The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0233, Misaki angry?

The five of them sweated coldly. What kind of idiot class is this? This math problem stumped everyone?Is it really okay to fulfill the promise and join the special class?

When Xiaokui saw Qi Haijing talking with the teacher, all of them tickled with hatred.It's too much, I seduce our teacher as soon as I turned in.

"Teacher... are you free tonight?" The unbearable little Kui suddenly stood up from the seat with a whistle, and said something very misleading with a shy face.The audience was silent for a few seconds before boiling.

"The queen invited the teacher!"

"I'm finally going to confess my love."

"Sister Kui, don't be so fast." Charming, gossip, anxiety... Numerous eyes in the classroom gathered on Xiao Kui.Even Nie Kong was surprised by Xiao Kui's boldness.

"Ahhh... such a lovely queen Kui really likes the teacher, the teacher is so enviable!" The ancient city, which has never been associated with women, looked at Nie Kong's eyes full of jealousy.

"'s not like that, I...I just want to ask me about my school situation because of poor grades! That's it was my grandfather who invited the teacher to visit the house..." Xiao Kui stammered and explained. But the sound is getting smaller and smaller.

"A terrible excuse, do you think the teacher will believe it?" Bangzhi Yidaozhai only cares about Xiaokui's strength. How can there be a leisurely mind to Xiaokui's academic performance.So hearing Xiaokui's explanation, Ningning's female eyes were filled with contempt.

Especially Qianqiujiang, when she saw that sister Kwai finally took the initiative to attack, her eyes flashed with anxiety.Griffia is a maid, and Qianqiu doesn't have much worry.But if the opponent is Sister Kwai, he has no chance of winning at all.

"Students bravely pursue the teacher, Shi Shimo's students are really extraordinary!" This is the voice of the people of Liuqi Shengji.However, Qi Haijing suddenly realized that the hostility was the girl in the classroom.

Humph, who makes you not as good as me in grades and less attractive than me.Teachers will definitely take care of students with good grades. This is already common sense.

"Since it is Grandpa Xiao Kui who wants to know about your situation, the teacher will spare time to visit the house tonight." Little Kui, who was so embarrassed, took the initiative, of course Nie Kong gladly accepted the invitation.My cute Xiaokui MM, is it already available.

"That...then we're done." Xiao Kui covered his hot face and lay on the table, his heart was filled with three points of shame, four points of joy and three points of anxiety.If the teacher knew that he was Banghui's fake wife, how would the teacher face him?

Between happiness and trouble, Xiaokui tasted the ups and downs of love.

As time passed, the noise of the school gradually fell silent, and the yellow sunset half hung over the distant mountain tops.Watching Nie Kong slowly disappearing from a distance, Xiao Kui turned and walked back to the shrine.

I don't know if I want to prevent the teacher from dating Sister Kwai alone, or there is a reason.Ning Ning summoned the sisters of Lie'an Emperor Ruan, and had to ask for a general meeting to be held in Xiaokui's dojo tonight.

"Sister Aoi, please agree. We don't have any place to hold a general meeting except for the shrine. It is all because of Sister Aoi that we have no base for the Rage Emperor." Hearing Ningning's complaint, Xiao Kwai can only surrender.

"Okay, I promised." Xiao Kui can only expect that when the teacher's home visits, he can stagger the general meeting with Liewu Diru.Otherwise, everything I did today was wasted.

"It's great, sisters go!" Ningning's heart was like a devil with horns, grinning smirkly.Sister Kwai, you want to have a tryst with the teacher alone, there is no such good thing in the world.

"I'm back!" The male deer's weak voice sounded, and the male deer's lock was twisted away with a click.The male deer opened the door and walked into the room, behind him was the ancient city of the stalker Zhijiang.

"Dapor!" Compared with the male deer, Belu looked very energetic.After being strengthened by training, Oga's growth finally kept up with Little Beiru.

"Oh, my brother is back. How was the class today? Did you get scolded by the teacher? Is there anything interesting at the Holy Stone Arrow School?" Misaki asked very concerned.

Since the day Oga has forgotten, the old lady has become very concerned about her school life.Oga, who has been beaten less frequently, is very moved. Does the old sister finally care about her brother?

"What else can happen? It's just that Liuqisheng honored his promise and transferred to our class." The male deer student brought out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator and threw one bottle to Mr. Gushi.

"The hateful teacher is still that hateful. He has to force us to study homework. One day when I become stronger, it depends on how I deal with him."

"Oka, what do you say... Is there a student like you who always wants to kill the teacher!" Misaki rolled up her sleeves and appeared in front of Oka with her hands on her hips.Seeing Misaki's angry look, Furuichi-kun secretly cried out.

With an idea, Gushi quickly changed the subject and said: "If there are no major events, there are a few minor ones! There is a beautiful woman in Liuqi Sheng, MM Qihaijing, who has become the teacher's assistant."

Misaki's attention attracted the beauty, and she quickly asked, "Is there an assistant? There is still in the ancient city, what happened to her and the teacher?"

"It shouldn't be there yet, after all, I just became an assistant today. But the Queen Bancho Bang Zhikui of Rage Emperor Ruo is different. I didn't expect that she would boldly invite the teacher to date alone." Gossip Guichi said triumphantly, without notice. Misaki's face became more and more gloomy.

"Will the teacher agree to the student's date request?" Misaki gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words.

"Queen Kui was invited in the name of a home visit, and of course the teacher would agree. I envy the teacher so much that I can date such a cute girl." Gushi's face was full of idiots, and he was obviously caught in self-promotion.

"Haha... The Rage Emperor Ruban Chang? A missed title! Gushi, tell me clearly, where does the so-called Kunzhikui live?" Misaki grabbed the collar of Gushi, her expression a little scary.

"This...I also want to know..." Gushi was so scared that his face turned green a bit. Ever since I was a child, I have seen sister Misaki's terrifying look.

"Bangzhi? It's a little familiar. Forget it. I'll look for it myself. The male deer told my mom that I don't have to wait for me for dinner tonight." Throwing the ancient city aside, Misaki rushed out of the house, leaving only question marks. Ancient city of Oga.

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