The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 042, the growth of Colom

"After the special training, everyone is much better, and I believe it will be over soon."

Sasakawa’s Hei, Yamamoto Takeshi and Prison Temple Hayato are no longer what they used to be. They are more than enough to deal with, there is no pressure, but Hibari Kyoya is more difficult to say.

"Although Senior Hibari is very powerful, the opponent's combat is also very strong, and the opponent has been using illusions to assist in attacks. This makes Senior Hibari very difficult!"

Kyoko conscientiously watched the battle while summing up his views.

"Xiao Jing, this time is the time to show the results of your special training."

Nie Kong whispered a few words in Jingzi's ear, then straightened up, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"Teacher, your method is indeed very good, but it requires everyone's cooperation. If Hibari-senpai doesn't cooperate, wouldn't it be a failure!"

Kyoko hesitated. After all, everyone at Hosei Middle School knew that Hibari Kyouya hated crowds most.

Not even willing to be with everyone, let alone cooperation.

"How do you know if you don't try it!"

Nie Kong looked at Hibari Kyouya who was in battle. Although he was in trouble because of Liudao Mukuro's illusion, the curvature of the corners of his mouth exposed his very happy mood.

It really deserves to be a fighting freak!

"Since the teacher said so, let's try it!"

According to Kong’s prompt, Liu Dao Mukuro is capable of possessing, so in order to prevent being possessed in battle, Nie Kong paid attention to it.

"Kufufufu, Kyoko-san has a very good body as the leader~"

Liu Dao Mukuro temporarily trapped Hibari Kyouya in the illusion, and wanted to grab Kyoko's body.

"It's impossible for me to give up my body! You should give up this idea!"

Kyoko with a serious face sullen, Yizheng verbally rejected Liu Daosu's idea.

At this time, the Hayato from the Prison Temple had already solved their opponents, gathered around Kyoko, and looked at Liudao Mukuro with enthusiasm.

"Kyoko, I will try to enter his illusion, I want to help that person..."

Kulom approached Kyoko, whispering his thoughts.

"Well, pay attention to safety. I am waiting for you to bring back Senior Hibari safely."

Kyoko nodded, having no objection to Kulom's decision.

Although she can see the illusion of Liudao Mukuro, there is no way to crack it. The only person here who can also illusion is Kulom.

Therefore, she can only count on Kulom to show off his power, and even if she can't crack it, if she can resist Liudao Mukuro's illusion, then this victory is a certainty.

"Kulom, go, don't worry, everything is still with me."

"Well, I got it."

With Nie Kong as his backing, Kulom became more confident.

"Kufufufu~ Although this child's body matches me very well, I can't allow anyone to destroy my good deeds~"

While Kulom was acting, Liu Dao Mukuro had already noticed the strangeness, and quickly wanted to possess and enter Kulom's body.

"Bullying girls is not something a man should do!"

Yamamoto Takeshi waved the kendo in his hand, and rushed forward to stop Liudao Mukuro, with a bright and cheerful smile on his face, as if he was just playing a game, without the slightest sense of urgency of a life and death duel.

"Asshole pineapple head, your opponent is here!"

Hellji Hayato cooperated with Yamamoto Takeshi, constantly attacking Liudao Mukuro, not allowing him to hinder Kulom's actions.

"If you are a man, let's fight to the limit!"

Sasakawa protected him in front of Kyoko, and listened to Kyoko's instructions, constantly reminding the two people in front of what should be paid attention to.

Although Kyoko didn't know how to crack Liudao Mukuro's illusion, her reminder still made the prison temple Hayato and others avoid a lot of danger.

On Kulom's side, he finally entered the illusion that Liu Dao Mukuro set up for Hibari Kyouya, before he had time to think of a way to break the illusion, just persuading Hibari Kyouya to cooperate, he was already in a hurry.

Even if Kulom wanted to help anymore, Hibari Kyouya kept rejecting, and only wanted to break through with his own strength, which made Kulom, who was not good at socializing, very at a loss.

"Brother Kong!"

In desperation, Kulom could only ask Nie Kong for help.

"Skylark, you are really enough to let a girl come to rescue you."

"Shut up... shut up, I won't give up so quickly."

Even with Nie Kong, Hibari Kyouya didn't have a good temper. What's more, now that he was trapped in this disillusionment and couldn't get out, it made Hibari's temper even more unhappy.

"Colom, do you want to help him out?"

Nie Kong saw that Skylark didn't make sense, so he gave up altogether and turned to look at Kulom.

"Yeah..." Kulom nodded and responded softly.

"Well, since he is unwilling to be obedient, then you must use your strength to make him obedient!"

While handling the situation, Nie Kong also taught Kulom by the way.

"Colom, you remember that when you are with friends, the important thing is not the result, but the enjoyment process. However, when encountering such a thing, the opposite is true. The important thing is not the process, but the result!"

Nie Kong rarely gave a serious face to teach. Kulom listened carefully, and after a daze for a while, he nodded heavily.

"I know."

"Well, it's fine if you understand, now, let me see the results of your special training!"

Nie Kong nodded in satisfaction, touched Kulom's head smoothly, and then watched her cheer himself up, and then walked firmly in front of Hibari Kyouya.

"Sorry, offended!"

Hibari Kyouya, who had been attacking the illusion and trying to break through, conditioned to take action when he heard Kulom's words, but before he had time, he was surrounded by the illusion of Kulom.

Nie Kong didn't make a move. After all, Liu Dao Mukuro just let Jingzi and the others practice.

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