The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 2 002, meet Kyoko

Because Nie Kong had directly saved Kula's life, Kula had basically prepared everything Nie Kong asked for.

It was the Mafia, and the efficiency of doing things was relatively fast. By the afternoon of the next day, Nie Kong was already standing in Ningsheng Town, Japan.Standing on a high point, Nie Kong looked down at Pingsheng Ding, and finally stopped his sight at Pingsheng Middle School.

"It seems that I am going back to my profession again, teacher, I haven't been a teacher for a long time!"

Nie Kong was not in a hurry to apply for a teacher at Binsheng Middle School, but first found a place to live.And when Nie Kong had processed everything, it was almost time for school to end.

"Ah, hurry, hurry, it's almost running out of time for the sale of limited desserts!"

Just as Nie Kong was preparing to buy daily necessities in the commercial street, a sweet and lovely girl came from the front, but her complexion seemed very worried.

Wearing a middle school student's sailor skirt, with a playful short hair.And that familiar face made Nie Kong recognize the identity of the other party at a glance-it was actually Sasakawa Kyoko.

I saw Kyoko Sasakawa hurriedly ran to a cake shop not far from Nie Kong, and eagerly walked to the front to line up.

"Little sister, the total is 2,900 yen." The waiter smiled and helped package the dessert cake and handed it to Sasakawa Kyoko.

"Thank you." With joy, Sasakawa Kyoko finally bought the limited amount of cake she was thinking of, and touched her little bag to make payment.

But the next moment, Kyoko Sasakawa rubbed the corners of the skirt with both hands, his face flushed with shame, and stood still.

"Little sister, what's the matter?" the waiter asked kindly.

"Sorry, I... I forgot to bring my wallet."

When paying the money, he found that he couldn't find his wallet, which made Sasakawa Kyoko very embarrassed.

She had been waiting for the cake for a long time, and she would be very upset if she missed it because of her stupidity.

"Little sister, can you come and buy it after you take the money, and let it be for the customers in the line behind."


Seeing the eyes of the people around him, Kyoko Sasakawa was embarrassed and wanted to find a gap to drill down.It was so embarrassing that I didn't even bring any money.

"Really, I said my sister, it's no good to often leave things behind."

A very magnetic voice came from behind, and Sasakawa Kyoko turned around in surprise. She remembered that her brother's voice was not that nice.She found a handsome man with an elegant face who was smiling gently at her at this time, watching him make Sasakawa Kyoko's cheeks hot.

"A total of 2,900 yen, right." Nie Kong took out a 10,000 yen denomination from his wallet and directly settled the bill for the girl.

"Wow, little sister, you have a gentle brother, which is so enviable." The waiter looked at Kyoko and said.

Sasakawa Kyoko took the cake handed by the waiter and followed Nie Kong out of the cake shop in a daze.

"Thank you very much for helping me a lot. Can... can you tell me your name and address, I owe... the money owed to you, I will pay you back." Sasakawa Kyoko stood holding the packaged cake In front of Nie Kong, he blushed and asked in a low voice.A girl took the initiative to ask the boy's address and name, which was really bold.

"My name is Nie Kong. I just moved to Binsheng Town today. I should be applying for a teacher in Binsheng Middle School soon. I saw you wearing the uniform of Binsheng Middle School, so I saw your troubled look, so I came out to help you. Handful." Nie Kong replied with a light smile, looking at the blushing Kyoko Sasakawa with a smile in his eyes, very cute and moving.

"Eh." Jingzi was surprised to hear that Nie Kong was a teacher at Binsheng Middle School, but he was relieved with a three-point surprise in his heart.Since I am a school teacher, it is easy to pay back the money.

"Thank you teacher." Jingzi moved her eyes away from Nie Kong's cheeks in a panic. She felt Nie Kong's magic power and couldn't help attracting her eyes.Then...that will become my own teacher, I am shameless.

"Then teacher, are you married?" Jingzi asked in surprise when he saw the ring that Nie Kong was wearing on his left hand.That said, how can a person like him have no wife.

"No, that ring was only found by accident." Nie Kong took off the ring he got from Dino and handed it to Jingzi at will.

"Curious ring, it would be a pity if you lose it."

Kyoko found that the ring design was very unique and it looked very nice.

"If you like it, then give it to you."

That ring happened to be the ring that Nie Kong got from Dino accidentally. When he used the blood whip of sin, he touched the ring. He accidentally found that the ring absorbed some of the flames of his own blood whip. The person wearing it was in danger. Time, you can resist danger.Nie Kong thought about the Mafia gangs he would meet in the future, and he could just give Kyoko the ring to protect her safety.

As everyone knows, Nie Kong didn't know the true meaning of the ring.

" said you give me the" Kyoko was very surprised, at a loss with that strange ring.

This means...


"Eh eh eh!!! But, but I'm not yet old enough to wear it... and, and it's too... too sudden." How can I... I'm only thirteen years old, At the age of marriage, I also met him for the first time.Woo, what should I do.

Kyoko's face was red, and he was proposed by someone else before he reached the age when he could get married. If his friend Xiaohua knew about it, he would definitely be stunned!

"It doesn't matter, you can put it away first, and then wear it when you can wear it."

Nie Kong had misunderstood what Jingzi meant. After thinking about it, she is still a student, and she really can't wear this kind of thing when she is in school.


Kyoko lowered her head shyly. She didn't know how to refuse, she could only silently accept Nie Kong's ring, and then suddenly remembered something, raised her head and looked at Nie Kong and asked.

"Yes... That's right. My name is Kyoko, Sasakawa Kyoko."

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