The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 024, threat

A blood-red long whip flew out of the light that had not yet fully assembled, and wrapped it around the feet of the celestial beast.

"Not good!" Before it had time to release the bow and arrow, the body of the Celestial Beast was involuntarily pulled by the power from the blood whip, and then turned around with it.

"Boom!" In the sound of the collision, the body of the celestial beast slammed into the rigid roof.A big hole was also knocked out of the floor more than ten meters high.

"How could it be like this! Under the shroud of my sacred bubble, how can the Vampire Beast still emit such strong strength?"

"The celestial beast!" All the selected children yelled worriedly.

However, Nie Kong's attack will not stop there."Night Demon Flying Attack!" Numerous bats were summoned and flew towards the mechanical Tyrannosaurus.While constantly biting the body of the enemy Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, he was also struggling to flap his wings, knocking his huge semi-mechanized body into the air, and by the way, it smashed into the Chao Bido beast behind him.

"Be careful! Garudamon!" Suna's reminder failed to make Garudamon avoid the attack of the vampire beast.

"Devil's blood whip!" Amidst Nie Kong's attacking declaration, Garuda beast's body also fell weakly.In a short period of time, all the Digimon of the selected children who were still on the roof were knocked to the ground by Nie Kong's demon blood whip and turned into juvenile bodies.

"Heavenly purple light!" The celestial beast flew up into the sky and opened her hands to Nie Kong.The soft light formed a cross, and the center point was where Nie Kong was.

"It's useless, the power of light on you without the sacred aura is not much different from the angel beast, it's useless to me. The night demon flies!" Countless black bats formed a dark cloud that hit the heavenly purple light of the celestial beast.

The collision of light and darkness disappeared invisible after a burst of dazzling light.

"Devil's blood whip!!" Nie Kong's power is not only that, after releasing the night demon flying attack, he did not take a moment to rest before issuing another stunt.The blood-red whip, like a sharp sword coming out of its body, stabs the celestial beast whose power has been consumed almost.

"No!!" A scream sounded, and a small girl opened her hands and stopped in front of the celestial beast, not who was the eighth child named Jiaer.

"Jia'er, get away!" Taiyi who was holding the ball beast couldn't help but yelled out loudly.The rest of the selected children also stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

It turned out that Jia'er thought that the celestial beast would be killed like the wizard beast, so the kind-hearted girl ran out and wanted to block the move for the celestial beast, and died without regret!

Nie Kong did not intend to kill the celestial beast, but he did not expect Jia'er to run out, and the devil's blood whip penetrated Jia'er's stomach like a sharp sword.Crimson blood gushed out from Jia'er's wound.

Jia Er's pure and flawless eyes gradually lost focus.If this move is hit on a fully body Digimon, at most it will be seriously injured.But hitting a fragile human being is definitely a serious matter.

The celestial beast hugged Jia'er in front of her blankly, regretting it in her heart!

"Vampire Beast, I'm going to kill you!" The celestial beast gently put down Jia'er, her face twisted like crazy, and desperately rushed towards Nie Kong.The seven selected children around were all around Jia'er, crying while crying by her name.

Nie Kong tied the rushing celestial beast with a whip, and his grim eyes met the mad hatred of the celestial beast: "Now that Jiaer is not dead, but only I can save her."

"Vampire Beast, save Jia'er, please save Jia'er!" The celestial beast's eyes showed a glimmer of hope as she knelt in front of Nie Kong and begged.

Nie Kong paused, squinting his eyes and staring at the body of the female beast under him, "If you are a slave, I will save her!"

A trace of pain flashed on the face of the celestial beast, for her the previous memory was her nightmare!But what is in front of her is to save her injured Jia'er, she will save her anyway.

"Hurry up and call the master, I can't guarantee that the little girl will be saved later!" Nie Kong lashed the celestial beast with a whip.

"The goddess beast, please save Jia'er." Taiyi also looked at the goddess beast with pleading eyes.Because he felt that Jiaer's breathing was getting weaker and weaker.The rest of the people around also looked at the celestial beast with the same eyes.

At this moment, the celestial beast seemed to have become the culprit.She bowed her head and knelt on the ground like her fate, and whispered "Master!" How similar all this was to before.

She felt that destiny seemed to be joking with her, and she thought that after knowing that she was the Digimon protecting the eighth selected child, she would be able to escape the control of Vampire Beast.But at this moment, it seems to have returned to the original point and nothing has changed!

"Since you know that I am your master, do you know what you just did!"

"I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have betrayed you just now." The Celestial Beast whispered.

"Hahaha...Even if you evolve, you still can't escape my palm! The celestial beast, you will always be my slave, none of this will change!" Nie Kong saw all this, don't mention how happy he was. .

He also wanted to defeat all the children who were called, and then grab the celestial beast to forcefully double cultivation.Unexpectedly, after Jia Er came out to block, the situation would become so smooth!!

Nie Kong slowly walked into Jia'er's side, Tai Yi and they all made a way out for Nie Kong.They felt very ridiculous at the moment that the evil vampire beast would actually save people.

Nie Kong gently wiped the wound on Jia'er's stomach, and saw the blood that spewed out strangely stopped flowing out!Looking at the blood that Jia'er left on the ground, Nie Kong only felt his stomach growl.

"The celestial beast, take her and let us go back to the base! The blood on her body has shed more than half, even if she goes to the hospital, she can't be saved. The only one who can save her now is me!"

The Celestial Beast stood up and carefully picked up Jia'er, and flew towards the headquarters of the Vampire Beast again behind Nie Kong.Taiyi was not afraid to stop Nie Kong from the seven selected children.Because Jia Er's only hope of survival fell on him.

"Taiyi, what should we do now. If we can't defeat the Vampire Beast, the real world will be messed up by him!" Ahe couldn't help asking after seeing Nie Kong and the Celestial Beast disappear.

"No way, I didn't expect to gather the power of eight children, and still fail to defeat the Vampire Beast! The only thing that can defeat him now is the super-evolution after the old man Xuan Nei said!" Taiyi said helplessly.

"And now he still has Flower Fairy Beast, Jia'er, Tiannv Beast in his hand, we dare not take the initiative to attack, the situation is very passive to us!! Now we can only resign to fate." Su Na couldn't help but sigh.

The seven were silent for a while!

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