The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 4 094, shot to destroy

"Uh... the situation seems to be worse than expected, the difference is a little bit..."

Looking at Enzo's painful and distorted face, Kulom was a little worried, but also very guilty.

This method of memory transfer was understood by Kulom.

"No hurry, with such progress, you can see that you have worked very hard in Colom!"

Nie Kong was not worried about Enzo's situation, but calmed Kulom's emotions with a gentle voice.

This method involves directly working on the soul. If there is any mistake, both people will suffer soul damage.

If it hadn't been because Nie Kong had tested Kulom's abilities, he wouldn't let Kulom easily use it on his own.

"Moreover, if I can't bear even such a bit of pain, then I will be very disappointed!"

Liu Dao Mukuro was not the only one who was disappointed with Greer, and he did not find an interesting and powerful opponent. This made Nie Kong very disappointed.

"Greyer Junior is indeed a person in this plan, but there must be other powerful assistants, otherwise, if I can fool the intelligence personnel of my special adviser so easily, then they should also go back and rebuild! "

Although he was smiling, Nie Kong's mood was very upset.

"Master Nie Kong."

At this time, Enzo has survived, and has completely accepted Vryku's memory and sorted out his thoughts.

"This guy really doesn't know how normal and the family that came in. It's just a scumbag who has used some means and money, has a high self-esteem, and has taken credit from others in order to get the upper hand!"

Enzo was indignant, he had always looked down on such people the most.


Nie Kong sneered, "I can't expect too much."

How promising can such a person be.


Enzo's face was heavy, so he just came here. If there is no useful harvest, he always feels very upset.

"In that case, feel free to do it!"

Nie Kong lost interest and lost patience, "I don't bother to try again, just kill it in one go."

Standing up indifferently, Nie Kong casually patted the slightly wrinkled clothes, and his whole body exuded a thick murderous intent.

"The first one, take the Garibaldi family!"

"Yes, I understand."

Enzo lowered his head, "Do I need to prepare?"

"Are you planning to go back, or continue to follow me?"

Nie Kong did not answer the question.

"If Master Nie Kong doesn't dislike it, I would like to follow it with life and death!"

Enzo heard this and immediately knelt down on the ground, reverently expressing his willingness to follow Nie Kong.

"Follow life and death..."

Nie Kong thoughtfully, then chuckled and helped Enzo up, "I'm not incapable of needing your life to protect me."

"Can you cook?"

Nie Kong suddenly asked a question completely irrelevant to the current situation.

Enzo was stunned, but he replied respectfully, "Father is a cook. Under his father's childhood teaching, my cooking is fairly good."

"Very good." Nie Kong nodded and thought for a while, "I remember, you know a lot about language, right?"

"I was more interested in languages, so I learned a few more."

Enzo didn't expect that Nie Kong had even read his own information.

After all, there are so many talents in the special advisory team, and people like him are simply too insignificant.

"How many doors are there? Tell me about it?"

Nie Kong was thoughtful, blinked, and asked curiously.

"German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and French."

Enzo was a little embarrassed, "The only ones who are still proficient at this time..."

In fact, he can also speak a few other languages, but he is not proficient, so he didn't have the nerve to say it.

"You can follow me in the future. Just obey my orders. You don't need to be so respectful all the time. I don't like people who are too formal."

"Ah! Okay!"

Enzo was overjoyed. He already admired Nie Kong very much. He could follow Nie Kong's back, which was what he dreamed of.

"Colom, Enzo's residence, please tell Kyoko and help him arrange it."

Nie Kong turned his head and confessed a few words to Kulom.

"Now, you go back to the base and inform Vittorio that they have come to my identity. I have a new task for them to complete."

"Okay, I know."

Kulom took Nie Kong's words in his heart, nodded, looked at Nie Kong, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

"Colom, what do you want to say?"

"Um... Brother, you have to be careful!"

Although he knew that Nie Kong was very powerful, Kulom would still be worried involuntarily.

"Don't worry, there may not be anyone who can hurt me in this world!"

Nie Kong chuckled and stroked Kulom's hair, "After you go back, take a good rest! I will finish the matter here soon and take you back."


Kulom responded gently, leaning against Nie Kong's arms, and then gradually disappeared in place under Nie Kong's strength.

After Kulom left, because he had decided to destroy these families directly, Greer was useless. After Nie Kong glanced at Greer, he decided to stay here and let him fend for himself.

"Let's go, Enzo."

After opening the door, someone soon noticed something was wrong and rushed over. However, most of them had just emerged and were killed by Nie Kong with a single blow.

Gradually, before they met many people, Garibaldi's people thought that they knew that the person was Nie Kong, and they didn't send any more staff, but kept choosing to retreat, intending to escape.

If there is a head-on confrontation, no matter how many people there are, there can be no Nie Kong!

This is the bloody lesson of the previous families.

No family dared to try to break this situation rashly.

"Master Nie Kong!"

Because they did not dare to send someone to investigate the situation, the Garibaldi family had to choose to use the broadcast to transmit the news.

"Master Nie Kong, what do you mean!"

The voice from the broadcast reverberated in the silent passage. The voice was rapid and faintly angry, but because the opponent was Nie Kong, he abruptly endured it.

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