The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 047, Kulom's talent

I don't know if it was because they wanted to wait for Nie Kong and Kyoko, or because they left time for Yamamoto's father to prepare sushi. Nie Kong and Kyoko joined the army when they were on the way.

"Yo, Teacher Nie Kong, Jingzi, you guys caught up so soon!"

After seeing Nie Kong, Takeshi Yamamoto greeted him enthusiastically and waved to Nie Kong.

"We are still discussing whether to invite Liu Da Mukuro and the others, and Hibari Kyouya, after all, he has helped a lot in this incident!"

"Liu Dao Mukuro, you don't need to rush to invite them now. They still need time to recuperate and reconcile. If Kyouya, you can invite you to try it."

Nie Kong chuckled and replied. Although the proposal is good, it is a pity that there may be no way to successfully invite such a successful invitation.

"Senior Hibari seems to hate being in groups, so I'd better send him the sushi."

Yamamoto's popularity is not without reason, not only because of his cheerful personality, but also because he is very good at observing people.

Such talents are really unavailable, and they can complement those who are more impulsive like the Hayato in Prison Temple, and are very suitable as diplomats.

"I always feel that Yamamoto-kun seems to be very powerful, no matter what kind of person he can get along well with, if it is me, there is no way to do that."

Kyoko actually admired Takeshi Yamamoto very much. He was able to treat everyone the same, and she had a hard time with cold people like Hibari-senpai.

"Well, Kyoko, you are great! Your enchantment has helped me a lot!"

Yamamoto is not humble, just like Kyoko envy him, he actually cooperates with a girl like Kyoko who is gentle and strong!

"Of course, Sister Jingzi is our leader, how could it not be great!"

Hearing what Yamamoto said, the loyal fan of Prison Temple Hayato immediately showed off proudly, and impatiently pulled the distance between Yamamoto Takeshi and Kyoko.

"Baseball idiot, stay away from Sister Jingzi, she is the boss of Nie Kong!"

"Prince...Prince Temple...just call me Kyoko..."

Jingzi blushed as the boss Nie Kong from the prison temple blushed and lowered her head shyly. She was embarrassed to say something, she could only refute it quietly from the name.

"How can this be? Sister Jingzi is the leader. You must use honorifics!"

The Hayato of Prison Temple has always been a stubborn person, and he refuses to give in to this aspect.

Nie Kong looked at the group of people walking and frolicking in front of him, with a faint smile on his mouth, and silently approached Kulom who had been silent and seemed to be thinking about something, and asked curiously.

"Colom, what are you thinking about?"

Although the child has gradually got along well with everyone, she is always easy to fall into her own world, which undoubtedly makes Nie Kong a little worried.

Anyway, now that Kulom is his nominal sister, he still cares more.

"Brother Kong..."

Kulom's eyes were a bit hollow, foggy, indistinct, and his voice was relatively ethereal, as if it could disappear at any time.

"Colom, brother is here."

Seeing Kulom's expression, the smile on Nie Kong's face paused for a while, and then he increased his smile, and gently raised Kulom's hand with his hand, transmitting his power to Kulom.

"Colom, don't be too easy to be led by others and lose your way. Brother will worry."

Seeing Kulom, whose eyes were gradually regaining his clarity, Nie Kong breathed a sigh of relief, and explained in a good manner.

"sorry that I had you worried……"

Kulom lowered his head apologetically, very guilty for the trouble he caused to Nie Kong.

"I am your brother. I am worried that you are normal. You don't have to apologize, but you have to promise me that next time you must stand firm on yourself, okay?"

While contacting Kulom, Nie Kong already knew her condition.

Her body was originally able to survive because of her own abilities, and her mental body is relatively weak, and it is easy to be attracted to the spiritual world of other people in the spiritual world.

In the original work, Kulom got on line with Liudao Mukuro because of this.

"I know, I will definitely work hard."

Although Kulom still didn't have much confidence, she also knew that she worried Nie Kong. No matter what the reason, she didn't want to worry Nie Kong anymore.

"So now, can you tell brother, what happened to you just now?"

"Just now when I heard Yamamoto-kun said that he wanted to invite that person together, I couldn't help but think about it, and seems...well...I..."

The previous words were very clear, but when later, Kulom suddenly hesitated to say that it was not true.

"Well, since it's okay, forget it!"

When Nie Kong saw this, he didn't mind, and reached out his hand to touch Kulom's head.

While touching Kulom's head, Nie Kong also touched Kulom's memory.

Sure enough, it is related to Liu Dao Mukuro!

However, this time is different from the original work. It was not the Kulom who Liu Dao Mukuro actively contacted, but the Liu Dao Mukuro that Kulom actually contacted unconsciously.

Presumably, this incident also surprised Liu Dao Mukuro!Unexpectedly, Kulom's talent is so powerful, no wonder Liu Dao Mukuro used Kulom's body in the original work.

While retracting his hand, the arc of Nie Kong's mouth involuntarily expanded. After comforting Kulom, he casually led her behind the team.

Under the leadership of Takeshi Yamamoto, the group soon arrived at Yamamoto’s shop. Yamamoto’s father greeted him enthusiastically. When Kyoko delivered the souvenir, the surprised expression on his face turned into a surprise expression. , So that Kyoko, who was still a little worried, instantly felt relieved.That is the top ingredient in captivity of gourmet food, enough to make countless chefs crazy.

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