The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 02049, the invitation letter of the Dragon Horned Eagle All

"Master Nie Kong, the "Dragon Horns, Eagles, Lions" Alliance in the Southern District and the elves of the huge sacred tree "Underwood" sent two invitations!" Bai Xueji held two pieces of gold-plated paper in her hand, her graceful body in the delicate and compact kimono Standing in front of Nie Kong pacing.

"Did the two communities send invitations at the same time?" Nie Kong was surprised. It was a coincidence.

"Master Nie Kong, it doesn't seem like that. The Harvest Festival is a gift game held by the Dragon Horn Lion League, but because the game stage is the huge sacred tree in the Underwood base, there will be two invitations." Leticia Explained.

"I Xia Lai read the content for Master Nie Kong!" Ai Xia enthusiastically opened the invitation, and opened the first sentence and saw His Excellency Nie Kong, the leader of the sixth-layer strongest community "MIC" in the North District!

"Not bad, they are very polite."

"Of course, the news that we defeated the Demon Lord should have spread to every corner of Hakatai, right? Who dares to underestimate us?" Leticia nodded and said.

"They invited us to participate in the harvest festival they held, and they hope that Lord Vera, who is known as the strongest in the North District, and Lord Nie Kong can attend the gift game. The final signature is... Sarah Terdorek!" Love Xia read the final content.

"Sarah Terdorek, as if I remember the same surname as Sandora!" Nie Kong said, and a red-haired loli with dragon horns appeared in his mind.

"Yes, he is the eldest daughter of the former leader of "Salamandra". She should have inherited the ruler of the North District, but she ran to the South District for some reason." Leticia seemed to understand the truth and explained to Nie Kong. .

"It turns out that Shandora's sister has served as the leader of the Dragonhorn Griffin Alliance." Nie Kong said softly.

"But the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League, it should be at the outer gate of 7755-9175 in the southern district. She was born in our northern district and went to the southern district to become the leader of other communities. She took her young sister to The incompetent brother left, she is really cruel." Bai Xueji hummed.

"It doesn't matter what she is, the question now is whether Lord Nie Kong and Lord Vera can take time to take us to the competition." Aixia said, holding Nie Kong's arm a little.

"I don't want to go out, let Master Nie Kong take you to the competition, I will stay in the base and sit down." Vera sat beside Nie Kong with her knees, and refused directly without thinking.

Aixia seemed to be accustomed to Master Vera's answer, and could only look at Nie Kong eagerly at pleading.

"Aixia, you are too weak, you should be like me." Bai Xueji smiled sweetly, and moved Lianbu around Nie Kong's neck from behind.Fortunately, Nie Kong was sitting, otherwise, given the height of Xueji, she would definitely hang on Nie Kong.

The back of Nie Kong's head seemed to be sunken in cotton.The fresh floral fragrance and soft touch are both reluctant to leave!

"You are right, Master Nie~kong."

"It's okay, the vera sauce is of course the best in terms of touch."

Nie Kong moved to find the most comfortable position.

"Really, but I don't think so." Vera touched her "conscience" and said puzzledly.

Sure enough, Vera didn't have any awareness of her figure!Never conceal the tight gothic skirt in front of Nie Kong and the others, the beautiful and exaggerated curve outlined.

"Huh, because there are two layers of clothes between them. If I take off my clothes or show a semicircle, I will definitely not lose to Vera." With that, Snow Bai planned to pull off the collar of her kimono for breastfeeding. The posture made Nie Kong experience his fairness and softness.

The skirt that Vera wore was too tight. It often showed a swollen half-European, like a so

"Hey, Milk God, do you plan to show off your oppa, Nie Kong is a great talent... not that kind of person." Aixia looked at Nie Kong, and asked again, "Do you think it is, Nie?" Master Kong."

"It doesn't seem that we are discussing that issue," Nie Kong said.

"It doesn't matter, Master Nie Kong will answer first, in the end... Who does Aixia and Xueji like more?"

"Well, whoever of you can kiss me will I like the one more?" Nie Kong said.

"is it?"

Aixia's cheeks flushed, but she still kissed Nie Kong hard with a "boom" on her tiptoe, and she dared not look at Nie Kong's eyes after the kiss.Snow Bai Xueji was obviously much bolder than the young and tsundere girl, and she could easily kiss Nie Kong's forehead with her head down.

The two women completed the action almost at the same time, and they even almost bumped their foreheads.After seeing the other party's actions, he hummed inwardly at the same time.

Feeling the two different soft and soft lips, Nie Kong chuckled. Amid the exclamation of Aixia, he suddenly hugged her in his arms and let the small and cute girl sit on her knees and legs.

"That's all right, only a cute body like Aixia can hold it."

Aixia screamed, blushing and shrank obediently in Nie Kong's arms.It turns out that my body shape also has such benefits.She never dared to imagine that she would be hugged by Master Nie Kong like Master Vera.

"Look at your unpromising look." Bai Xueji gave Aixia a dizzy look, but there was a bit of envy in her tone.

Although she also hugged Master Nie Kong, one was her initiative, and the other was Master Nie Kong's initiative, so Xueji felt incomparable.Perhaps Aixia had hoped in her heart that she could make Master Nie Kong a breast pillow.Only with a mentality like Vera can there be no troubles.

"Well, you two are satisfied, now it's time to discuss who leads the team to participate in the Dragon Horned Eagle Alliance Harvest Festival." Leticia said.

"Since their leader personally sent the invitation, let me lead the team and start, whoever wants to come and sign up." Nie Kong decided.

Then Leticia and Jack Lantern raised their hands, and Pesto, who had been defeated by the two "idiots" of Aixia and the others, hesitated and raised his watch.

Instead of staying in the base, Pest felt that it was better to see the harvest festival that was rare in the past life.After all, it was in the Little Ice Age at that time, and there would be no big food harvest at all.

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