The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 043. Conquer Liu Dao Mukuro (Part 1)

"Um... I'm sorry, but please bear with me!"

Kulom could clearly feel that Hibari Kyouya was attacking her illusion with full anger. Kulom's ability was not as good as Liudao Mukuro. She knew that she could not keep him up for long, so she could only make a quick battle.

Holding a trident in her hand, and it was a weapon made by Nie Kong for her, defending against the skylark's attack, trying to crack the illusion of Liudaomu.


Kulom heavily inserted the trident towards the weakest place in the illusion he found, but due to his weak strength, only a gap was created and he did not succeed at all.

Cold sweat continued to erupt on his forehead. While suppressing Hibari Kyouya, Kulom worked hard to increase the strength of the trident, and the gap gradually increased. However, if this continued, before breaking through, Hibari Kyouya was the first Broke through her illusion.

"Don't worry, your strength is more than that, believe in yourself!"

Nie Kong gently approached from behind Kulom, and shook Kulom's trident in both hands. While injecting strength into her, he wanted to cheer for her.

I don’t know if it’s because of Nie Kong’s power injection, or because Kulom’s confidence increased because of Nie Kong’s encouragement, and his strength became stronger. Within a few seconds, Kulom directly broke through the illusion of Liudaomu. , Appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Hibari Kyouya also broke through Kulom's illusion and appeared in front of Liudao Mukuro.

Hibari Kyouya frowned tightly. Although he was very unhappy with Kulom's nosy, he could not deny the fact that the other party helped him.

"Are you ready to bear my anger!"

Hibari Kyoumi squinted his eyes, looking bloodthirsty at the person in front of him, holding the duckweed crutches tightly in his hand, looking like he could not wait to smash him into pieces.

"Six! Dao! Mukuro!"

"Kufufufufu~ I was able to break through the illusion I made with all my strength, but I am more and more interested in you~"

Liu Dao Mukuro looked at Kulom with great interest, a pair of heterochromatic eyes with a touch of profound meaning.

Although Hibari Kyouya was very interested in this strong opponent, he was also the first time he met someone whose spiritual world matched him, which made him very novel.

"I will do my best to resist your illusion!"

If it was the previous Kulom, there was no confidence to say such a thing, but now Kulom has Nie Kong as a backing, she now has a steady flow of power, and she can't talk the same day at peace!

"Illusory is convenient, I leave it to you."

Hibari Kyouya glanced at Kulom lightly and made a compromise of his own.

"Huh? Well, yes!"

Kulom was taken aback by Hibari Kyouya's huge transformation, but he reacted quickly, and then looked at Liudao Mukuro in front of him with all his attention, ready to assist Hibari Kyouya's attack.

Nie Kong just smiled faintly on one side, with an unexpected expression on Hibari Kyouya's transformation.

When in the fantasy world, what Kulom didn't know was that Nie Kong and Hibari Kyouya had negotiated a deal.

"Cut, what a fighting freak!"

With Hibari Kyouya, the prison temple Hayato and others, who had no effect, retreated to Kyoko and watched the battle leisurely.

"Isn't this very good, Skylark's combat power, coupled with Kulom's illusion skills, it seems that we don't need our help anymore!"

Takeshi Yamamoto was happy and relaxed, watching the battle between Liudao Mukuro and Hibari Kyouya with relish, silently learning the fighting techniques in it.

"Although I don't want to admit it, this guy is really strong!"

Even though the expression of Hayato in Prison Temple was dismissive, he still admired the skill of that Hibari Kyouya from the bottom of my heart.

"You guys have a rest, I'm going to help Kulom."

Although the combat power was resisted by Hibari Kyouya, it would still spread to Kulom from time to time. Therefore, while resisting the illusion of Liudao Mukuro, while taking into account his own safety, Kulom still has a little bit of spare capacity. of.

Kyoko was not at ease, and didn't want to sit still. After explaining to her companion, she cautiously moved to Kulom's side and silently opened the barrier for Kulom.


Kulom turned his head in surprise, looking at Kyoko who was protecting him.

"Don't be distracted, concentrate on dealing with Liudao Mukuro's illusion, don't worry, I will definitely try to protect your safety!"

"And me!"

Nie Kong also leaned behind Kulom, like a stable backer, together with Kyoko, protecting Kulom's safety.

Although he promised Liu Dao Mukuro not to take action, he did not promise not to protect!


The constant collision between the trident and the duckweed crutches, and there was a metal crash. The two were on par, but because of Nie Kong’s participation, Liudao Mukuro no longer had any threatening power in terms of illusion. Contest of physical skills.

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