The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 046, a guest of the Yamamoto family

"Allah, allah, Hayato is as excited as ever when he sees her sister!" Bi Yangqi said with a light smile.

"Miss Biyangqi, you look good without glasses, but it's a pity that Hayato has a serious psychological shadow on this!"

Nie Kong thanked Shoujia Biyangqi's head, and then turned his head to look at the Jail Temple Falcon thoughtfully, thinking about how to get rid of the psychological shadow of Jail Temple Falcon towards Bi Angqi.

"I didn't fall down while fighting, but fell down when I got home in victory. I really don't know how to say it!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei shook his head helplessly, spit out, and then naturally bent down to support Hayato in Prison Temple, and together with the helping Yamamoto Takeshi, he was ready to help him into the house to rest.

"Brother Kong, sister Kyoko, everyone, welcome back!"

After feeling that Nie Kong and others had returned, Feng Tai, who was asked by Bi Angqi to hide at home, quickly rushed out with Yiping, and looked at the group of people who were not injured, with joy.

It's just that a certain fallen person is an exception. Although Fengtai wanted to show sympathy, he didn't know what to say.

"Lambo, are you okay! Don't cry, can Brother Kong make something for you?"

Seeing Lan Bo who was crying and crying, Nie Kong had to comfort him softly, and tried to divert his attention with food.


I have to say that Nie Kong’s method was very effective. As soon as he heard something delicious, Lan Bo stopped his tears and looked at Nie Kong pitifully. After seeing Nie Kong nodding, this Just happy.

"Then Master Lanbo wants to eat cherry blossom pudding! Fruit cake! Cookies!"

"Before you think about it, you are not allowed to eat anything except my food!"

Bi Angqi, who had always been very gentle with her children, suddenly grabbed Lan Bo from Nie Kong’s arms. She had a dark face with a gloomy warning to Lan Bo, and she wanted to take refuge in Nie. Before the sky, he left the place with people directly.

Although the twins who came to look for trouble were successfully solved, but if Lan Bo, the disobedient bear child, had been arrogant and wanted to participate in the battle and caused her troubles, presumably this front yard would not have become this. Terrible!

Nie Kong didn't care. Although Bi Angqi was not on her side, she didn't really treat Lan Bo anyway, so she just let her go.

Because the matter was resolved quickly, when the group of people arrived home, it was almost time for lunch. In order to reward them, Nie Kong proposed to go out for a big meal.

"Go out to eat?"

Kyoko tilted her head and thought, although she has no opinion, but—

"Actually I think the food you cook is much better than the outside food!"

"It's better to go to my sushi restaurant! Although it is not as good as Teacher Nie Kong's cuisine, it is also very Japanese, and you should like it."

Yamamoto Takeshi suddenly thought of something, and immediately offered his invitation, "My dad has always wanted me to invite you, because of me, thank you in person."

"Thank you very much for inviting us, but so many of us... not so embarrassed..."

Kyoko hesitated about the one who had photographed Yamamoto Takeshi. After all, if they had so many people together, they might have caused trouble to their family.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is friends!"

Yamamoto Takeshi didn't mind, he could still afford such a few people.

"If this is the case, then the hospitality is difficult, let's go to the Yamamoto's as a guest!"

Nie Kong was more bold, and made a final decision.

"The meeting ceremony is naturally indispensable, you go first, I will catch up with you when I prepare the souvenir."

Although this is an invitation from Takeshi Yamamoto, there should be etiquette.

"That's it, you go first, and the teacher and I will catch up as soon as possible."

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Jingzi nodded in agreement, but said that he wanted to be with Nie Kong.

"Okay, you should know the address, Teacher Nie Kong, I won't say anything, then we will wait for you to come!"

After Yamamoto sent a message to his father, he greeted Sasakawa and his party, said goodbye to Nie Kong and Kyoko, and walked towards his home.

Before leaving, Yiping was still very worried that Lan Bo would go hungry, and was very worried. For her face, Bi Angqi was willing to lift Lan Bo's ban.

"Kyoko, what kind of souvenir do you think is better?"

Nie Kong had already made a decision in his heart, but seeing Jingzi staying with her on purpose, she felt that she should have something to say, so instead of preparing directly, she asked Jingzi for her opinion first.

"Um... I don't know..."

Kyoko hesitated for a while, but still had no good ideas, so she shook her head honestly.

"Yamamoto's father is a more traditional Japanese, and he generally likes more practical things..."

Nie Kong silently reminded him. Seeing Jingzi thinking in distress, his small face was wrinkled like a bun, but unexpectedly cute.

"Gifts have always been different from person to person. Start by understanding the other person, understand the other person's mind, and then make guesses and judgments, and give them the most suitable gift. No matter when, it will make you want to do things. Achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort."

As a leader, it is indispensable to communicate and get along with other family leaders. The important thing that often makes the other party's first impression of you is the gift-giving aspect.

The reason why Jingzi stayed here was to ask Nie Kong about this.

"Although I don't know much about people at that age, if you think about it this way, the gift that Yamamoto's father would like would be cooking ingredients."

After Nie Kong's reminder, Jingzi was thoughtful and had a suitable choice in his mind.

"Xiao Jing understands quickly, I just have this thing ready, wait for us to catch up with them as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Kyoko had understood what she meant, she wrapped the prepared souvenir of Yamamoto's father, and then naturally took Kyoko's hand and walked towards Yamamoto's house.

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