The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0226, the first refiner

"This should be the dimensional teleportation demon of the Demon Realm, has something happened?" Griffia asked in surprise when she saw the girl sleeping in Nie Kong's arms.Speaking of it, she was still Angelika teleporting to the world, so she would naturally recognize her.

"When we discovered Angelica she was already like this, maybe she was chased by someone." Nie Kong looked at the dead Angelica, she was indeed very beautiful.It's just a pity, it's dead now.Nie Kong used spiritual sense to observe her body and found that the soul had not left her body.

If the soul that has not been condensed leaves her body, it will certainly not last long and dissipate into ionic energy.Unless at the moment of coming out, seal into a spirit or use your own soul power to warm up.

Wait, there seems to be some information about refining in the Goddess Cultivation Art.Her own dingtian ring is very powerful, but if she is trained into her own spirit... can she be attached to the ring?

Nie Kong wouldn't even dare to even think of it before he had completed the first level of the Imperial Girl Cultivation Technique.But now there is strong soul power to support, so Nie Kong's heart is eager to try.

The Dingtian Ring was made by Emperor Fuxi. Without his strength, it would not be possible to destroy it, so Nie Kong can feel relieved to experiment.

"It's a pity, she's not saved anymore." Griffia saw Angelika's lifeless pale cheeks, helplessly shook her head and smiled bitterly.Angelika, who once sent them to the human world, is now leaving them forever.

"I can't tell you! Griffia, please help take care of Xiao Liyas first, and don't let anyone get close to me within five meters by the way!" Just do it, and Nie Kong crossed his legs to get himself into the best state, and then Go all out to start making your own debut.

"Yes, master!" Although I didn't understand what the master was going to do, Griffia naturally didn't dare to slack off when I saw the master's serious expression for the first time.

Nie Kong took a deep breath, calming his ups and downs.Sitting in the corner of the room, silently igniting the power of his soul.After a while, the flames of nothingness followed Nie Kong's spiritual sense, slowly rising up.

Void flames circled around Angelika's body, seeming to add warmth to the cold her.The Heaven Ring in the soul appeared in the void, although the soul fire continued to burn, it still failed to melt it.

The temperature rose rapidly at an angle of forty-five degrees, and the originally cooled corpse melted into a clear liquid under the fire of the soul.Nie Kong closed his six senses and put his whole body in the liquid. The spiritual sense in his brain controlled Dingtian Jie and dropped it into the liquid made by refining Angelica.

The power of the soul circulates endlessly, maintaining the state of soul fire.The flame of emptiness burns Dingtian Ring, not only to maintain Angelica's soul, but also to melt the two into one.

Although the power of the soul is great, it is difficult to support for a long time.Nie Kong was already sweating, as if washed in water.

The fire is getting stronger and the temperature is extremely high.Dingtianjie slowly absorbed the liquid, and the two merged abnormally.Although it is slow, it is still smelting.Nie Kong looked forward to how the Dingtian Ring would change when the two were combined into one.

The ring in the void was finally about to be absorbed, but it would take a short period of refining to be considered a real success.

When Qianqiu came home, seeing Nie Kong sitting quietly on the ground, she wanted to run to hug him.But it was stopped by Griffia.Such a terrifying soul fire, if Qianqiu touches some soul, he will suffer irreparable injuries.

Even Griffia, who was observing from a distance, could perceive the indescribable fear.It was terrible, it was about sucking her soul into it.Although I don't know what Nie Kong is doing, Griffia thinks it must be very important.

What surprised her most was that Angelika's body was slowly melting into a liquid state, which was a bit weird.Who is his own master?

Nie Kong screamed wildly, and the power of the soul in his body ignited to form a powerful soul flame.After a long period of calcination, the liquid refining from the body completely melted into the Dingtian Ring.

The world stood still for an instant, as if the world had never had a sound.Then a deep muffled thunder sound came from the distant horizon, and the "bang" sound got closer and closer, and there was a sudden earth-shattering explosion.

The Ding Tian Jie in the void bursts with unprecedented light, like a dawn breaking through the darkness, bringing people hope of light.

The spiritual consciousness touched the heaven ring formed in the void, and a feeling of blazing heat came from it.There is not much change in appearance, but all the functions have been presented in his mind.

In order to confirm his idea, Nie Kong said in silence.

A dazzling light flashed, and the Ding Tian Ring in the void suddenly showed the fuzzy figure of Angelika.Her figure became clearer and clearer, and she was completely in front of Nie Kong soon.

The golden hair fell naturally, floating in the air like a goddess.The fair and smooth skin can be broken by blowing a bomb, completely present in front of Nie Kong.

Looking at the transformed spirit, Nie Kong was taken aback, and immediately understood.Since it is a tool spirit, it can naturally be transformed with a magic weapon as powerful as Dingtian Ring.

"Not bad."

Since there was no loss, Nie Kong began to look at the work in front of him with peace of mind.Gleefully stroking Angelika's smooth face, as long as he recognizes it again, he should be able to understand her abilities.

The dark and simple Dingtian Ring had the existence of the spirit, and it was able to transform into Angelica's figure.Since then, with the protection of Dingtian Ring, Angelika's soul has been immortal.

Anjelica, who closed her eyes quietly, opened her bright eyes and called out "Master" softly!Ding Tian Jie had already been engraved with Nie Kong's soul brand, so of course Angelika wanted to call him his master.

"Since the dimensional teleportation demon has been integrated, does Dingtian Ring possess that kind of ability. Well, the most important thing now is to recognize the master a second time." Nie Kong's face appeared when he saw the attractive Angelika in front of him. A happy smile.It was the first time that the Qi Ling was sealed into the Dingtian Ring, but I didn't expect it to be successful.

"Come and serve the master, we are going to confess the Lord a second time, my beautiful precepts!"

"Yes, my master!" Nie Kong had the same mind long ago, and Nie Kong could control it to do anything.There is no other reason, because she is her own magic weapon.

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