The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0206Dating

Since today is the summer festival held on Fifth Street, it is not surprising that Tojo will appear in this lively street.Tojo, commonly known as a working madman, naturally has no chance of letting go of any opportunity to make money.

Tojo was still wearing a white bandage, but he was very energetic.The damage Nie Kong gave him three days ago has recovered eight or nine points!The defeat that day did not have much impact on him.

The strangest thing is that the Jomon pattern that originally covered the whole body has completely disappeared, as if what happened that day was an illusion.

"Dapor!" Little Beilu yelled excitedly when he saw the male deer approaching in the distance.The petite body leaped up from Tojo's body and leaped towards Oga with joy.

The petite body skillfully climbed onto the head of the male deer's nest, and the familiar smell gave Little Beiru a sense of peace of mind.He spread his legs apart and pinched the ears on both sides of the male deer's head, raising his hands as if to announce the success of the fit.

"Little Beilu!" The male deer raised Little Beilu with both hands, his tight and terrifying face melted quietly.Although he didn't say anything, the male deer seemed to be very concerned about the situation of Beru.

"It turns out that his name is Little Beilu. You are his father. You are really an irresponsible father. Just throw him on the side of the road. Boy, report your name. If you don't have my approval, it's not I'll give you Little Beiru!" Tojo walked out of the fried noodle stall, his eyes were surprised and playful.

Tojo is proud. Although Little Beiru can bring him great power, he never thought of using external power to achieve the purpose of becoming stronger.After seeing Nie Kong's toughness, Tojo thought a lot about how to surpass the limit of human power.

"That's exactly what I want to say. Little Beilu is not my child, he was picked up and raised just like you. It is his own decision to come back to me or continue to follow you! But Little Beilu's father It should be a more ferocious and powerful person than me. If you want to take him in, defeat me first." Oga put little Beiru in the arms of the ancient city, and his eyes flashed with the same light as Tojo.

"Male deer!" Gushi caught Xiao Beilu, saying that it was a lie not to be nervous.The opponent is Tojo, the strongest Ishiya Demon, are you confident to win?

"Haha...You are the first-year male Lu Chen, it is too interesting. Come with me, this is not suitable for fighting! And only the winner can have the power to speak!" There is Tojo's favorite fighting, even working I don't care about making money.

After leaving the Fifth Street, the three of them came to the lawn beside the road.Under the dazzling sunlight, the river was shining with silver light.

While hiding in the dark, Xiludi and two doctors from the Demon World quietly followed.They were also very curious about who the second prince of the demon king would choose as his father.

Since the three of them saw the second contract with Beilu, they did not dare to run out to meet with Beilu.Just hiding in the dark, silently watching the development of things.

No one came to bother by the river, so Oga and Tojo were able to let go of their hands and feet to do it.The booming blow sound continued, and the two violently collided together...

Misaki left the house and hurried towards the agreed place.The Fifth Avenue is very lively due to the summer festival.Misaki hurriedly arrived at the date of appointment, the time had already pointed to twelve noon!

Misaki glanced around, but she didn't see Nie Kong's shadow in front of the cafe on Fifth Avenue, and she suddenly felt anxious.The appointment time is 11:30 noon. Didn't the teacher see that I had left.

This is Misaki's first date since she was young, and she didn't have any experience, so she came a little late.Usually, the dating of men and women in the second element is usually the girl who comes early in advance.

"It took too much time to change clothes in the morning, I regret it." Misaki didn't know what to wear because of the tension on the first date.So I tried my clothes again.

Misaki was waiting anxiously, but saw a person slowly walking in the crowd, holding the cute little Lias in her hand. Who is Nie Kong?

Nie Kong saw her in a pale yellow dress, her tomboy temperament was hidden in the feminine femininity, and she was still gorgeous.Wearing beautiful clothes unique to girls, Misaki's feminine charm is brought out.

Under the high-heeled sandals, ten crystal jade toes came out slightly, very cute.It doesn't seem to be anything if you don't pay attention to dressing up, but Misaki is very beautiful.

"Teacher Nie Kong, I'm very sorry for being late." Misaki's face flushed, and she didn't know where to put her hands.She is so nervous, how can she have the usual sturdy temperament.

"It doesn't matter, we just arrived." What Nie Kong said was not a polite word. It was already 11:30 noon when he walked out of the apartment.

Misaki didn't think so, but naturally felt that Nie Kong had been waiting for her for half an hour, so her heart was a little sweet and a little guilty.Is this a date? It feels great.

"Don't call me teacher here, call me Jun Nie." Since experiencing the last time, Nie Kong has time to call Misaki to chat.After just saying a few things about male deer, Nie Kong shifted the topic to another direction.

Although Misaki has no experience in love, but so diligently calling herself, Misaki estimated that the other party might already like herself a little.In addition to being shy, Misaki was also very happy.

I never had a boy close to me. Have I finally ushered in my own love in my freshman year?Especially last week, Nie Kong called her out and asked her to talk to her about the male deer classmate.

Nie Kong had never called her and met Saki Misaki, but Nie Kong had asked her for a date in disguise.When Misaki's heart was beating, her body almost fell to the ground when she hung up the phone.

"Jun Nie, where are you going now?" Misaki's face warmed slightly, and she gently called out Nie Kong's name.

"Misaki, are you hungry? Let's go to lunch first." Nie Kong took Misaki's little hand, and her body stiffened for a while.Her little hand was held by the opposite sex for the first time, and she seemed to hear her heartbeat like a drum.

Once Misaki is done, it will be easy for the girls to learn how to play.As the boyfriend of the first generation of Rage Emperor Ru, go to soak three generations of Aoi?The two women won't fight.

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