The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 093. Get memory

"Mr. Vikku, please find out!"

Nie Kong, who had already approached Vrykul, grabbed Vrykul's collar. Because Greer was not as tall as Vrykul, he used his strength to pull the opponent's neck down and stared at himself.

"Now, it was the intelligence of the'over there' you mentioned that there was a problem, which caused this plan to change."

Even if it is an alliance now, Vikul believes that Greer will not do anything to himself. However, ordinary people will involuntarily feel fear when they see the Eye of Samsara.

Especially, the effect is even more pronounced when Vyku is particularly upset because of Nie Kong's news.

"Mr. Vikul, please understand that between our two families is the real person on the same boat! If our Bruno family falls, your family should not live alone!"

Nie Kong released his hand holding Vrykul's collar and watched indifferently as Vrykul's legs softened and fell to the ground with no expression on his face.

It's true to be cautious, but Nie Kong noticed from the beginning that this guy is too cautious. Such a person is more prone to mental breakdown.

Intimidate casually, apply a little more pressure, and you are already at a loss.

Nie Kong glanced at the already useless Vrykul, waved his hand uninterestedly, and returned to where Kulom was.

"Colom, how is your body now?"

While Nie Kong was talking, he recovered his appearance, and Kulom's figure gradually appeared.

After all, Liu Dao Mukuro was summoned, and the mental power required a lot of consumption.

"you you!"

Vrykul watched as he turned alive in front of him, his face pale in fright, and his feet were soft.

Such an incompetent opponent inevitably disappointed Nie Kong.

Vryku himself is also very resentful of his inability and disability.

Originally he was not a combat type, and Vryku had finally won this opportunity. He originally thought he would rise all the way in the future, but he didn't expect it to fall directly into Nie Kong's hands.

"Although the physical strength has not recovered, if it only invades the spiritual world, there should be no problem."

Kulom didn't pay attention to Vryku's situation, but after trying his physical strength, he raised his head and answered Nie Kong seriously.

"Do you want to invade now?"


The two plain words and the plainly ordinary sentence made Vryku unable to help but swallow.

It’s impossible to escape in front of Nie Kong. The eye of reincarnation is on Nie Kong. She must have agreed that Greer who meets him is also a good luck. Vryku doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t have the courage and the power to defy Nie Kong. Be obedient.

However, even if Vrykul struggled hard to stand up, his calf had been trembling because of the instinctive fear of his body, and he could not walk at all.

"Don't... don't kill me..."

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, I have no interest in killing innocent people."

Nie Kong moved his feet away in disgust, avoiding Vryku's hands from touching him, frowning slightly, "Which family did you mean by'over there?'"

After a pause, Nie Kongyou added, "Also, tell me what you know, all the families involved in this plan!"

"I...I don't know..."

Vyku was hesitating, he couldn't say clearly, and shook his head desperately.

Nie Kong's frowning eyebrows suddenly stretched out, chuckled, and called Enzo out.

"Enzo, wait a moment for you to sort out what this guy said, and then report it to me."

However, Vrykul's spiritual world was too fragile. He was hit by Kulom's mental power, rolled his eyes and fainted to death on the ground.

"I made a mistake. I didn't expect him to be so casual."

Nie Kong sighed helplessly, "Forget it, Kulom, do you a favor to Enzo and let him receive this guy's memory."

Kneeling down and poking at the person who fainted on the ground, he confirmed that he had fainted, instead of pretending to be fainted, Nie Kong stood up eagerly and found a seat casually.

"It's rare to come here, you can't go home empty-handed!"

"Okay, I know."

Kulom nodded and walked to Enzo.

"Mr. Enzo, please stretch out your hand."

Although Enzo didn't know why, he obediently obeyed his orders.

Kulom used his trident to poke Enzo's fingertips lightly, and a few drops of blood came out.

Then, he used those few drops of blood to draw a strange simple pattern on Enzo's palm.

After drawing, the pattern gradually disappeared from the palm of the hand.

Enzo watched silently, not daring to speak.

After handling Enzo's side, Kulom did the same steps on Vrykul's side.

"All right."

After getting it right, Kulom breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, turned the trident, and slammed it into Vrykul's body.

The bloody situation as expected did not happen. The trident that Kulom inserted into Vrykul's body was as if it were inserted into the water. After pulling it out, Vrykul's body not only had no blood stains, but also no wounds.

"This is done."

After doing everything, Kulom returned to Nie Kong's side.

"It's a good job, but the starting time seems to be not ideal. You will need to practice more in the future."

Nie Kong petted Kulom's hair and said softly.

"Okay, I know."

Kulom blushed slightly and nodded.

Just when Enzo was curious, the palm of his painted hand suddenly scorched, slowly, as if there was a flow of heat, from the palm of his hand along the meridian, slowly rushing into his mind.


Because of the reason that there were too many Vrykul's memories in his mind, Enzo held his head in pain and closed his eyes tightly. While working hard to relieve the pain, he worked hard to sort out Vrykul's memory.

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