The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 6 040, transform the Avengers

"In that case, there is nothing to say!"

Seeing that Nie Kong was indifferent at all, the avengers couldn't help but become a little bit irritated. With a few signs in their eyes, they attacked Nie Kong.

"Humph, seek your own dead end."

Nie Kong let out a cold snort, avoided the opponent's attack on his side, and then waved the blood whip of sin in his hand that was burning with flames, and drew it toward the opponent unceremoniously.


Nie Kong's movements were too fast, and the avenger had no time to react. His entire body was already swept away by the blood whip of sin. At the same time as it was thrown out, the energy of the body was also absorbed by the blood whip of sin.

"Don't waste time, let's go on together!"

Unlike the opponent's high degree of tension, Nie Kong has always been calm and comfortable, which undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the opponent's avengers.

"My whip, I can't wait to absorb your strength."

Nie Kong, who is always gentle and elegant, looked at the few avengers who couldn’t see clearly before him, and showed a bloodthirsty smile, mysterious and dangerous, with a touch of unknown depth, and casually waved his hand. The whip is constantly absorbing the energy of the Avengers.

"Although it was eliminated, it is worthy of being the son of the rainbow. This strong energy is really amazing."

Although Nie Kong said surprised words, besides the surprise, there was only excitement on the face, not the slightest surprise.

"What are you talking nonsense!"

When Nie Kong said the children of the rainbow, the bodies of the other people trembled invisibly. They were obviously surprised at what Nie Kong said, but they didn't dare to show it.

"Am I talking nonsense, shouldn't you know the most!"

Nie Kong glanced at the other side nonchalantly, and the other side had no way to calm down.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot. The so-called Avengers are actually played by the dead Rainbow Sons. No one seems to know!"

After saying this, the eyes of those avengers flushed with anger.

"Although I don't know where you learned this secret, it doesn't matter anymore. You should, now you, in our eyes, are dead!"

The Avengers were not to be outdone. Even if they used the method of dying together, they did not hesitate. From the continuous attacks, it could be seen that they were prepared to kill Nie Kong from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just a pity, how can people like Nie Kong be able to deal with them.They could not resist even a simple whiplash attack.

"It seems that Ye Noyan, who is supporting them alive, should not be underestimated. One day I will meet the so-called leader of Bermuda."

"Boss... won't... let go... you..."

Nie Kong originally left a living, but he did not expect that after gritting his teeth and watching him intermittently finish the last sentence, he broke his last breath.

Nie Kong checked the conditions of the several people who were knocked down, and under the black clothes, there was no ugly skeleton.

No wonder you have to wrap your whole body in black, otherwise, if ordinary people see it, there is absolutely no way for this Avenger to be active in the Mafia as it is now.

As the blood whip of the dead's sins, they absorbed the flames of the night that supported their activities. They lost their energy and restored the identity of the dead.

"Perhaps, you can try it out..."

Before the opponent’s bones disappeared, Nie Kong put his blood whip on an avenger, and then ignited the flame that the blood whip had absorbed and converted into his own energy onto the avenger, and then stood up. Will it be effective if you sit and wait?


Following a bewildered figure, the avenger who had been injected with new flames gradually came to life, and then looked at his situation with a confused expression.

"This, what's the situation!"

The man looked at his body that could move again, and the powerful force that came from his body more continuously than before, and he looked up at Nie Kong incredible.

"Is... you saved me?"

He has been able to move to this day because of the leader of Bermuda's Night Flame, but he did not expect that this person in front of him is not only strong, but also has the ability to bring himself back to life.

"It seems that the effect is good!"

Nie Kong looked at his test results with satisfaction, then squatted down, asking in order to better understand this ability.

"Tell me honestly, now you, compared to before, are there any differences in all aspects of your body?"

"Except for feeling that the energy in the body is stronger than before, there is no difference."

Although the other party was the one who robbed his own energy and caused his own death, the other party was also the one who gave him a new life, so after hesitating for a while, that person honestly said how he felt.

"I think you should understand your current position."

Although he gave the other party new life, Nie Kong wouldn't mind regaining this life energy if the other party didn't know good or bad.

"Yes, boss."

Even though he was the son of the dignified Rainbow before he was born, he has long been dismissive of such things after he died for so long. Whoever can give himself life, then serve for whom, this is their current rule.

"Very good, your name."

These people's combat power is not low, and if they can use it for themselves, it will be a good combat power. Nie Kong is very satisfied with the opponent's current affairs.


Vittorio reported his name, and at the same time, because of the pressure released from Nie Kong's body, he had to lower his head and bow his head respectfully, not daring to show any disrespect.

"I hope the others will be as acquainted as you."

Nie Kong glanced at Vittorio, who bowed his head in front of him and dared not raise his head, walked slowly to the other fallen avengers, and lit them with the angry flame of the blood whip of sin.

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