The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0207, temple festival festival

Misaki's small hand was held by the opposite sex for the first time, and she seemed to hear her heartbeat like a drum.That kind of heartbeat feeling like first love, a person may have so many times in his life.

Although Nie Kong has been in the world of Dad Devil for a long time, he has not been able to familiarize himself with the streets because of the many worlds he has experienced.So after strolling around, Nie Kong took Misaki back to the original point.

Misaki held back his shyness, held Nie Kong with his backhand and took him to the shopping center opposite the cafe. The two walked into a light food shop inside.

"This is a shop I often eat. The desserts inside are very rich."

"Ah, dessert?" Misaki's favorite food is really sweets like ice cream.It's just that most girls have similar hobbies, which leads to many girls hunger strikes to lose weight.

When he came to this store, Misaki entered his home court.

"I see, two ice cream sundaes, right." The waitress obviously knew Misaki, a regular customer, except for a weird glance at Nie Kong, but she was not surprised.

Just eating this dessert can really fill your stomach.Nie Kong doesn't matter anymore, food is already dispensable for the true ancestor of the vampire, at most it can transform a small amount of energy.It's Misaki MM, what should Nie Kong say about having ice cream for dinner.

"The sundae here is delicious, and the hot weather in summer will make it even better." Misaki looked very happy, and she seemed to be able to play H games with my sister Nakaduna.

"Misaki likes it, I have nothing to ask for!"

"Really." Misaki felt sweet in her heart.

About ten minutes later, the dessert she ordered came, two extra-large ice cream smashed into the cup.On top of the ice cream, there are many delicious slices of fruit.Bananas, strawberries...Many colored fruits float on the white cream ice cream, the colors are very rich.

Seeing the lovely sundae appearing in front of her, Misaki should have pounced on her to eat.But there was Nie Kong in front of her, so Misaki pretended to be a lady and swallowed the food uncomfortably.

With that contradictory expression, the lovely Nie Kong wanted to laugh.

"Woo..." Little Lias saw the ice cream sundae, her pure eyes lit up, and her little hand kept grabbing it.Obviously the ice cream in front of her attracted little Lias' appetite.

Nie Kong picked up the spoon and sipped little Lias.She swallowed the ice cream with a satisfied smile on her face.The three of them ate lunch in a warm environment and spent almost an hour.

The time has come to about one noon, and the lively time of the summer festival is from seven to ten in the evening.It hasn't started yet, so Misaki suggested going to the shopping mall first, and then going to the cinema to watch a movie.

During today's date, Misaki accidentally substituted herself into Nie Kong's lover role.Even when he was intimate, he took Nie Kong's arm.

After buying a few clothes and visiting the shopping mall for more than two hours, I walked into the cinema.What the movie theater shows is a boring and touching movie, Nie Kong said very sleepy.Besides, there were all lovers around, and even Nie Kong could see someone playing field battles in the dark.

"Hey, Jun Nie!" The romantic plot appeared on the screen at this time, and Misaki finally summoned the courage to call out softly.

"What's wrong!" Nie Kong just turned his head, and suddenly a soft and sweet fragrance came from his lips.

Do you regret picking up Little Lias? Of course not.If you don't want to wear Liyasi beside you, just use your own soul to shake the contract.If DXD is lucky enough to be there, Liyas has grown up by then.

If you leave yourself in a year, when you go to the DXD world in the future, will the little Lias who grew up still know herself?

The innocent love strategy is not suitable for Nie Kong, because he eats meat.Misaki's pure love affair, although it will blossom and bear fruit, is definitely not as good as Misaki imagined.

After the two watched the movie, Nie Kong pulled the shy and sad Misaki out of the cinema.Why did you complain? It was because Nie Kong gave her own kiss, and Nie Kong hadn't taken the initiative to show her his thoughts.

The feeling of worrying about gains and losses is the portrayal of Misaki's heart at this time.

After watching the movie, the sky was completely dark, and it was already half past six in the evening.Although it was evening, there were more people on the street.Countless stalls are placed in two rows on the street.

Even the shrine, which should have been deserted, was dimly lit and lively.Shoo, beautiful fireworks flew in the sky and flashed with colorful light.The summer festival held on Fifth Street has officially begun.

Fried noodles, takoyaki, water polo, and goldfish fishing make the streets very lively.While the crowd was surging, beautiful girls ran down the street wearing nice yukatas.

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