The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 6 041, to subdue the Avengers

At the beginning, the Avengers who had been clamoring to kill Nie Kong, after awakening, the first reaction did not care about why he would wake up, but when he saw Nie Kong, he immediately rushed to Nie Kong and wanted to kill Nie. air.

Nie Kong didn't move, watching the man rushing in front of him with cold eyes. Before he could attack him, he was immediately stopped by the rushing Vittorio.

The flames on them are all life abilities ignited with angry blood whip, and the power of life and death is in the hands of Nie Kong.

"Galileo, don't be rude to the boss!"

"Vittorio, what are you doing, this person is the one who took away our life energy!"

The man named Galileo stared at Nie Kong angrily while shouting angrily at Vittorio.

"However, he is also the one who gave us new and stronger strength!"

Vittorio rebuked in a low voice, very unhappy with Galileo's impulse.

"You can feel the power flowing through your body for yourself, it can't be compared with the previous one!"

"Uh...what's going on..."

After being said by Vittorio, Galileo also calmed down, feeling the power in his body, his face full of surprise.

The others were not as impulsive as Galileo, and they noticed something wrong with their body after waking up. At this time, they all looked at Vittorio, hoping that he could answer for himself.

"Have you calmed down?" Nie Kong looked at Galileo coldly, and a dangerous smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, revealing an unclear meaning.

"You should thank Vittorio, he saved your life. I can give you life, and I can kill you at any time."

If there is no Vittorio to stop him, I am afraid that before he attacks him, Nie Kong will collect the energy from his body, let him become a skeleton frame again, and destroy it directly!

"Thank you boss for not killing!"

Although Vittorio had no feelings, he still wanted to save the lives of several people in the same situation as himself.

And he also knew that if Nie Kong wanted to do something, they would become lifeless corpses again at any time.

Moreover, he also had to guess that the reason why Nie Kong was indifferent to Galileo's attack was because of his disdain, and the second was because he wanted to take this to see his attitude.

However, fortunately, looking at the current situation, my attitude and position can be considered pass.

"Thank you boss for not killing!"

People who can be children of the rainbow are not useless people. After seeing Vittorio’s attitude, the other people immediately guessed the general situation and quickly conformed. Bow down

"Very good, you still know each other."

Nie Kong looked at the several avengers who obeyed with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze on Galileo.

"I don't know what you plan to do?"

It is Nie Kong's principle to employ people without doubt, and suspects don't use it.

Therefore, if Galileo has his own blood and is unwilling to obey, although regrettable, he will never leave this hidden danger by his side.

"Swear allegiance to the boss!"

In the face of the overwhelming power, Galileo had to obey, after all, he still didn't want to die.

"I can allow you to do anything wrong, as long as you handle the aftermath yourself. However, what I absolutely cannot allow is betrayal. If you feel that you can't do it, you can say it now. Otherwise, if I find out, it will be life. It's better to be punished by death!"

Nie Kong leisurely talked about his position, and if his eyes were patrolling around a few people, through his body, he looked at the flames in them, but if anyone had a strange heart towards him, the flames would change color.

Fortunately, except for Vittorio’s flames, there was no movement among these people. The others were more or less shaken, especially Galileo who was the most shaken. However, after shaking for a while, it calmed down, and in the process, it became calm. No color change.

These people can all be said to be people who have experienced hell, and they can best understand what it is like to live inferior to death.

"I am Nie Kong, please report your names."

Reporting the name instead of acknowledging that these people are their own, this undoubtedly made the people present very happy.

"Spark Franklin."

"Laurent Woolf."

"Edgar Rowell."

Except for Vittorio and Galileo who already knew their names, several others reported their names one after another.

"I see. From now on, you are not the avengers, but the subordinates of Nie Kong, my special adviser to the Sasakawa family. Now, you should first tell your current affairs to your original leader, and then help me. Collect all the information of the upper and middle mafia family."

Nie Kong had originally planned to collect people who were his special advisers to help him collect information, and now these people just happen to come in handy.

"Yes, lead!"

Following Nie Kong's order, Vittorio, as the leader, immediately led the people and disappeared in place to complete the order Nie Kong arranged.

After solving Liu Dao's worries, Nie Kong rushed to the place where Jingzi was.

"Sorry, I'm late."

By the time Nie Kong rushed to Kyoko, besides Kyoko and Kulom, Yamamoto and the others had already begun a normal duel.

Hibari Kyouya focused on Liudao Mukuro from the beginning, and the two fought fiercely with each other.

Kakimoto Thousand Kind vs. Shangyuji Hayato, Jojima Dog vs. Yamamoto Takeshi, Sasakawa Rakuta vs. M·M, Kyoko and Kulom as backup forces, watched the battle.

Moreover, as the leader of the Sasakawa family, how could it be possible to use the leader to fight against the enemy, so that the subordinates are too incompetent.

"Teacher, you are here."

After seeing Nie Kong coming, Jingzi's nervous expression became visibly relaxed, and the hanging heart was also let go.Standing in front of Nie Kong happily, he held Nie Kong's big hand.

Nie Kong took Jingzi's little hand and looked at the battlefield.

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