The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 038, preparations for war

Feng nodded at Nie Kong, and was about to leave.

"Aren't you going to meet Yiping separately? Yiping misses you very much."

Yiping respects and likes his master style very much. This can be clearly seen by outsiders like Nie Kong. If he can meet one another, he will definitely be very happy.

"Thank you for your concern, Yiping has her own way to go, I believe her!"

Feng faintly rejected Nie Kong's proposal, and then he lifted his foot gently, and it floated away from the place where it was like the wind and disappeared.

Since the other party was unwilling, Nie Kong did not force it.The seven babies are quite capable, but Nie Kong didn't take them seriously either.


Feeling the breath of his master, Yiping hesitated and walked to the place where the wind was before, constantly looking around, trying to find his master.

"Brother Kong, have you seen my master?"

Yiping frowned tightly. After looking for a long time and couldn't find it, he had to ask Nie Kong out loud.

"There are still many opportunities to see you again in the future, Yiping."

Nie Kong walked closer to Yiping and gently hugged it up, watching her immature face look very lost, Nie Kong could only enlighten as much as possible.

"Yiping, why did you run out suddenly!"

"Lambo, Yiping, it's so late, don't run around!"

Because Yiping suddenly ran out, Lan Bo, who was very curious about the reason, also ran out looking for Yiping, followed by Feng Tai, who took care of the two, with an anxious expression, fearing that he would not be able to take care of the two children.

"Ah, Brother Kong, you are back."

Feng Tai, who was still very worried, immediately settled after seeing Nie Kong holding Yiping.

"Yiping, look, it's not just Lan Bo, but Brother Fengtai is also worried about you suddenly running out!"

Nie Kong patted it gently, and gestured in the direction of Lan Bo and Fengtai.

"Lambo, I'm fine, let's go back."

Seeing that Lan Bo came out to find him, Yiping retracted his lost expression and bowed too much to Feng Feng.

"Sorry, Brother Fengtai, I worried you."

"It doesn't matter, you'll be fine in Yiping."

Feng too quickly waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind.

"Yiping, what is the master you just mentioned? Did you find it?"

Lan Bo didn't care about anything else, he only knew that he was still playing games with Yiping, but suddenly Yiping ran out while yelling to Master, so he chased it out.

"Master was not found, but it's okay now."

Although Yiping felt a bit regretful that he didn't see Master, he was still very happy to see that Lan Bo Hefeng cared so much about himself.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Nie Kong looked at the home not far away, picked up Lan Bo's Fengtai, and walked towards the house.

After the two children and Fengtai were settled, Nie Kong returned to his room.

Before he knew it, the sky was already slightly bright. After Nie Kong got up, he was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. He was originally prepared to wake everyone up, but found that those people had already got up spontaneously.

"Sure enough, you can eat delicious food when you live here. I really want to live here forever!"

After Yamamoto finished washing, he was originally preparing for morning exercises, but found that Nie Kong was already preparing breakfast. While somewhat surprised, he also showed great interest in Nie Kong's cooking.

"Originally, I was ready to prepare breakfast, giving everyone a surprise, but I didn't expect you to be earlier than me!"

Kyoko looked a little surprised at the group of people who had already risen, but then she realized that it was probably because of a special reason today.

"You go to the morning exercise first, and I will notify you after Sora and I have prepared breakfast!"

At this time, Jingzi was already very bold and commanding everyone to do their own things, and then together with Kulom, helping Nie Kong.

"Xiaojing, you and Colom, come here, I will teach you the steps and some points that need attention, you come and try."

Nie Kong originally didn't need help from others, but the hospitality was difficult, so Nie Kong didn't refuse. By the way, he thought of teaching them how to cook.

"Really? Hmmm, I hope I can make it as delicious as you made!" Jingzi was very excited. She liked to cook at first, but now Nie Kong is willing to teach, she is naturally very happy.

"I... I can't..."

Although Kulom thought about it, he didn't have much confidence and worried that what he made would not taste good.

"It's okay Kulom, let's do it together, okay?"

Jingzi didn't worry about this problem. Even if she didn't believe in herself, she believed in Nie Kong's teaching ability.

"Colom, your shortcoming is that you are not confident enough, come on, you have to believe in yourself!"

Nie Kong cheered up Kulom, and Kyoko also grabbed Kulom's hand and expressed his belief in her.

"Okay, okay, I'll do my best!"

It's already been said that if Kulom refused to resign, it would be too hypocritical. Moreover, she was unwilling to let down Nie Kong and Kyoko's hopes, so she mustered up her courage and listened carefully to Nie Kong's words. Cooking meals.

"Finally finished!"

Seeing that they worked together to complete the luxurious breakfast on their own, both Kulom and Jingzi were very happy. After hearing the praise from Nie Kong, they became even more excited.

"I will ask them to come for breakfast."

Kulom has not realized that such a beautiful and delicious meal is from his own hands. He can't believe it, but his inner joy is very real.

"Colom, believe in yourself, you can do it."

The reason why Nie Kong specifically chose to let go and let Kulom and Kyoko make breakfast was just because he wanted to take this to make Kulom more confident.

"I see."

Kulom blushed embarrassedly, and nodded, somewhat confident in himself.

"smell good!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei and his party gradually gathered at the table, and they showed salivating expressions about early.

"Boss Nie Kong didn't do this, right?"

After taking a bite, the Hayato in Prison Temple immediately noticed the difference.

"Although it is not as invincibly delicious as the boss Nie Kong made, it is also very good!"

"This was made by me and Kulom, guided by Teacher Nie Kong, how about it, delicious!"

Kyoko was very happy, pulling Kulom together, looking like he was waiting for such praise.

Kulom was a little uncomfortable standing beside Kyoko, rarely being praised, which made her feel very embarrassed.

Seeing Jingzi's way of asking for praise, Nie Kong couldn't help but chuckle.

Although Kyoko is now more and more like a leader, she is still just a kid who likes to listen to praise!

"It's delicious at the limit!" Sasakawa Rakuhei didn't know how to say anything nice, and would only express his emotions in the most true way.

"It's very delicious, Kyoko, you cooked very well, Kulom, I didn't expect you to be weak in writing, but the cooking is still very good!"

Because Kulom is very introverted, he is busy exercising at ordinary times, and there is basically no opportunity to communicate, but since they belong to the same family, Yamamoto Takeshi wants to communicate more with Kulom.

"In the future, with teacher Nie Kong's teaching, we will have a lot of good food in the future!"

Not many people can refuse the temptation of good food. They can taste good food every day after being tired. This is something to look forward to.

It's just a pity that Takeshi Yamamoto couldn't enjoy the food made by Teacher Nie Kong every day like everyone else.

"Everyone, have a good meal. After we are done, we should set out to deal with Liu Dao Mukuro."

I don’t know if it’s because of the good results of the practice or because of the good food. Everyone is full of confidence. After eating breakfast happily, after cleaning up, they are ready to go.

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