The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 0227, the beginning of Ding Tian Ji

Angelika did not lose her memory, but still retained her emotions from her previous life.So even though he heard Nie Kong's instructions, his cheeks that could be broken by a bomb were still full of shyness.In the case of the communion of minds, Angelica certainly knew what the so-called second confession was.

It's just too shy, there are two girls next to us looking at us.Master, you are too thick-skinned, how can you be honest and demanding to do those very dirty things.

Rejoicing and shy, Angelica did not resist.The souls of the two have an inseparable bond.As long as Nie Kong's soul still exists, she will be Nie Kong's loyal servant!

Angelika in the void nestled in his arms, her cheeks red.That smooth jade skin gleamed attractively in the moonlight.The two hearts cling to each other tightly, puff, puff!The soul resonated deeply, and the strange and exciting feeling swept through her body.

Although it's a spiritual form, it feels like a real girl.On the contrary, because of the fetters of the soul, the senses have expanded a bit.The Shuangxiu magical skill is activated, absorbing the cold vitality power from Angelika.

In the bloody recognition of the master, countless information flowed into Nie Kong's mind.From now on, Nie Kong knew all the secrets of Dingtian Ring.Angelika's body and mind, even all her thoughts, could not escape Nie Kong's eyes.Completely control all of her.

In the dumb look of Qianqiu's two girls, Angelica's body suddenly split in half, and the one they loved was sucked into Angelica's body.As for Angelika herself, she lost consciousness happily when Nie Kong disappeared.

Nie Kong knew about Angelika's abilities, so instead of resisting, he took the initiative to enter her body.Very exciting setting, Angelika Dimensional Teleportation, can teleport Nie Kong to the ring space.

And when Angelica forms a ring, it means that Angelica's avatar will appear in the space of Dingtian Ring.In Dingtian Ring, she has the ability to actively transport the girl to Nie Kong.

Although only one person can be sent out, Angelica is like an NPC in an online game, with great authority.So in the future, any MM who can please Angelika will be able to run out of the ring.Of course, it needs to be Nie Kong's consent, if Nie Kong objected, he would not be able to go out.

There are mountains and water in the space, sea and forest.The harmonious scene modifies the space like the real world.The only flaw is that there is no day and night in the ring space.The purple sky is like the underworld, although it is not dark but it looks a little strange.

The spiritual sense covers the space, and Nie Kong can teleport to every corner of the space at will.First of all, the girls in the IS world, thanks to the elder sister of the genius girl Qi, the technology is already very advanced.

The exquisite attic is built in the sky of the big trees, like a fairy living in a wooden house in a Western fantasy.The sparkling light shines, and there is already an invention of electricity.Among them, there is a huge attic in their territory.Yes, IS Academy has copied it into the ring space.

Lingshen found the women who had been pushed to Qiandong and found that they were eating in the room.The appearance is still so beautiful, but his face looks very haggard.Without the watering of Nie Kong's love, the women almost lost their purpose of living.

Nie Kong first adjusted the internal time ratio of Dingtian Ring to the maximum 1:3, and then his body blurred and teleported to the side of Qiandong's women.With the existence of Qi Ling, Nie Kong was able to control the time ratio between the ring space and the outer dimensional world.

Of course, the faster the spirit grows, the more perfect the proportion of time.If there is a 1:100 existence in the future, then there is no need to worry about the girls in the ring being lonely.

The current Dingtian Ring is still evolving towards perfection.

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