The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0225Angelika

Thirty days is not long, but it is enough to happen.

Every afternoon, within an hour after school, everyone from Shiya Mo began to practice desperately.Because of the very hard training, their strength improved very quickly.But if you want to be quick, you have to count Qianqiujiang who shamelessly seduce his brother for double repair every night.

With the strength of Qianqiu now, he has surpassed the Oka classmate without the help of Beiru.When Qian Qiu started training, he had the strength to shock everyone on the spot.It's just that Qian Qiu Sora has no way to fully use his strength because he has no experience in fighting empty-handed.

The time came three days before the start of the Shengshiyama Academy Festival. After the hard training, the students left the Shengshiyama Academy with their tired and scarred bodies.

As for Tojo, who is always so energetic, he has to go out to work after training.Oga, Gushi and Shiludi live in the same direction, so the three of them go home together.

However, Xiludi was very cold, and basically did not say more than two sentences to the two.The male deer is nothing, but the ancient city is very disappointed.There is such a beautiful beauty to accompany home, but there is no chance to strike up a conversation.

"Hey! Look at the ancient city. The few people beside the river should be the sisters and teachers of Rage Diru. What are they doing around there." As the male deer looked around, the scene on the river bank appeared. In front of the ancient city.

"Could it be that the teacher is dating the girls of Lie Furious Emperor Yu at the same time, it is too happy." Seeing Nie Kong playing with the girls by the river, Gu Shi's eyes were full of jealousy.

Since he became good friends with Oga, Furuichi felt that he had lost her femininity.Even his sister has hated herself since she was a child.Recalling my sister's words, "Don't show up in front of my classmates, I don't want my friends to know that I have such a disgusting brother!" Gu Shi felt cold.

"The teacher is just a little more handsome and better, what's so great?"

"It depends on the situation that someone was injured. Teacher and they seem to be saving people! Let's go, let's go and take a look." Said Xiludi, the demon with better vision than ordinary people, and walked towards Nie Kong first.

"Is anyone injured?" The teacher's strength is so terrifying, who can hurt them if he is there?The confused male deer followed Xiludi and came to Nie Kong and the others.

"It's Angelika? What's wrong with her?" Seeing the girl in Nie Kong's arms, Xiludi exclaimed.The long golden hair was twisted into a braid and hung softly against his chest.The thin gray-white blouse set off the thin figure, she was weakly leaning against Nie Kong's arms, and the bright beautiful eyes on the pale jade face quietly closed.Familiar face, who is not Angelica?

"It turns out that classmate Shiludi knows her, which is great. When we came home, we happened to meet her floating on the river, so the teacher caught her. But now she is in a bad condition and just wanted to call the hospital. "Xiao Kui explained.

"You don't need to go to the hospital anymore, there is a doctor in the home I use, so just hand her to me!" What happened to Angelika?Why is he injured and unconscious floating in the world.Lamia had summoned Angelika some time ago, but she did not appear at that time.But Yalandron has been in the Demon Realm for a long time, haven't you found her?Too many questions need to be answered by Angelika.

"There is really no need to go to the hospital. The heartbeat of this beautiful girl is about to stop. According to my estimation, she should not live for ten minutes!" There is a scary wound behind the girl in her arms, plus she has been floating on the water for a long time. The blood in the body has drained.

The pale skin did not have any blood, and the weak heartbeat gradually stopped.Without Nie Kong's blood-sucking evil spirits, there would be no chance of surviving!

"What!" Xiludi rushed to Nie Kong's face and put her heart on Angelika's chest. The faint heartbeat was barely felt, and the vitality was fading.Although the devil's physique is very strong, it will die if it sheds blood.

"Let her take her back to my apartment first, there is no way to stay here." If you first embrace Anjie Lika, you should avoid the unimportant people.

"If... if she died in our apartment, how could it be good?" Xiao Qianqiu worried.

"Since Xiludi knows her, the teacher will hand her over to Xiludi." To prevent Nie Kong from getting into unnecessary trouble, Xiao Kui persuaded.Assisting the police in the investigation, the teacher was suspected of being a murderer... Thinking of the possibility, Xiao Kui felt a little irritable.

"Kunijikui is right, the teacher will leave Angelika to me." As long as Angelika's life can be dragged to Oga's house, Xiludi believes that Yiliukas' medical skills will be saved. she was.

"Hey, Shiludi, don't always bring strange people back to my house." The male deer shouted in protest.

"Shut up!" Shiludi roared.

"It's too late to say anything, Angelica has no heartbeat." The girl in her arms was full of life, her heartbeat had completely stopped.It could have been saved, but it was all because of Shiludi's interference.

"Dead...dead?" Xiludi's pretty face turned dark in an instant, and her trembling hands touched her heart.The original faint heartbeat, now there is no fluctuation.

Such a beautiful girl had not been able to own, but saw her die in front of her with his own eyes. Nie Kong said in his heart that it was a lie to not lose.

"I'll take Angelika to my apartment first. If Xiludi can contact her family, please ask them to come to my apartment and take her away." Nie Kong encircled Angelika's cold snake waist. Slowly left in the respected sight of the girls.

"It's the school festival in three days. I hope the teacher can solve all the troubles."

The bright red sunset stretched Nie Kong's back very long, and the women suddenly felt that their teacher was so tall.If other people encounter this situation, I am afraid they will not have time to escape.But the teacher is the opposite, trying to take the responsibility.

Now let's bring Lukas here first to see if there is any hope of saving him.If it doesn't work, bring Angelika back.With this thought in mind, Xiludi rushed to the male deer's house at the fastest speed.

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