilt the surrounding area, and the foot of the boundary wall has been transformed into a completely different town.

"No way, has the main game changed." Many contestants exclaimed.

", that should be the power of Hamel's magic book, Hamel town was summoned by them." Ren said with a pale face.

The chaos continued to spread, and the participants who set off with high morale were frustrated at the beginning because of the dramatic changes that were too exaggerated, and they stopped one after another.

Seeing the shaky confidence on the scene spreading, Sixteen Nights yelled in a deep voice: "Don't panic! Everyone immediately reclaims the stained glass assigned to them. We will deal with the devil!"

"Everyone... everyone, please come with me, I probably know some of the geographic location of Hamel Town." The leader of NoName, Ren, had to stand up and maintain the chaotic situation.

The surrounding situation slowly recovered, and they followed Ren to the town. That was the only opportunity to defeat the devil.

"Master Nie Kong, the difficulty of collecting stained glass is estimated to have increased several times. It seems that the black death god of death has nothing to do with the last resort in order to win." Leticia frowned.

"Yes, in order to win, maybe the people who collect the glass will be killed halfway." Aixia said the possibility.

The rat-catcher La Ting's flute can control most of the members of the community to kill each other, so Nie Kong did not expect Ren and the others to break the stained glass clean and rely on them to win the game.

Leticia's face was pale, "Damn it, you must let them taste the anger of being a pure blood vampire."

"Don't worry, let me lead the way." Asuka smiled confidently, and she finally felt that she could come in handy.

Nie Kong nodded and started wandering around the town to search.Sure enough, as Nie Kong expected, the sound of La Ting's flute spread from the small town at dusk, and more than half of the members were controlled by the flute.

The most important thing is that the game content of the contract document contains the rules that are not allowed to kill each other. Faced with their partners who intercept them, they dare not take action, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to protect themselves as much as possible.

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