The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0224. Training before the school festival

For this victory or defeat, the students of Ishiya Demon attach great importance to it, especially this time.After a long period of suffocation, he did not say anything, and gave Liuqi Sheng a severe torture.Their self-esteem strikes endlessly, and they need revenge and humiliation of defeat.

But paying attention is paying attention, and they are now suffering from a face.There is no other reason. They don't understand the rules of volleyball.The simple-minded students of Shiya Ma will only be able to fight with simple violence.

The school has no clubs and no activities, so even though I am strong, I feel like I have nowhere to start.Hearing that the teacher will train himself, they came to the stadium listlessly.

"Your application is permitted to use the gymnasium for one hour training after school. Who else hasn't come?"

When Tojo and the others arrived at the gymnasium, the teacher and the members of Rengyu Diru had been waiting for a long time.Xiludi, who hadn't been transferred to another school for a long time, had also appeared in the gymnasium.

"MK5, the ladyboy Wang Meipo." Ningning swept past the surrounding classmates and answered honestly.Due to Xiaokui's retiring, Ning Ning became the fourth generation of the head of Lie'an Emperor Ru as he wished.

Toho Shinki and their subordinates have already arrived, only a few miscellaneous fishes that were not selected, which didn't make much difference!

"Teacher, we should first choose a captain before we start practicing." Xiludi's cold and pretty face rarely showed a playful expression.

Ishiyamo's male classmates are all very competitive guys, especially Tojo and Oga who have no consciousness of succumbing to others.If you don’t handle the team’s sense of cooperation, you don’t have to know that you will lose miserably.

"No way, I should do what the captain says is more appropriate." Ji Chuan dragged the long airplane nose and stood up narcissistically.

"Himekawa, you are too naive, the leader should be the strongest Brother Tojo!" Aizawa sneered.

"Hey...have you already ignored me? I didn't agree with you privately transferring the position of captain to someone else!" Although the male deer was smiling, his face was terrifying.

"Dapor!" Little Beilu on the top of the male deer's head was protesting something, and his fighting spirit burned in his green eyes.

"Master is so brave, let's fight like this!" Xiludi's cold and pretty face burst out with a happy smile, with compelling charm.

"What are you talking about, I should be the one!"

"Want to fight, bastard!"


The scene is chaotic, and they will fight for the position of the captain at any time.The unruly Shishi Demon killed Nie Kong, and no one could make them succumb.

"What is noisy, start practicing now. Whoever wants to be the captain will stand up for me, I will choose by myself." Nie Kong's red pupils swept across the audience coldly, and all the surrounding students closed their mouths.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Kui stood up firmly.The remaining three Toho God Fairy stood in front of Nie Kong after Xiao Kui.Although the male deer is very nervous, of course it is not afraid.What surprised Nie Kong most was the demon maid Xiludi, who would actually compete for the position of captain.

"Since you want to be the captain, your strength must be recognized by me. Next, if you can receive the ball from me as a free agent in the volleyball court, who is the captain."

Seeing the six people bravely standing up, Nie Kong's mouth wore an evil smile.The evil temperament coupled with such a captivating smile made all the girls around him stay for a while.

"As the volleyball trained by Ishiya Demon, of course it cannot be that ordinary. In order to compete for victory, you have to work harder! So, let's use it as a training prop before the game."

I don't know when a black football-sized "volleyball" appeared on Nie Kong's right hand, with a dark light shining, and it was a volleyball made of steel.

Seeing the black "volleyball", Kanzaki Himekawa burst into cold sweat on their foreheads.If an iron ball weighing tens of catties hits the head, it will definitely die!With such a heavy volleyball training, do you think we are Superman, teacher?

"Haha... the teacher's training is just what I want, I thought the training would be very boring." The inhuman Tojo was full of excitement!This kind of volleyball is powerful enough.

"Little Beilu, we are going to go!" The same abnormal male deer had no fluctuations in his face.Being able to train volleyball skills, but also to strengthen himself, there is no reason why the male deer will give up.

"There should be no problem with applying Xinyueliu's no-swords-Nadeshiko to training. The teacher's training is really extraordinary." Xiaokui's heart no longer has any fluctuations.

Next, Kanzaki first accepted Nie Kong's iron ball test.The iron ball weighing several tens of kilograms was lightly thrown to Nie Kong, and he patted it with his right hand.With a bang, the iron ball turned into a meteor and hit the opposite Kanzaki.

The power of horror is accompanied by the invincible iron block, how can Kanzaki dare to die.A lazy donkey rolled and escaped the impact of an iron ball!With a bang, the iron ball was deeply embedded in the floor.

Seeing the scene at this moment, Ji Chuan flinched.The two of Toho Shinki were eliminated.Next is the male deer. Because of the power of the devil, Nie Kong's power is slightly increased.

This led to the male deer and the little Beru, hitting the iron ball and flying out more than ten meters.Ji Chuan felt very grateful to see the scene of male deer foaming at his mouth!

The maid demon Xiludi went off, but also failed to block Nie Kong's serve.

When it was Xiao Kui's turn, Xiao Kui stood in the field and closed his eyes, and entered the realm where the heart is still like water.When the iron ball came, Xiao Kui suddenly stretched out his hands and used the knifeless nausea to lift the iron ball high in the sky.

So Aoi deservedly became the captain, and Tojo had no objection.After Xiaokui took over the free agent's uniform, his volleyball practice was almost on track.

With Xiludi as the deputy captain assisting Xiaokui to help explain the rules of volleyball, Shiyamo's classmates started the arduous "volleyball" training.Although the iron ball is very heavy, several people still slowly overcome difficulties and move forward slowly.After iron ball training, the strength of several people has been baptized.

After a few days of training, just when the atmosphere was harmonious, MK5 and Mipo appeared in the gym, saying that they would replace Toho Shinki to compete.The result was of course very miserable, and Tojo was killed in one move.

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