The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 2 001, the new world

"A new world?" When Nie Kong broke the void again, he appeared in a strange city again.

Nie Kong floated in the air, looking down at the scene below.In the dark night of sight, he could not stop his gaze in the slightest.The floor is different from the Japanese style, and it is full of European charm. It seems that I have come to a foreign city, but it is not Japan.

"Fire?" Nie Kong frowned. A fire broke out in front of a mansion that he was looking at, burning wildly!

Two groups of people can be seen confronting each other in the yard. One is a teenager with blond hair and honey-colored eyes, about twenty-two years old, holding a whip in his hand.

The other party was a middle-aged man with a big fat ear, who resembled the image of a Huaxia official. Both parties were followed by a group of black-clothed "bodyguards," both holding hot weapons and confronting each other.And the source of the fire was unexpectedly in the right hand of the blonde boy, which felt like a grassy Beijing.It looks like the Mafia is preparing for a shootout.

"Master, why did you bring your subordinates into my house late at night? What are you going to do!" The middle-aged man who was getting rich began to question the opposite boy.

"Kura. You don't want to argue there anymore. I have already found out the financial problems of our Gabrone family that had previously fallen, and a large part of it is due to you." Dino said loudly.

"You can't mess around, I'm the veteran of the Gabrone family. For your father's face, Master, please forgive me once." The man named Kula begged for mercy.

The boy's eyes were filled with intolerance, no matter how much he was in his twenties.

"Master, please don't hesitate anymore. Looking at the embezzled money on the account book, the evidence is enough to kill him a hundred times." The man in black with a cockscomb head behind him, named Ivan Dorek, said coldly.

"Let's do it, catch Kula back for interrogation." The cheerful and sunny boy also had to give an order, but he couldn't say anything to kill the opponent.

"Damn, since you don't give me a way to survive, don't blame me for being ruthless. Everyone shoots." Kura's face was savage, and evil grew from courage.

After hearing the order, the black-clothed "bodyguards" behind them all took their pistols and aimed at the teenager in front of them.

The gunfight was about to start, and the blond boy waved his whip, but he had a good time.

"Can you stop first, I have something to ask you." The bodyguards around seemed to have discovered something, and looked surprised. Between the two groups of them, a man appeared strangely!

With short black hair, wearing trousers and a white shirt, the whole person exudes a more handsome look than Dino.Although the posture of standing looks very ordinary, no different from ordinary people standing there quietly, but the bodyguard behind Dino feels that Nie Kong's existence seems dangerous at this time!

"Our Gabriel family is working, please leave." Ivan Dorek grabbed Nie Kong's collar with one hand, as if to carry him away, knowing that he is proud of his 230kg fist.

Nie Kong ignored the presence of the other party, with a look in his eyes, already making the other party afraid to move, and he froze there in cold sweat!

"My lord, as long as you are willing to help me deal with them, I am willing to say anything and answer anything for you." Seemingly aware of the subtle changes in the matter, Kura said kindly to Nie Kong.

"Really." Nie Kong seemed dismissive, he was not easy for people to take advantage of.It's a pity that Nie Kong arrived in the dark night, and there were very few people in the entire city except them, otherwise Nie Kong would not come here to join in the fun.

"Get out of the way, please don't interfere with the Gabriel family's affairs." The young man with the whip in his hand said seriously to Nie Kong.

"Hehe, I was also inclined to help your side. In that case, I can only intervene." Nie Kong didn't want to understand their grievances. For him, who is useful to him, he will help.

"Huh. The Mafia is not something you ordinary people can touch. You can give me a good night's sleep." Dino is not a cold-blooded boy, only intending to stun Nie Kong.

The whip was like a sensitive snake, rolling towards Nie Kong.

"Playing with whips in front of me, you are hundreds of years early." While speaking, a whip formed by flames appeared in Nie Kong's right hand.

Looking at Nie Kong's flame right hand, Dino and the generals behind him couldn't help taking a breath.How hot is the lifeless flame that an Asian has?Is he the heir of the Pengley family?

The Gabriel family is an allied family of Pengolie. Although it looks like a subsidiary family in terms of status, Dino can also use dead flames, but the scale of the flames is much smaller than that of Nie Kong.

"Attach... attach a deadly flame to the whip?" Dino was almost stunned, and what was in front of him was beyond his expectation.

As everyone knows, it was just Nie Kong's angry blood whip, a skill derived from Vampire Beast.

The two whips collided in the air, and the angry blood whip instantly burned Dino's whip, and the flame whip more than ten meters long swept across in an instant.

The angry blood whip overwhelmed the opponent, his clothes and everything were burnt clean.Maybe because Nie Kong deliberately controlled the temperature, Nie Kong didn't intend to kill the opponent.

But Nie Kong was surprised that a ring attracted his attention, and his flame could not be burned.Nie Kong also grabbed it in his hand easily, as if a strange power was hidden, and waited for time to look at it.

Under the anger of the blood whip of anger, Dino seemed to have lost his mind, and went crazy and fought his allies.

The two families behind him looked at Nie Kong in amazement, knew that they weren't opponents, and hugged their young master and left in a hug.

"My lord, why don't you kill them." Kura said with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't need you to talk too much when I do things." Nie Kong glanced at him coldly, how could he be stupid enough to let him use himself to kill.To help him solve the crisis today, it is only based on his intelligence.

"Yes, yes!" Looking at the frantically burning fire whip in Nie Kong's hand, Kula swallowed his saliva and dared not talk more nonsense.

"Now it's time for me to ask you something."

"If it's me... I know, I can tell you."

Nie Kong nodded slowly, and from his conversation, he knew where he was now-Italy.Then the various forces, such as the strongest Mafia Pengley family.

But the strongest killer in the Mafia world is said to have gone to Japan to teach the ten generations of the Pengley family.

"Japan, it's true that the plot happened in Japan." Nie Kong nodded, already preparing to go to Japan in his heart.

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