The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0238, Xiaokui wants to become stronger

The magic of horror comes and goes fast, making all the strong think that there is an illusion.

"Have you left? I want to see who has such terrifying power. It is really a time bomb to allow such a dangerous figure to remain in the human world." Zen Jurou came to the source of magic and found it nearby. The streets have been destroyed to pieces.In addition to the smell of blood, he also found the male deer who had lost consciousness, and of course the little Beiru who was lying on him sleeping.

The girl who was originally Rage Emperor Ru has disappeared, but the male deer stayed on the spot.Not long after Zen Juro arrived, Naga and Gurafiel of the 34th Pillar Division of Behmott appeared on the field.

Seeing Zenjuro who was about to leave with the male deer on his back, the two stopped them.Although they were still a little frightened, they wanted to understand what had happened before.From the smell of the devil's blood in the air, they knew that the companion card Dos had been killed.

Zenjuro didn't keep his hands, and used the rope king engraving to easily defeat the two demons.Although not as powerful as the magic power just now, it was still very easy to kill these two Zhujue.

"Go and tell Behmot, let him be honest and wait a while!" With these words left, Zen Juro picked up the male deer and left, leaving only the two injured demons.They found that the human world has become beyond their imagination.

"Unexpectedly, Aoi-classmate also lives in the shrine. She lives in the same place as Kunie Aoi, the girl I met in the park. And you two look very similar. Are you cousins?" Nie Kong smiled and asked at Xiao Kui.

"Yes..." Just when Xiao Kui was about to answer yes, Bang Zhi Yidaozhai's voice suddenly came from ahead.

"It turns out that I went on a date. No wonder I came back so late." Kunie Ichitosai squinted coldly while waiting at the gate of the shrine for a long time.

"Grandpa, you... don't talk nonsense, old... the teacher just sent me back." Xiao Kui's face flushed, and he hurriedly shook his head trying to explain something.I have already defeated the first generation, so there is no face to pursue the teacher.

"Last time I lied to Grandpa that it was a friend of the park who also took care of the children. It turns out that the relationship between the two of you has developed into a lover! Boy, don't let my granddaughter Xiaokui be disappointed." Bangzhi Idozhai recognized Nie as early as last time. Empty, so I didn't embarrass him.

"Haha, it turns out that Xiaokui is Aoi Banghui, no wonder I always think Xiaokui is familiar. My fake wife, you have lied to the teacher for a long time." Nie Kong teased.

"Ah... Didn't the teacher blame me for deceiving you?" Xiao Kui softened a bit when she heard Nie Kong's affectionate address.

"How come, both Aoi Banghui and Xiaokui are so cute, and the teacher likes them all very much." Since Xiaokui is a classmate in his own class, there is no need to hide it.

"Hi... I like it?" Xiaokui's head was like a hammer, and the dizziness filled her mind.It turns out that the teacher likes himself, is this a dream?

"You young couple don't make affection in front of the old man. Since it's okay to send Xiaokui back, then you can get rid of it." Bangzhi Idozai said angrily.

"Grandpa... don't talk nonsense, old... the teacher hasn't admitted to be my lover yet! Besides, it's a rare teacher to come, so I should keep the teacher for dinner before going back." Xiao Kui threw the stone out of nowhere. He knocked the nonsense Bangzhi Yidaozhai to the ground.

"Woo..." Xiao Liyasi frantically pulled Nie Kong's hair when she heard the meal.The pure big eyes are pitiful, and they seem to be hungry.

"Little Lias is already hungry. Don't refuse the teacher. Let's go back after eating." Xiaokui Lianai took Xiao Lias in her arms and walked directly into the shrine without saying anything.

"It's cheap for you, I'm fortunate to taste the food Xiaokui made by himself." Bangzhi Yidao Zhaixin walked back to the shrine, feeling a little jealous of Nie Kong.How could the attitude of my granddaughter towards herself and the kid be so far worse.

The taste of Japanese food made by Xiaokui is not bad, compared with Cecilia.Nie Kong didn't have much demand for food. Anyway, it can be converted into energy when it enters the stomach.

"Grandpa, I...I want to be stronger. Can you spare the time to help me formulate training?" During the meal, Xiao Kui, who was feeding Xiao Liasi, raised her head and asked grandpa.

If his strength was still so weak, he would never have the chance to grab the teacher from the first generation.Only the strong have the right to choose.

"Xiaokui, you should know that the comprehension of kendo requires accumulation over time. Too fast for quick success and short-term profit, but the gain is not worth the loss!" Bangzhi Idozai said lightly.

"Is there no way?" Xiao Kui asked unwillingly.

"Well, there is a way!" As he sensed the magic power emanating from Nie Kong, Bangzhi Yidaozhai knew that the devil had come again.The strength of my granddaughter might be in danger at any time.

"Do you know the little girl Jiandong, Chuchen Temple should have a way to help you quickly improve your strength." Bangzhi Yidaozhai thought of the temple's Tengu legend, which might help Xiaokui possess the ability to fight against demons.Otherwise, with Xiaokui's current cultivation base, there is no chance of winning if he fights with the devil.Even with his own kendo cultivation, he might only be able to deal with demons at the Zhujiang level.

"Isn Dong's temple? Then I will come over tomorrow. The teacher will ask you to ask for a few days off. I have something to go to the country!" Xiao Kui exclaimed.

Nie Kong, who had been immersed in his meal, stopped, because he knew exactly what the so-called Jiandong could do to become stronger.Thinking that it would be a lusty stone lion, how could Nie Kong agree to Xiaokui becoming stronger in this way.

"Little Kui, I will accompany you tomorrow. If you don't find a way to become stronger, let the teacher personally train you."

Although Xiao Aoi thought about asking the teacher to help with training, he felt that it would be unfair to win Misaki in the future.So Xiaokui would stay close and seek further distance and ask his grandfather.It's just that now when I hear Nie Kong go to the countryside with her, Xiao Kui's heart throbs.

Is it for hope to become stronger, or to be happy to be alone with the teacher, maybe both.

"Then... Then trouble the teacher." Xiao Kui buried her face ashamed, and the teacher's initiative caught her off guard.

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