The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 02097Sandora hidden by God

Saying goodbye to your Royal Highness and their good friends, Sandora, who was about to return to the palace, looked at the commotion in the city, vomited her head cutely, and walked back to the palace with a somewhat embarrassing expression.

But in the next instant, Shandora had the illusion of being surrounded by darkness.

However, this is not the case, it is not the light that is taken away.What Shandora was robbed of was the color of the landscape, and the environment illuminated by the candlestick was suddenly covered by black and white shadows.

The only exception is ape ghost wearing a costume with mixed characters.

"It's so pitiful. Actually, it should be the age when you really want to behave like a baby with your parents." Ape ghost showed sympathetic eyes.

Shandora finally realized where the enemy is.

"It shouldn't be... the Demon King! Oh, I have to inform everyone!"

"It's useless, it's useless. I have cursed you for nothing, so you can't do anything. There is no need to continue working hard while feeling painful." The Hunshi Demon slowly approached Shandora, and even appeared in his eyes. Show mercy.

"You don't need to be afraid. I am a demon created by the childlike innocence who has been arbitrarily manipulated by the adults around me like you. I know your thoughts better than anyone."

The demon created by the childlike heart, the Hunshi Demon looked at Shandora with a proud expression, put his hand on his chest, and whispered in a sad voice:

"I clearly want to live freely in my heart, but because of those stupid adults, you only have the ability to smile and make you more advanced. Status becomes an obstacle, even if you work hard, you won't get praise. You should feel the extreme depression, right?"

"Woo, no!"

"The elder sister who you think is very smart gets freedom and celebrates life alone; the mediocre elder brother can win positive reviews as long as he works hard, and he feels alienated from you as a younger sister."

That's not the case-she wants to scream, but Shandora's body can't even move a finger.

However, Shandora is very clear.

My sister is not the one who will leave because of that kind of love.

My brother always worked hard to support himself secretly.

Don't be confused!Shandora insists on self-awareness strongly.This demon only speaks sweet words.

Don't be deceived!He must have other purposes, he has family friendship in his heart.

"Really--really fed up! It's just because I'm a child, my life has been ruined like this! It's all because of this status, even if you want to inadvertently confess a little truth! "

Hunshi Demon's hand touched Shandora's cheek.

"Betrayed you and become an enemy. That's right, even the friends I finally made have betrayed."

The Hun World Demon King just touched Shandora's cheek, and his fingertips were wet with tears.

He clearly wanted to believe his family, but couldn't believe it.

Obviously want to gain the trust of comrades, but not trusted.

Even Lin and His Royal Highness, who thought they were their friends, left from Shandora's side.

Just after confronting the Demon King one-on-one, Shandora immediately understood her fragility and powerlessness.Facing the demon king who understood the childlike heart, young Shandora couldn't resist at all.

Once the "class dominator" mask was taken off, only an eleven-year-old girl stood in front of her.Even with only black and white, you can see that Shandora's face has become pale.If she was able to move, she should be trembling from fear now.

"Actually, you are also very scared to fight the Demon King. Of course, you are only eleven years old after all. I sympathize with that. You have really worked hard so far."

The Hunshi Demon gave her a heartfelt compliment, which was the last compliment Shandora received.She is not stupid, at least she has realized what kind of end she will go to next.

"Will I be hidden by God?"

"Yes, your consciousness will not rise again, and will become a part of this uncle. This black and white is the last view you can see."

You don't need to worry about anything anymore.This sentence is the last whisper of the Hunshi Devil.

Shandora's vision gradually turned black, and finally was dyed into complete darkness.

There is a sense of lightness in the body, as if floating in the air and becoming one with the atmosphere.

At the last moment when consciousness and body are still connected-the faces of older sisters and older brothers, as well as the people that they valued emerge and disappear.As if to ask for help from these friendships, Shandora yelled for the first time since her birth.

help me.

However, the childish dying cries were not communicated to anyone in the world, they just disappeared into a bubble.

His Royal Highness and Lin, who had been on the sidelines all the time, nodded to each other after confirming that things went well.

"Sandra has now fallen into our hands. In this way, it is equivalent to half of the Xinghai Dragon King’s legacy "simulated star creation"."

"Well, I have already mastered the most important gift. Next, I must ensure Kasuga Beya's life catalog and the original candidate named Ikuyasu."

"Yes, if you can't do it..."

The two swallowed the words back at the same time, because that was the worst method, and even the two of them were hesitant to say it.Facing Nie Kong, they didn't dare to say that they had a chance of winning a hundred percent.

"In case I fail, please unlock that Demon King's seal and leave Huangyan Capital."

"Yes, once it becomes like that, act according to your own judgment. Tell everyone that you must survive no matter what happens."

Although the tone was relaxed, His Highness's expression was stiffer than usual.

Lin is the same, the usual cheerful girl smile is now covered with dark clouds like the night sky in front of her.She first glanced at her face with a seemingly unconfident expression, and then pretended to have the usual narrow smile and asked her: "We...can win?"

"If you can win, will you let us win?" The golden eye named His Highness radiated light and asked in a provocative tone.

"Of course! I will definitely let His Highness win!"

"I'm looking forward to it. What's the next step? When will I act?" His Royal Highness asked his military division. There has been a head-on conflict today. It is a feasible way to retreat first.

However, Lin shook her head clearly, and said, "I can't wait until tomorrow. I will conquer Huangyan Capital tonight."

"Oh? Really impatient."

"Because our internal situation has been exposed a lot, and Pest will no longer provide us with information, or has rebelled against us. I think now they should be too busy with their strategies against us. So, Now we have to catch their flaws and kill them halfway. The other party panicked and prepared beforehand now is the last good opportunity."

Lin let her black hair drift in the night breeze, making such a resolute voice.

His Royal Highness put a hand on his chin and thought for a while, then raised his head and immediately smiled happily.

"I see. The order is sent to Ola, Glea, Maxwell, and everyone in the army. One hour from now, the war will start from inside and outside the city. I will send a signal and everyone will cooperate."

Lin cheerfully responded, and disappeared without a trace.His Highness also eliminated his own breath and waited with bated breath in the dark.

Lin cheerfully responded, and disappeared without a trace.His Highness also eliminated his own breath and waited with bated breath in the dark.

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