The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body of the text 025.

It took a long time to go, but it only took an hour to come back, showing how much time the wizard beast wasted.In the base, several fierce beasts dangling around, acting as guards of the base.The remaining death beasts and small evil beasts are still looking for selected children all over Japan.In the beast's puzzled and horrified eyes, the celestial beast followed Nie Kong and entered his bedroom.

The celestial beast carefully placed the injured Jiaer on the bed, and then knelt under Nie Kong on one knee. Tears of the big bean continued to flow from under her mask: "Master, Jiaer is about to die, please fulfill Promise to save Jia'er."

Nie Kong put his hand on Jia'er's chest, feeling the weaker heartbeat, but didn't know how to do it.The only thing he can do is to help Jia'er stop the blood from the wound.

But if you want to restore the blood in Jia'er, I am sorry that he can't do it with his strength.All this is to deceive the celestial beast to make her obediently obedient!Nie Kong has long coveted the beauty of the celestial beast.

The pure white silk clothing can only cover the important hidden position of the celestial beast. The half-exposed fat white breasts and slender straight thighs inadvertently attracted Nie Kong's eyes.If the flower fairy beast is a little loli, then the fairy beast is a mature sister!!

"Hmph, I have time to play again in the future. Let's do double repairs without deteriorating. Otherwise, if she finds that I can't save Jia'er, it will not be worth the loss." Nie Kong forcibly resisted the thoughts of shaking S in his heart. Only determined.

"Jia Er she..."

The Celestial Beast wanted to say something, but it was immediately interrupted by Nie Kong: "I will take care of Jia'er's injury freely. If you are not obedient, I don't guarantee Jia'er will survive today!"

"Master, I'll take it off!" The Celestial Beast stretched out Qianqianyu's hand with silk gloves, and slowly took off the metal mask that covered half of her face.

In an instant, the innocent and refined cheeks of the celestial female beast showed up in front of Nie Kong.Her face is beautiful, without any blemishes!

Just looking from a distance, Nie Kong had already developed a strong possessive desire.Just seeing the face of the celestial beast, Nie Kong felt that he was worth coming to the Digimon world.

Although Loli is good, she is soft and easy to push.But it's a pity that it just can't match the figure of Yu Jie.

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