The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0232, six riders join

Although there was some surprise, the school festival of the holy stone arrow demon came to a perfect end.The new notice has been posted on the notice board. It says that it is due to Nie Kong's "good" performance in the gym yesterday, which is a special commendation for outstanding teachers.However, in terms of the bets on both sides, the school neither said support nor opposition, and maintained an ambiguous attitude!

The high level of the school publicly supports gambling among students, which does have some negative effects.However, Liuqisheng is a proud fellow, so he honestly kept his promise.Several people were full of excitement and curiosity about being able to enter the special class of Ishiya Demon.

Only Qi Haijing was uneasy in her heart. The teacher used to say that he wanted me to be his maid should be a joke.If he really asks, what should I do?

The six people walked around the college half a circle with mixed emotions, and arrived at the teaching building that had already been destroyed.Due to the provocation of the six people, they said that the destruction of the teaching building was basically caused by them.

Just outside the door of the special classroom, Tojo, who is known as the strongest student of Ishiya Ma, wailed in pain.

"Teacher, you are too cruel, how can you force me to do these things. Compared to these, I would rather you kill me."

"Don't be long-winded, you can clean up the classroom tonight if it's finished!" Dingdang's objects fell on the floor, accompanied by the teacher's scolding from outside the classroom door.The six people sweated their heads, and their heads supplemented the images in the classroom.

Teacher Nie Kong, whom they admired, took the pointer in his hand and desperately tortured the students, and the students in the classroom howled in pain.

"Teacher... is terrible, no wonder he can unify Ishiyamo High School. Seniors, do we really want to go in?" Xinzhuang from the boxing club stammered.

"A man must abide by his promise. What kind of abuse is mere abuse." Going out and swallowing his saliva, he dared to dedicate himself and first opened the classroom door.It is because of a strict teacher that the students of Ishiya Demon will improve so quickly.

"Woo..." Qi Haijing covered her eyes, too scared to watch the sad scene of Tojo Hideto in the classroom.

It's just that when they saw the scene in the classroom, they were all stupid on the spot.There is no abuse, it's all their cranky thinking.On the podium, Hideto Tojo was carrying a white chalk, looking helplessly at the math problems on the blackboard.The simple calculation of positive and negative numbers in junior high school stumped the Tojo classmate who is known as the strongest.


The students sitting under the podium sweated on their foreheads and stared at the math problems on the blackboard as if they were facing an enemy.The foolish Shiyama high school students are all stumped on the three arithmetic problems in junior high school.

Even Xiao Kuijiang, who has a slightly better grade in the class, points his finger to calculate the math problem above.That distressed look is too cute.

"Old... teacher, what are you doing?" Qi Hai asked quietly.

"You are here just right! Qi Haijing, please come up and help Tojo to solve this question. The other five people will find their seats and sit down." Nie Kong was surprised when he saw the six people standing outside the door. Fleeting.

Originally, Nie Kong's bet was half-joking, and he never thought that Six Riding Saints would transfer to the special class he taught.Don't they fear that Ishiya Demon's idiot will pull their IQ to the same level, and then use experience to defeat them?

Although they didn't mean to despise the Shiya Demon, their heads were already full of muscles.Even Xiao Kui was a little silly, but she was so cute.

"Yes...Yes!" Qi Haijing stepped onto the podium nervously, but she stumbled on the threshold under her feet.She exclaimed, and her body happened to plunge into Nie Kong's broad embrace.

"That classmate Qi Haijing, the teacher will be very embarrassed in such a place! Besides, Qi Haijing and I have a teacher-student relationship! But if it continues like this, the touching relationship between teachers and students may be passed on." The mature female body is very soft, and the rich virgin Yuxiang pounces on her face, feeling great.

"Teacher, I'm very sorry." Qi Haijing, who was out of her rigidity, immediately jumped away from the teacher, her face and ears were full of crimson because of her shyness and tension.Before he eased his emotions, a few chills came from behind.

He glanced at the classroom secretly, and found that the girl in the class had focused his attention on her.Especially the three women sitting in front, looking at herself with hostility.Qi Haijing is inexplicable. She didn't provoke anyone when she just moved here, so why does someone hate herself?

"If the teacher doesn't have anything to do with me, can I go down first." Tojo, who was silent in front of the podium for a long time without being able to solve the problem, touched his brain and asked.

"Stand still for me first, and wait until Qi Haijing comes over to answer the question." Although Shi Shimo's classmates are stupid, Nie Kong's math level has improved to junior high school level.If it were before, I'm afraid I didn't even reach the simple questions in the fifth grade of elementary school!

"Good teacher!" Qi Haijing obediently came to the front of the blackboard, and almost laughed out loud after seeing the question.No, did the first grade questions in junior high school stump you all?

Qianqianyu lifted the chalk briskly with his hand, and wrote the answer to the question in a few strokes on the blackboard gracefully.All the Shiya Demon in the classroom exclaimed, yelling fiercely.Especially Ji Chuan, who used his mobile phone to call for help, compared Qi Haijing and herself after finally getting the answer, and sighed inwardly: "Sure enough, she is a student of the Holy Stone Arrow, so difficult questions can be easily solved."

"Huh! A stinky vixen will seduce the teacher." Qian Qiu Jiang said inwardly.

"Student Qi Haijing originally bet that the condition for losing the bet was to be a teacher's maid, but today your grades are so good, I just..."

"Teacher, are you willing to cancel the betting appointment, it's great!!" Qi Haijing said in surprise.

"The beauty you want, there is no such cheap thing! Although there is no harsh maid, you will be the teacher's assistant secretary in the future and help take care of the special class." Nie Kong hummed lightly.

"Woo..." Little Lias, don't nod, it seems that you haven't understood what we mean.

"Then what should I do?" Qi Haijing was very happy to see Nie Kong's respect.

"Um...Students can help with learning matters, and serve the teacher if there is nothing." Nie Kong said.

Is it the so-called potential meaning of being a secretary if there is anything to do?

"Ah..." Qi Haijing MM was stupid on the spot.

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