The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 6 039, the Avengers obstruct

"Sister Biyangqi, I will trouble you to take care of it once the blue wave and the wind are too high."

Kyoko glanced at Ipping Lanbo, who was still a child, looked at Bi Yangqi, and explained with some worry.

"I see."

Bi Yangqi put on a lot of dark glasses because the Hayato in Prison Temple saw her face, so she nodded to Kyoko's explanation, and then looked up at the prison. Temple Falcon.

"Hayato, I'm waiting for you to come back safely, and my sister will wait for you with delicious food."

Although she was not a dear, Bi Yangqi also cared for the Prison Temple Hayato as her own younger brother. Although the way of caring was a bit wrong, the intention was genuine.

"I'll come back safely, but I don't need this..."

Hearing Bi Yangqi's words, the prison temple Hayato couldn't help but think of the horror of dark cooking again, and there was a chill in his back.

"Miss Biyangqi, don't scare Hayato, otherwise it will be bad if Hayato has a stomachache again."

Nie Kong said lightly, putting his hand on the shoulder of the Falcon in the Prison Temple without incident, and silently helped him control his body.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's go."

The address of Liudao Mukuro had been found out from the beginning, and Kyoko and a group of people marched towards Obsidian Middle School.

"I remember, the last time I came here, it was years ago..."

Kyoko frowned slightly as he looked at the chaos around him, "The base camp of Liudao Mukuro is in front of me, let's go."

The place where Liu Dao Mukuro settled was Obsi Middle School, and his base camp was Hei Yao Paradise.

"It seems that someone has already wiped out a lot of rubbish before us!"

The Hayato at the Prison Temple looked at the surroundings and spoke out the conclusion he had drawn with some discomfort.

"It seems that we are basically knocked down with one blow. Is it possible that Senior Hibari has already broken in ahead of us?"

Nie Kong had told himself about Hibari, so Kyoko also knew about Hibari Kyouya.

"According to Kyouya's character, it is very possible."

Nie Kong had expected this situation a long time ago, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Then let's go quickly, if something happens to Hibari, it won't be good!"

Although Kyoko knew Hibari Kyouya was great, but the opponent was a character like Liudao Mukuro, Kyoko did not dare to slack off.

"To be on the safe side, the Prison Temple and I will take a step ahead in case there is any accident."

Yamamoto Takeshi and Prison Temple Hayato rushed out first, and in a blink of an eye there was no one.

"Then we should hurry up."

Nie Kong looked at the surroundings, and suddenly showed an unexplained smile, and then rushed towards Heiyao Paradise with Kyoko and his party.

On the way, for some reason, Nie Kong just said to Jingzi, "I will leave first, you will go first, and I will arrive later", and then suddenly disappeared.

"Brother, where are you going?"

After Nie Kong left, Kulom was a little worried.

"I don't know, but Sora must have his own business. After he is over, he will definitely join us. Let's deal with the people in front of you first!"

Jingzi believed in Nie Kong's strength very much, so she was not worried, but rather worried about the safety of the few people who charged in front.

At this time, Nie Kong was standing in front of a few people wrapped in black clothes and staring at each other coldly.

"I wanted to learn about the Avengers a long time ago. If you want to interrupt our actions, I don't mind revealing your true colors!"

"Who are you? What a big tone!"

Enraged by Nie Kong's cold, but very arrogant tone, one of the Avengers immediately stood up and prepared to clean up Nie Kong.

"Since you know us, you should also be a member of the Mafia, and you should know our rules!"

The other person stopped the man who was in the beginning, his voice was low, but it revealed a gloomy horror.

"Sorry, Liu Dao Mukuro is the person I am fond of, but I can't let you take him away!"

Nie Kong was not prepared to say more, he directly took out his blood whip of sin, ready to fight at any time.

"Dare to fight against the Avengers, if you have anything to say until you enter the Avengers prison!"

Seeing that Nie Kong had turned on his weapon, the Avengers had no other thoughts, and they rushed forward to take down Nie Kong.

In the past, from time to time, I would meet this kind of people who wanted to oppose the Avengers, but these people had only two fate——

Be put in the Avengers prison, or, die!

"I don't know, who is the person who is not able to measure himself..."

Looking at the person who rushed up, Nie Kong sneered, without looking in his eyes, his hand raised and the whip fell, the avenger who rushed in front had been knocked to the ground.

"Who are you!"

Seeing the blazing flames on the whip in Nie Kong's hand, the Avengers also had to start to take it seriously.

"Nie Kong."

"Liu Dao Mukuro is a Mafia prisoner wanted by the Avengers. As a member of the Mafia, you should know our rules."

Seeing that force didn't seem to work, the Avengers tried to persuade Nie Kong to give way.

It is because they are very confident of their own abilities, so they are also a little afraid of Nie Kong's method of subduing an Avenger with one move.

However, fear does not mean fear, two fists are harder than four hands. If there is really no way to deal with it peacefully, they don't mind tearing their faces.

"Even if you are powerful, but if we want to wipe out your companions, with the abilities and methods of our Avengers, it only takes one night!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Nie Kong answered, not listening to the threat of the opponent at all.

"It's just a pity, your threat, for me, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Nie Kong didn't look at the opponent from the bottom of his heart. If he was only planning to prevent the opponent from taking Liudao Mukuro, now he is really ready to tidy up the opponent.

"From now on, Liudao Mukuro will be our special adviser to Sasakawa, Kyoko's subordinates. If you want to take him away, you should beat me first!"

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