The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0245. Borrowing the power of

The base of the human world of the Thirty-four Pillars Division of Behmot is located in the original Ishiya Demon High School. The school that was originally in ruins has been erected here.The beautiful garden-like layout is completely incomparable with the original Ishiya Magic High School.Majestic and elegant, it is like a noble academy.

The four maids and demons were detained in the cell first, and after arranging a few guards, Jeb Walker ignored them.The purpose of capturing Xiludi is naturally to use her to serve the Yan King instead of Isabella.

Jeb Walker knew that the few days when the Yan King came to the world were all wasted playing games, and he was very dissatisfied.So seeing Shiludi's performance, my heart started thinking.

The other three maids were supposed to be executed, but because Yuludi was a high-level teleportation demon and had some usefulness, she escaped temporarily.

"Remia, where is Captain Behmott now? Why didn't you see him?" After everything was done, Jeb Walker asked the demon next to him.The college hasn't been established yet, and there are a lot of things to do. Where is the head of the team?

"The old team leader said to visit a few old friends in the world first, so I left the base as early as noon." Although Remia said that she was a childhood sweetheart with Jeb Walker, her tone of answer was slightly cold.

Perhaps the only thing that can attract her attention is her daughter Lamia.

"Bangzhi Yidaozhai and Shiyuan?" The well-known strong man in the world was the old leader's "friend" many years ago, so Jeb Walker was not surprised!

"It's getting late, let's continue training tomorrow." As night fell, the Moerjin training ground that should have been lively now only has Xiaokui who has not finished training.Xiao Jian saw Xiao Kui desperately, worried to persuade him.

Because the Bengyue Dimensional Knife is too complicated, Xiao Kui's stupid head can't understand its principle.So after six days of hard training, Xiaokui's strength has improved, but it is insignificant.

"I'm fine, Xiaojian, go back first." Xiaokui, who is obsessed with getting stronger, no one can stop her madness.Even Nie Kong couldn't persuade her, let alone Xiao Jian.

"But too much desperation can easily backfire, Xiaokui, you have to learn how to relax." Xiaojian said without giving up.

Xiao Kui knows this very well, but if he is still so weak, how to block the first generation next time.To get a teacher, you must first defeat Misaki the first generation.

"I thought Xiao Jian you would have a way to make me stronger, but who knows that the god that Chuchen Temple serves is too weak. Now there is no other way but to practice hard." Xiao Kui complained.

"God...Tengu is very strong, but the godhead is too far from the teacher. the way to become stronger quickly has long been in front of you." Xiaojian said intermittently.

"What way?" Xiao Kui asked eagerly, holding Xiao Jian's little hand.

"The power of our maiden is actually the power of gods. Mr. Tengu is considered a high-level shikigami, and the teacher is a true god. That's right, Xiaokui, please borrow some power from the teacher." Xiaojian Seriously.

"With the strength of the old... teacher?" Xiao Kui fell into silence.

"You should know Qianqiu sauce, she is so powerful because of the teacher's power. That's right, I can see the teacher's breath in her body!" The little admonish who possesses spiritual media quality did not expect to be aware of Qianqiu The strange.

"That's it! It's no wonder that Qianqiu was very weak in the past, and he changed like a different person some time ago." It's no wonder that his strength is no match for Qianqiu, is that what happened.

It’s already so powerful just with the help of the teacher’s little power. It would be too unfair for us to practice hard.

"Then how to do it?" Although it was unfair to borrow the teacher's power, Xiao Kui is now desperate.Defeating the first generation to possess Nie Kong has already occupied Xiao Kui's heart.

"As a witch, I know a little bit about borrowing the power of gods, but I have to pay a corresponding price. The ancient witches serve the gods, so they have the ability to cast down demons and eliminate demons. The price of using the teacher's divine power is Let me ask you more clearly." Xiaojian said calmly.

"The relationship between the teacher and me is so cordial. It shouldn't be a big problem to borrow some strength." Xiao Kui said dumbfounded.

"Of course God has God's rules, so no matter how good the relationship is, it is no exception. I have been in contact with Mr. Tengu before, so I am very clear." Xiao Jian nodded and responded.

"It's no wonder the teacher didn't lend me strength directly, but spent time training us. Is there such a rule?" Xiao Kui suddenly realized.Since seeing Nie Kong's earth-shattering strength, and Xiao Jian often talked about Nie Kong as a god, Xiao Kui completely believed in Nie Kong's "god" identity.

If Nie Kong knew, he would have to laugh out his teeth.What a god, it's just that the soul is condensed into a solid state.Only to reach the incubation soul in the second level of the Goddess Cultivation Art of the Queen, that is called a "god" is worthy of the name.Yuanshen can only be brewed by the gods, even if it is placed in the three dimensions, it is considered to be a person in the gods.

What Xiao Kui likes is Nie Kong's people, it has nothing to do with identity.So even if the teacher was a god or a demon, Xiao Kui's mood for Nie Kong remained unchanged.

"The matter of relying on the teacher's power, please rely on Xiaojian!" If I get one-tenth of the teacher's power, I can run the world completely.Look at the first generation shogun, the devil dare to bully himself unscrupulously.

"Don't...don't care, I just drop by to help Xiaokui. We leave Chen Temple very much hoping to serve the gods, so my father has long wanted to ask the teacher." Since the tengu mound was destroyed by Nie Kong, the host of Chuchen Temple has made up his mind. Hit Nie Kong.If the temple can be protected by God's blessing, then it is simply a great honor.

"Worship the teacher?" Thinking of the temple statues all becoming the teacher's appearance, a lot of cold sweat broke out on Xiaokui's forehead.If others know that they are married to God, then it is worth it.

"Do whatever you want, as long as the teacher promises me no objection." Xiaokui said helplessly.

"That's OK, I'll ask God about Xiaokui first when I go back tonight! God is so gentle, he will definitely agree to Xiaokui's request." Xiaojian's cute face burst into a happy smile.

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