The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 045, Rambo Nemesis?

Jingzi and Kulom responded at the same time, and then Nie Kong took the little hand and prepared to leave.

However, Kulom didn't know what he was thinking about, and quietly looked back at Liu Dao Mukuro, hesitated for a moment, and still made no sound, turned his head and prepared to go back and talk.

Because Liu Daomu is not just a person, he also has several partners who escaped from the Avengers prison with him, so although he was forced to join the Bovino family by Nie Kong, those few friends It needs to be dealt with.

Therefore, Nie Kong and his party went back to the house, leaving Liu Dao Mukuro to stay in Obsidian Paradise by himself, discussing the future life with Chimoto Chikusa and others.

"Colom, how do you feel about Liudao Mukuro?"

On the way back, Nie Kong asked Kulom softly while looking at a group of people playing around.

"Huh? Huh..."

Kulom was taken aback by Nie Kong's sudden question, but after thinking about it seriously, he shook his head gently.

"Actually...I don't hate him, nor do I like his behavior. The only feeling is that his illusion skills are very powerful..."

Kulom knew very well that he was able to resist Liu Dao Mukuro's illusion this time, most of the reason was because Nie Kong was supporting her behind her back.

"If you don't hate it, let him give some advice on your illusion."

Seeing how Kulom had always cared about Liu Dao Mukuro's situation, Nie Kong casually made suggestions.

"Oh, I thought Brother Nie Kong would teach me by himself?"

Kulom blinked his eyes and looked at Nie Kong, his eyes full of innocence.

"Huh? What's wrong with you Colom? What's okay?"

Originally, Nie Kong and Kulom were discussing in a low voice, but because of Kulom's surprise, their voices were raised unconsciously, and they couldn't help attracting Kyoko's curiosity.

"It's nothing, it's just that Kulom wants to learn illusion from me. I think Liudao Mukuro is more appropriate."

Nie Kong answered casually, thinking about how to deal with Liu Dao Mukuro's position.

"Well, Kulom, don't worry, since Liu Dao Mukuro has joined our family, it is natural to listen to the leader of me. I will help explain, you just wait for my good news!"

After hearing this, Kyoko suddenly realized, and immediately took Kulom's hand with a look of "you can rest assured", indicating that she does not have to worry about this problem.

"Xiao Jing has changed quite a lot. If it were before, he wouldn't have said such a thing!"

Nie Kong ruowu smiled, it is impossible not to be surprised by what Jingzi said.

Before becoming the leader, Kyoko was a gentle negotiator, not a person who decided other people's affairs based on his own subjective consciousness.

"As a leader, on the premise of guaranteeing himself, he must benefit his family members to the greatest extent possible, so as to make the family members give up, this is what the grandfather told me!"

After hearing what Nie Kong said, the originally confident Jingzi suddenly became a little uncertain, and looked at Nie Kong carefully, for fear that the other party would be dissatisfied with him.

"Of course, while meeting Kulom's expectations, I will try my best to meet the requirements of Liudao Mukuro, who is also a member of the family, Sora, I...Is it wrong?

"There is nothing wrong, you have a good idea."

Nie Kong was very happy to see Jingzi gradually grow into an excellent leader step by step.

"Do you really want that guy to join our big family? I remember those guys all escaped from the Avengers prison! And that guy is so evil, if you betray..."

Prison Temple Falcon has always been impatient to say whatever he thinks of, and his impression of Liu Dao Mukuro is not good, so he doesn't quite understand why Nie Kong recruited that guy.

"Well, that guy is really amazing. One more friend and one less enemy, isn't it great!"

At this time, Yamamoto Takeshi's character of a good old man came out, and he patted the back of Hayato in Prison Temple carelessly, trying to convince him not to mind too much.

"In the Avengers prison, there is no need to worry about anything, I have already handled this aspect." Those guys, Nie Kong can control their lives.

Nie Kong also knew that the Falcon of the Prison Temple was really considering his family, and he understood his thoughts.

"If Liudao Mukuro dares to betray, don't worry, my special advisor is not a display!"

Nie Kong smiled softly and his voice was soft, but what he said was very powerful and convincing.

The Falcon in the Prison Temple has no objection. After all, if Liu Dao Mukuro really dared to betray, I am afraid that he will be dealt with by boss Nie Kong very badly without him!

"Wow wow wow wow-don't come over -"

When they were about to get home, the group suddenly heard Lan Bo's crying, very miserable.

Although the Falcon of the Prison Temple always disliked Lan Bo's appearance, when he felt that Lan Bo might be in danger, he was the first to rush out and wanted to save him.

"Stupid bull-are you okay!"

The prison temple Hayato rushed to the place where the sound was made in a hurry. When it was time, he was ready to take action, but was suddenly shocked by what he saw in front of him.


Afterwards, Yamamoto Takeshi and his party rushed to see the conditioned Hayato in Prison Temple, clutching his belly and falling down. They knew the situation and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Lan Bo was crying and running in the yard with a lot of tears and nose. After seeing Nie Kong, he habitually ran towards Nie Kong, asking for comfort.

The group looked at the mess in the front yard, the twins who had been knocked to the ground, and Bi Yangqi, who was standing and looking at everyone with a smile, and everyone guessed what happened.

Nie Kong said he wanted Bi Yangqi to "take care" of Lan Bo and Yiping, which was probably a lesson.

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