The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 037, the master of Yiping

As soon as he talked about his preferences, Haru Miura immediately became excited, unable to calm down at all, but he was not excited for a while, but suddenly fell lonely, "It's just that I haven't found it for a long time..."

"If you can't find it, don't look for it. Maybe it will suddenly appear again someday!"

While comforting Miura Chun, Nie Kong offered his own suggestions, "Why don't you go to my house and find Lan Bo and Yiping?"

At this time, it was the time when the child was most energetic. Even if Yiping might fall asleep, Lan Bo was afraid that he would not go to bed so early.

"Hay! Really!"

With surprise on Miura Chun's face, he immediately had the urge to go to Nie Kong's house immediately, but after noticing the sky, he gave up this plan.

"It's still tomorrow, it's too late today, maybe Lan Bo and Yiping are already asleep..."

"If that's the case, then so be it. Tomorrow, although we are not at home, but Feng is too at home, you just have to say that I let you come."

Tomorrow was the day of the decisive battle. They were not at home. After thinking about it, Nie Kong felt that there should be no problem, so he did not refuse.

"It’s getting late, and it’s not safe for a girl to wander the road alone, especially if you are a beautiful girl like Xiaochun, it’s easier to attract the attention of idiots. For the sake of safety, let me send you home first. !"

"No, no, no, I can go back by myself!"

Although his face was flushed by the compliment in Nie Kong's words, and his heart was ecstatic, Xiaochun still waved in habit to refuse.

Anyway, her home is not far from here, there shouldn't be any problems.

"I will be worried."

Nie Kong didn't say much, just four words, which successfully changed Miura Chun's attitude.

"Well, since you said that..."

Because of Nie Kong's gentle care, Miura Chun couldn't help but feel the deer bumping into her heart. Chun's heart sprouts. Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, she couldn't refuse.

"Let's go."

Nie Kong then touched Miura Chun's head with satisfaction, took her hand in a logical way, and walked towards her house.

"Xiaojing really likes you, Xiaochun, but Xiaochun hasn't been here recently. Little Kyoto is a bit lonely!"

Although Xiaojing has Kulom now, Kulom is not particularly keen on sweets. Xiaojing also wants to play with Xiaochun again. Nie Kong, as the closest person, sees it very clearly.

"There was a test recently and I was busy studying. Xiaochun originally went to Kyoko to play after preparing for the test!"

After all, Xiaochun studied at the Senior Women's College, which requires relatively high academic performance, and it is not easy to maintain excellent results.

"But I just found a newly opened cake shop. The cakes in it look delicious, so I can take Kyoko to eat it next time!"

For Haru Miura, sweets and cute children are her two favorite aspects.

"Is it a good idea, I wonder if Xiao Chunhuan welcomes me to join the party between you?"

Even if you don't have time later, you still have to actively participate in such things as inviting girls.

"No problem, Brother Kong, we will be very happy if you come!"

When he heard that Nie Kong was going to be with him, Haru Miura was inexplicably excited, with some vague hopes.

"Ah, this is my home. Thank you, Big Brother Nie Kong, for taking me home!"

It was a bit unaccustomed to call Big Brother Haru Miura at first, but after a few calls, she was already screaming smoothly.

"There seems to be no one in Xiaochun's family..."

Nie Kong casually glanced at the home that Xiaochun said, but the home was very deserted and there was no human atmosphere.

"Well, yes, Mom and Dad have gone to other cities to give lectures, and it will take a while to come back."

Haru Miura didn't think much, he looked like he was used to it.

"So, I live alone..."

Nie Kong looked up at Miura Chun's home, thoughtfully.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing something wrong with Nie Kong, Haru Miura was a little curious.

"It's okay. If you live alone in a girl's family, you should pay more attention to safety. If anything goes wrong, just come to us!"

Nie Kong keenly perceives something wrong with this house, but his family is also troubled at this time. After this period of time has passed, I will invite Xiaochun over!

"En! Xiaochun got it, thank you Brother Nie Kong!"

Although Miura Haru didn't think there was any problem, he was very happy to hear Nie Kong's concern.

"Well, then you go in and rest early."

Nie Kong knew that with Miura Chun’s carefree personality, there might be a problem, so he had to put his own barrier on her body first, and then watched her enter the house and looked around for a while before he walked away. .

"Big Brother Nie Kong is really gentle, whoever can become his bride will definitely be very happy!"

After returning to her room, Xiaochun recalled Nie Kong's gentle treatment of herself, and could not help blushing, and could not help but fantasize.

At this time, Nie Kong naturally didn't know Xiaochun's current thoughts. Originally he was planning to go back to rest, but he did not expect to encounter an unexpected guest on the way home.

"It seems that the super cute child Xiaochun said should be you!"

Nie Kong looked at the baby in front of him, laughed lightly, and said lightly.

"I just passed by..."

When I remembered that I was just passing by, but was inexplicably entangled by the lively girl, Feng also expressed his helplessness.

The appearance of a baby like Liborn, but in fact the wind of an adult bowed gently to Nie Kong in respect.

"My Yiping is causing you trouble."

"That's not true. Yiping is very well-behaved. I have to thank you."

Since the other party knew that Yiping lived in his own home, he must have gone through some investigations, Nie Kong was not surprised, after all, the opponent's strength was there.

"I am relieved to see that Yiping is safe, and I will beg of you."

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