The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0244, caught

"It's time to replace Gurafiel, you are no match for her!" Naga stood in front of Gurafiel who was covering the wound, and didn't care about Xirudi in front of him.Although Xiludi possesses the strength to defeat Zhujiang, the strength of Naga as Zhujue is several times stronger than Zhujiang.

"What a small injury, I can fight again!" Driven by self-esteem, how could Gurafier be willing to lose to Xiludi's hands.Compared with the unwillingness in my heart, the pain in my body is nothing at all.

"Two-on-one is too despicable and shameless, Hiludi-sama Alandron will come to help you." I don't know when a barefooted man wearing a vest and boxer shorts appeared on the top of the building, especially his slightly revealing. The shy face is disgusting.

"Have you come back from practice!" Seeing the little Beru behind Arlandron, Xiludi was relieved.The coping column will be exhausted enough, if you add Naga himself, he will definitely be killed.

"As you can see, it's perfect!" You can hear from the voice that the male deer who has been trained by Zen Juro himself is full of confidence: "Next, leave it all to me."

Zenjuro, who is hiding on the far floor, smokes silently, but his face is full of schadenfreude.To deal with such a messy daddy, can you devil cubs stop him?

"Don't be kidding, this kind of third-rate farce will end it instantly when I see it. The contractor of the little prince, we will kill you this time." The leader gave them a second chance, so they had no room for failure.The magic power of Gurafiel's whole body burst out, looking like a black sun from a distance.

"Fortunately, Master Belu came in time, otherwise Sister Xiludi would be in danger." Lamia who was watching the battle was quietly relieved.

"What a powerful magical power, is this the strength of the pillar general." Has Arandron, a low-level teleporting demon, ever seen such a powerful demon, his jaw dropped in shock.

"Little Beilu is not your turn this time, leave it to me." The male deer's right hand immediately showed a bright red circular engraving in the front void, and the engraving was imprinted on Gurafiel under his control.

"I can't move my body anymore. This is the trick used by the coat of arms last time? Could it be that..." The weakly resisted Gurafil showed fear and could only watch the male deer rushing in front of him.

"Take this as a mark, and then hit you to the death!" A pair of powerful fists continuously bombarded the engraving, and Gurafiel's body hit the male deer's fist in the air.

"Boom!" The brilliant red engraving was controlled by the male deer, and a gorgeous firework exploded in the air.Gurafiel, bombed by Oga's iron fist, lost the ability to fight again.

"Gurafiel has been replaced, this man is very dangerous, he has to be strangled in the cradle now!" The male deer's performance made Naga start to get serious, and his whole body exudes magic power several times stronger than Gurafiel!

"Okay... such a powerful force, it's going to be on Little Beilu. Use the trick we created with Hei Beilu-super breastfeeding time!" When faced with such a powerful opponent, the male deer's blood began to boil.

The male deer stretched out his right hand and lifted out the milk bottle in his arms, as the male deer swallowed in his throat.Around the male deer's body, the magic power is like a ripple caused by a stone thrown into the water, and it starts to vibrate and become stronger!

"Has it started, the Demon King's five-minute feast!" Zen Jurou, who had expected such a thing for a long time, was not much surprised.

"Difficult, can it be said..." Xiludi murmured unconsciously, "Is the watch forced to break?" The powerful magic power is not much worse than the previous Naga.

Although he didn't know how the male deer improved his magical power, Naga knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he launched an attack first.Under the blessing of magic power, the speed of Naga has been qualitatively improved.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and he instantly appeared in front of Oga.The black fist exploded towards the male deer's face.

The male deer's face showed a child-like look, and he turned up to avoid Naga's attack and appeared above him.

"Dapor!" Just like the cry of little Beru, three marks of the devil appeared around Najia.The random fist struck Najia violently and quickly, causing a violent explosion.

But Zhujue's Naga rushed out directly from the smoke and dust of the explosion. Although a little embarrassed, there was no injury on his body. The two fought fiercely in the sky again.Although the male deer transformed into Beru is very powerful, the combat moves are messy and too many flaws.

Naga has rich combat experience, so the injuries on the male deer continue to increase.At this time, after Naga took advantage of the opportunity to pull away, Naga gathered the snake and dragon palms of terrifying magic and imprinted it on the male deer.Although there was no serious injury, the irritable little Beilu male deer became angry.He took out the milk bottle in his arms again, and Gu Gu swallowed all the milk in the bottle into his stomach.

Under the influence of the milk powder, the two contracted persons reached a perfect 100% synchronously, with no gap at all.

After the magic power around the male deer condensed to a certain degree, it began to fluctuate violently.The originally quiet male deer suddenly yelled "Da Por", it was exactly Little Beiru!

Two huge wings emerged from the cocoon behind, blood-red skulls dotted on the transparent lord of the flies wings that looked like fly wings.Coupled with the thin, pointed tail hanging down behind the male deer.That's right, little Beru has already taken over the male deer's body.

"Wang Ba Laozi, I have already warned him not to drink more than 30cc of milk powder?" Chan Shi Lang instantly squeezed out the cigarette in his mouth, and there was no rest to watch.

The red coat of arms centered on the naga, one after another appeared in the air, covering the blue sky densely!

"Be careful, Naga!" Gurafiel cried out.But the engraving has spread over a hundred meters in the sky, and the naga has nowhere to escape.

"Dapor!" The male deer slowly stretched out his finger to point to the coat of arms in front of him, and instantly detonated the engraving that filled the sky.The earth-shattering explosion spread, as if a thunder blasted out of thin air.

Although it was detonated in mid-air, the aftermath from the explosion of the Demon King's brand cut off Daxia, which was more than a dozen stories high.The gray-headed and gray-faced Kanzaki people crawled out of the smoke.

After performing this trick, Oka lost consciousness due to excessive use of magic power.Fortunately, Zenjuro appeared and hugged them, otherwise he might fall into meatloaf after falling from a height of tens of meters.

Naga had thought that he would die here, but he did not expect that a monster over a hundred meters in length suddenly rushed into the sky, helping him block most of the power of the explosion.

"Captain Jeb Walker?" Naga muttered to himself when he barely opened his eyes to see the person who saved him.

"Sodom!" Following Jebel Walker's orders, the monster under him opened his ten-meter-large mouth and swallowed Sherudi who had no time to escape.

"Jeber Walker, you're crazier than the legend, what do you want to do when you take her away?" Zen Jurou wondered.

"Saootome Zenjuro, the master of the war?" Seeing Zenjuro, Jeb Walker's hideous and ugly face was slightly surprised: "I won't kill her, but she will belong to us temporarily."

"Don't bother yourself, Jaber Walker, do you know that she has other identities besides the maid demon?" Zen Jurou sneered.

"Oh, what status?"

"She is now a student in a special class. If you capture her. Her teacher will destroy your 34th Division." Nie Kong's strength made him extremely jealous.

"Is that him?" Nie Kong appeared in You Ludi's mind, and she was slightly curious about his strength.

"Can we destroy our Thirty-Four Divisions? I would like to see. Gurafier, take the Yan King imp, let's retreat first!" Jeb Walker was disdainful. Who else in the world besides the Devil Ability group to destroy their division?

"Yes... it's the leader!" Gurafiel quickly dug out King Yan, picked him up and jumped on top of Sodom's head.

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