The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0237, kill the card Doss

After 30 days of rigorous training, the strength of the male deer has long been different from the original.The demon king's roaring fist with full strength and zero distance rushed towards the greeting card Doss with a crash.The magic of horror burst out, and a hurricane was blown around the male deer.Countless smoke and dust flew up, obscuring the sight of the surrounding spectators.

The dust cleared, and the sight in front of them shocked Xiaokui and the others.With such a horrible punch, the male deer actually only knocked Doss's mouth a few degrees and didn't kill him.

White teeth spit out of his mouth, but it clearly angered Gados.With the help of little Beru's magical power, humans dare to hurt themselves as noble demon?

"Boy, are you looking for death?" Greeting card Doss was murderous, and the fist of huge magic power hit the male deer's face.Although the strength comparable to Zhujue has been suppressed for the most part, it is still unmatched by the current male deer.Blood spattered everywhere, and the male deer's five holes spurted a lot of blood.

"Boom." The male deer had never thought that he would fall into the wall, but he had fallen apart with his bones and had no strength to continue to stand up.Regret and unwillingness filled the heart of the male deer.

"Ningning, you go first, I'll stop him." The weak don't even have the right to control their own destiny. Although they have received guidance from grandpa these days, their strength has not been substantially enhanced.

Be stronger, I want to be stronger!Xiao Kui was powerless to shout, but who could hear it?

"We are Rage Emperor Ru, how could we abandon our companions and escape, sisters, do you think so?" Ning Ning shouted excitedly.

"Yes, we want to live and die together!" Qianqiu's daughters said with determination.

Qianqiu, who has undergone double repairs, is already very strong, even if he can deal with Tojo's first battle.But compared with the card Doss, the gap is still very large.

"Actually, you should be thankful. It is an honor for her to be the contractor of my card Doss." Card Doss sneered.

"Don't be impulsive..." Before Xiaokui could stop it, the women rushed towards Greeting Card Doss.Greeting card Dos shook his head and sneered, and the black magic bounce of his right hand bounced out.

"Boom!" The magic bullet exploded directly after it fell into the center of a few women. The only girl who had the spare energy to stand up was the powerful Qianqiu.

"Ningning!" Seeing the scene in front of her, Xiao Kui hated her teeth as if her teeth were broken.

"I didn't intend to hurt you, but it's all for you to ask for trouble. You have no choice. Hurry up and sign a contract with me. I have to hurry to kill the little prince's contractor." Greeting card Doss dragged sharply. His spear approached Xiaokui, a dozen meters away.

"Do you still want to resist? No one can save you anymore."

The sunset quietly fell, and the silent night began to fall.On the depressed street, the steady footsteps of Greeting Card Dos and Xiaokui's panicked heartbeat were combined.

Wrong, there seemed to be other footsteps on the court.The calm and dumb sound, as if it could calm Xiao Kui's flustered heart.At the end of the dark street, two scarlet points flickered strangely.

From the footsteps, you can hear that the person's speed is very slow, but in the blink of an eye, Doss found that he had appeared on the back of Xiaokui.

Xiao Kui began to tremble all over, she was too familiar with this smell.Fearing it was an illusion, she turned around trembling.It's not a dream, it's really a teacher, a teacher she likes.

"Teacher..." After a few days of grievance in my heart, the moment I saw Nie Kong finally broke out.Although she was smiling, the tears in her eyes were already covering her cheeks.

The anger has filled Nie Kong's chest, and he has never been so angry since he came to the two-dimensional world.Xiaokui, who had already decided on his own for a long time, dared to get involved?

Gentlely stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of Xiao Kui's eyes, Nie Kong held back the ruinous brutality and said: "Little Kui, the teacher will help you out!

"Haha... don't be kidding! She is already my default contractor, so do you want to stop me?" Although Greeting Card Dos was surprised, he didn't take Nie Kong into his eyes.

"Do you want to take away my cute little Kwai, unforgivable!!" Scarlet eyes were full of killing intent, and a terrifying aura rose to the sky.The scarlet magic is like a tornado, blowing the clouds in the sky to pieces.The bright moonlight illuminates the dark town.

The terrifying magic power of the explosion spread out with Nie Kong as the center.He clicked, the solid cement cracked in all directions from under his feet.The magic of scarlet permeated, dyeing the sky into a scarlet moon.

"What is this...How could such a terrifying magic appear in the human world! Is the Great Demon King coming, what international jokes..." Greeting card Doss was scared, and fear filled his heart.

Nie Kong walked towards Greeting Card Doss. Greeting Card Doss wanted to escape, but his feet were already shaking so much that he could not move!

"You... who are you...?" Greeting card Dos's pupils were full of panic, but his body was stiff and unable to move.I thought it would be like a fish in the water when I came to the world, but I never thought I would meet such a terrifying person!

"Hurt my classmate, bully my Xiaokui, still want to beg for mercy?" Nie Kong pinched his neck in the infinitely horrified gaze of Greeting Card Doss.There was a crash, and a cloud of blood exploded in the sky.

"Is the teacher's strength? Too...too strong." The opponent who tried his best, didn't even have the opportunity to resist in front of the teacher.

"Who would be the magic power that is so powerful to destroy the world?" Gurafiel, who had already ridden Tojo KO in the distance, trembled in fear, there was no devil's posture.

"Human... does anyone in the human world possess such a powerful magic power?" Naga's face was pale, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat."This is the end of the Gurafier game, where will it meet with Card Dos."

The two ran away in fear, leaving behind the seriously injured and Tojo.It seemed that the two demons who had been fighting were attracted by the magic.

"The powerful magic power has already covered the moon, and the master's strength is really unfathomable!" Griffia in the apartment noticed the familiar magic power, and her delicate face gave a faint smile.

The Yan King and the three maid demon who had already appeared in the Oga's house were still talking to Xiludi, but suddenly they fell to the ground by the magic power that came to them.Even King Yan's legs trembled a little.

All the powerhouses in the city were scared by the red moon in the sky. Does the guy with such terrifying magic want to destroy the human world?

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