The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0208, see Xiaokui at the shrine

The summer festival activities are so rich, there is no need for the two to waste time eating dinner.The abundance of snacks on the streets has been able to fill the needs of the stomach.

The rich fried noodles, the unique takoyaki...wander all the way, eat all the way, and play happily all the way.This beautiful happy memory will always be in Misaki's mind.

"Nie Jun, hurry up, otherwise I won't wait for you!" Misaki, who was walking in front, excitedly waved to Nie Kong behind in the climbing stairs of the shrine on Fifth Street, the last stop of the summer festival.

The first kiss was to Nie Kong, and Misaki had already regarded Nie Kong as her lover.So in the action, it seems very intimate.Even if it was overthrown, Misaki should not have much resistance.

The relationship developed to the point where the girl actively offered kisses, indicating that Nie Kong had already occupied an important part of Misaki's heart.

"Come here, let's talk about what to visit in the shrine." Nie Kong took the sleeping little Lias on his back and lazily stepped onto the marble stairs of the shrine.Two-dimensional shrines are generally built on mountain peaks, so there is basically a marble staircase.The sister paper of the witch attribute is also very common in the second dimension.

You can be regarded as the destroyer of the second dimension, and the terrifying demon king in the second dimension, and the guardian god of the shrine and the second dimension can be regarded as enemies.Except for Miko MM, after all, most Miko MM are very loving.

I don't know if there is a maiden in the shrine, Nie Kong entered the gate of the shrine with some curiosity.The lights inside the shrine are brilliant, and the smell of incense candles is very strong today.Many pious humans sprinkle incense money and respectfully worship God for wealth and safety.

"First sprinkle a little incense money, and then pull a few bells. The etiquette for worshiping God is very simple, Nie Jun come with me." Misaki raised Nie Kong's warm big hand, looking excited.

Anyway, this is the terminal station, and you can leave when you are done, so Nie Kong did not resist.It was just that suddenly, a graceful girl in a white witch costume was printed into Nie Kong's eyes.

With a bee waist and fat buttocks, the girl's back is a bit familiar.She was holding a broom and cleaning the shrine systematically.On her jade back, she was carrying a baby.Nie Kong was a little surprised, how could Xiao Kui appear here.

Is it possible that the shrine maiden of Fifth Street is Xiao Aoi?It’s a little troublesome to date Misaki to Aoi.All in all, let's talk about Misaki first.When you push them all, there will be no such trouble, at most it is just a little jealous.

"I'm sorry for Misaki-chan, I have a stomachache, so go to the toilet first. If you wait for half an hour and don't see me out, go back by yourself." As soon as Nie Kong finished speaking, his body disappeared from Misaki's sight.

"Nie Jun is still carrying Xiao Lias, it's okay." Misaki didn't have any doubts, and even worried about Nie Kong's physical condition.It's just that Misaki didn't leave, but sat in front of the marble stairs of the shrine and waited for Nie Kong to return.

If she knew that Nie Kong was going to pick up girls, Misaki would be so angry that she would kill Xiao Kui.The first generation of Liewu Emperor Ru, but very powerful.Even the tough Oga is not Misaki's opponent.

"It's my lovely fake wife, I haven't seen it in a long time." Although Xiao Aoi was wearing a witch dress, she made up for the first time she met in the park because of her child.Suddenly, Xiao Kui slapped someone on the shoulder, and the broom in Xiao Kui's hand swooped toward Nie Kong with a scream.

Just seeing Nie Kong's familiar smile, Xiao Kui screamed and the broom in his hand hurriedly fell to the ground.Xiaokui originally thought that Teacher Nie Kong had defeated Tojo, and how should I say hello to him when I saw him next time.

But Nie Kong appeared strangely behind her, which scared her very much.

"It's... it's you, it's been a long time." Did the teacher recognize me? Didn't he recognize me?Why do you call me a fake wife, so ashamed.Xiao Kui was a little nervous and a little disturbed.

"Hey, why do I think your face is similar to my cute student Xiao Kui. By the way, I don't know your name yet, my fake wife?" Nie Kong looked at Xiao Kui with interest. , So Xiaokui immediately buried her face in her chest and did not dare to lift it up.

What to do, tell the teacher who you are.But if the truth is told, the teacher changes his attitude... But if he keeps the word from the teacher, it is equivalent to cheating the teacher.

Just when Xiaokui was hesitant, an old man with gray hair walked out of the shrine.Although the old man is very old, he is full of energy.Between the steps, there is quite a master style.The cultivation base of kendo has reached a very high stage.

"Where are you delaying what, Aoi! If it is cleaned up, come back to me." The old man rebuked.

"Yes...Yes, my name is Kunie Aoi!" As the Japanese pronunciation of Aoi is the same as Hui, Xiao Aoi hurriedly covered up with a blush.

"Really." Seeing Kui's shy appearance, Nie Kong didn't immediately break through her.If there is no chance to be her teacher in the future, he can still attack Xiaokui in his current capacity.

"This is..." Seeing Nie Kong's handsome face and the sleeping baby behind him, Kui's grandfather raised his brow slightly.Although I haven't thought about managing my granddaughter's love, it would be too much to find a married man.

"I'll introduce to you, he...he made his debut in the park and played with Kota..." Seeing Grandpa's appearance, Xiao Kui didn't know what he was thinking, so she wanted to explain clearly.

"Hello, I am Nie Kong!"

"Is it someone who lives in the same town? Excuse me for being unreasonable. What is your relationship with Kwai?" The old man's face was tense, looking very serious.

"It's a friend who also takes care of the children, don't ask in a strange tone." So that Nie Kong didn't talk about the pseudo-wife relationship, Xiao Kui hurriedly said it first.Although Xiao Kui liked Nie Kong a little in her heart, she was shy and did not dare to express her true thoughts.

"Are you a friend who also takes care of children? You already have your own child when you are so young." Grandpa Xiaokui touched his chin, and kept looking at Xiao Liyasi and Nie Kong behind him.

Although I believed it seven or eight minutes in my heart, Xiao Kui's grandfather was still careless.Such a handsome boy, it is hard to say that his granddaughter is not tempted.

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