The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0231, perfect ending

The only thing that was not moved by the holy stone arrow demon except Liuqi Sheng, was Zen Juro.They all have confidence in their own strength, so there is no fog arrow that is afraid of appearing.

Of course, everyone in Shishi Demon has long been used to seeing this kind of things, so there is no fear at all.Especially male deer, the tyrannical heart began to move around.

"Hey, teachers, did you say that? This is a violent incident." Wuya held a baseball bat and kept approaching the former enemy male deer.

"If you continue to commit persecution, you will definitely be punished, and you will definitely be punished, including your Emperor Mao!" Mr. Kido, who is a special class Ishiya Demon, bravely scolded.

Fortunately, I didn't go to Dimao Industrial High School to be a teacher, otherwise, all my eyes would be men with bald heads. It would definitely be worse than death.

This scene had already been expected, so Nie Kong was not surprised.The plot hasn't changed much, the only thing that has changed is Xiao Lias' chaos.But Nie Kong didn't care much, the demons hadn't appeared yet.

"That's right, we are very afraid that we will drop out, so let's go back. Do you think Lao Tzu would be so stupid to talk about things like that?" As Wuya spoke, his right leg was already kicking the Oga's lower abdomen.

"Drop out of school or something, do you think I will care?"

"Teacher, can I beat him? I can beat him." Although the male deer had a gloomy face, he still smiled kindly when facing Nie Kong.Gushi knew that the male deer was already angry.

"Teacher, please dissuade classmate Nanlu, the hostage is still in Di Mao's hands." Qi Haijing said in a panic.

"Drop out of school? Hostage? Who cares about those boring things. Little ones, no classmates, if someone dares to bully us Shiya Demon, what should we do?" Although Nie Kong hopes to make a mess, there is Zen Shiro in Emperor Mao. Those guys have no threat at all.

"Get rid of them, get rid of them!" Toho Shinki drank with excitement, and the other students around Shiya Demon enthusiastically moved Nie Air Conditioner.The voice is getting louder and louder, and the momentum is pressing.

"This bastard can really cause trouble, no wonder he can get along with Shi Shima's students!" Although he cursed Nie Kong secretly in his heart, Zen Jurou was actually envious.The students of the holy stone arrow demon around, the cowardly they aroused the blood in the heart.

"Is that the Shishi Demon? I really want to be transferred to the teacher's class." Sheng Shi Shi Demon's classmate looked at Nie Kong full of admiration.From this moment on, the image of Shi Shi Mo became tall and tall due to Nie Kong.

"You... do you want to die?" Wu Shi was a little scared, he wanted to take back his right leg.But the heel and the powerful arm have stopped on it.

"Shadow team, tackle the male deer!"

"Come on, classmates!" Following Nie Kong's instructions, the Tojo screamed and rushed into the bald-headed crowd.The booming sound blew up, and the green bald head floated in the sky like a bowling ball.

Liuqisheng was unwilling to lag behind. Except for Miki's help to the male deer, the goal of the other five people was to solve the bald Emperor Maoist party that threatened the hostages.

"Taste the nirvana that was researched in 30 days of painful training, the super iron ball is stuck in the fist!" The male deer's terrifying fist blasted on Di Mao Wuya's face in an unstoppable posture.

With the fists bursting out of the male deer's body, Wu Shi's ugly facial features began to be distorted into a human form.The part of Qiqiao has overflowed with bright red blood.The strong teeth in his mouth filled the field.

"Boss!" The four monks from the film crew rushed in front of the male deer. Before they could do anything, they were intercepted by classmate Miki.Although the four monks were very powerful, they still couldn't stop Miki and the male deer from attacking together.

The sound of dong dong rang, and the bald head of Emperor Mao in the gym was piled up into a hill.Wake up, Wuya saw the entire army annihilated, and his legs were weak in fright, but he still said stiffly: "You remember to me, I Wuya will definitely avenge you!"

Wuzhi, nicknamed the poisonous snake, is well-known for Jai Xuan.But the strength is too poor to make any climate.Even Kanzaki, who had been trained by Nie Kong's volleyball, had already exploded their strength.

"You are so courageous, you dare to provoke us Shiya Demon! Who do you think you are? Who cares about your revenge?" Kanzaki slowly approached Wuya with a brutal face, his fists squeaked.

Several people in Tojo laughed, and it seemed that they had done nothing less to beat down the dog.

"After 30 days of depression, their nature has been completely exposed, brother, you don't care about them." My cute and shy Xiaokui, when did I learn to act like a baby?

"Hmm...Xiao Kui is right! Too violent will bring bad influence to other students, I will stop them..." The bones all over his body seemed to be crisp, and Nie Kong felt a little floating in his body.

" guys, don't be too much, just wait for me..."

Wuya in the distance heard Nie Kong’s "soft clothes", and his face showed a proud smile: "Didn't you guys hear it? Your teacher is telling you to stop. Hahaha... look at yours according to the situation. Is the teacher afraid of our Emperor Mao’s revenge?"

The teacher is so powerful, is it really afraid of Wu Shi's revenge?

"Hmm...If you have the final blow, let it be handed over to the teacher." The Shiya Demon, who was still a little confused, staggered and almost fell to the ground.God, we were wrong, we shouldn’t doubt the teacher’s violent gene.

"Stupid teacher, you are too violent. Now you look like a teacher." Ning Ning sighed, there really is nothing to do with the teacher.

"You... don't mess around, we will definitely... get revenge." Nie Kong, with silver hair and red eyes, is like a demon. Although the evil smile is handsome, it makes them so scared.

"It would be great if I could come back again." Nie Kong's words directly made Wuya's feet soft. How could I get into the perverted group of Shiya Demon.

Dozens of Emperor Mao's bald heads were dragged by inexplicable force and rolled quickly into a ball.In the strange eyes around, Nie Kong took a shot.With a bang, the huge human football disappeared into the sky.

crystal!The huge football has become a bright star in the sky!

"Yeah... I'm saved!" The surrounding students reacted, and the gym burst into cheers.After this incident, the classmates of the Holy Stone Arrow have accepted the students of the Stone Arrow.

Especially Nie Kong, has won the favor of countless girls.If the college has selected the most popular teachers, it would be Nie Kong.

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