The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 048, Biyangqi changes

"sorry for disturbance."

Yamamoto's father, like Yamamoto Takeshi, was a cheerful and enthusiastic person, and he greeted a group of people into the store very carefreely.

"Teacher Nie Kong, you are so polite. You can eat as you please. If you have anything else you want to eat, just say it, you are welcome!"

It's not the first time Yamamoto's father has seen Nie Kong. He liked him very much when Nie Kong visited him for the special training of Takeshi Yamamoto, and he was very welcome.

As soon as he smelled the scent of sushi, Lan Bo was already salivating, and he couldn't wait to jump out of Sasakawa's embrace, and was about to prepare desperately to eat.

Yiping was about to speak, let Lan Bo know how to be polite, Bi Yangqi had already spoken leisurely, she didn't know what she said in Lan Bo's ear, and immediately made Lan Bo stop moving, looking at those close by pitifully Sushi in front of me.

"be patient--"

If you are impatient, you will have to eat Biyangqi's poisonous food. This kind of thing is absolutely not!

Bi Yangqi looked at her results with satisfaction, then picked up a level, took the place, and waited for everyone to be in place before eating.

"Miss Bi Yangqi is surprisingly good at training children!"

Nie Kong couldn't help looking at Lan Bo with a jealous look. His pitiful appearance was really distressing.

"Presumably, Miss Biyangqi would be a good mother."

Nie Kong was actually just a casual sentence, but unexpectedly, Bi Yangqi's body was stiff, and her face was a little strange.

Liborn said that she was a good lover, and many people said that she was a good, good woman, but there has never been a person like Nie Kong who would say this to her.

"I'm threatening him, is this a good mother..."

Bi Yangqi muttered to herself softly, a little confused.

"It is necessary to educate children, but when necessary, to make children obediently and obediently, this is the correct way of education. I think Miss Biyangqi did a good job."

With Nie Kong's hearing, he naturally heard Bi Yangqi's self-talk, and after a surprised glance at her, he used Bi Yangqi to speak his own opinions.

Hearing what Nie Kong said, Bi Yangqi slowly raised her head, staring at Nie Kong with piercing eyes for a while, feeling that his words were from the sincerity, without any perfunctory or hypocrisy. Only a slight smile appeared.

Although the arc of the smile was not big, the only one Nie Kong showed was a sincere and gentle smile.Even Nie Kong was stunned.

Nie Kong smiled back, then picked up a piece of sushi and handed it to Kulom.

"Colom, you try it. This sushi is pretty good and delicious."

"Teacher Nie Kong knows the goods very well, he is indeed a master chef. This is our restaurant's greeting sushi, Kulom, try it!"

Seeing Nie Kong's behavior when he inadvertently looked up, Yamamoto Takeshi was suddenly excited and enthusiastically recommended his own sushi to Kulom.

"Cut, you didn't do it!"

"What my dad does is not equivalent to what I did, and I will inherit my dad's craftsmanship in the future. Although it is not as good as Teacher Nie Kong's cooking, don't be more picky."

Heiji Hayato habitually goes against Takeshi Yamamoto, even if he thinks the sushi is delicious, but because he is so close to Sister Kyoko, he absolutely resists him.

The chief next to Sister Jingzi's head only needs him!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh? Prison Temple, you want to eat my sushi?"

Takeshi Yamamoto is a optimistic person, and he habitually understands what he thinks of the Hayato in Prison Temple.

"To be honest, I also want to try the sushi that Yamamoto made yourself!"

Shocked by Yamamoto’s words, before the prison temple Hayato had time to refute, he was easily reversed by Nie Kong’s words, which caused the prison temple’s sentence "Idiots will want to eat your sushi" to be hardened. Taken back into the stomach alive.

"Well, since Teacher Nie Kong has said so, although it is not as good as my dad, my craftsmanship is still good!"

Yamamoto Takeshi was quite confident in himself. Under Nie Kong's instigation, he went to the back hall to prepare even more eagerly.

"Hayato, as the proponent, you must eat more when Yamamoto is ready!"

Seeing the gloomy look of the Jail Temple Falcon, Nie Kong unceremoniously added another fire, successfully stimulating the Jail Temple Falcon even more depressed.

God knows why it developed into this form. He was obviously disgusting that guy and looking for that guy's fault. Why did he turn into that guy so much!

However, this is the order of Nie Kong boss, he dare not disobey it at all!

"Prince Temple-kun, I am glad to see that you are finally willing to get along well with Yamamoto-kun!"

Kyoko didn't know the previous situation. He only heard what Nie Kong said, and mistakenly thought that the Prison Temple took the initiative to reconcile with Yamamoto, and was very happy.

After even Kyoko said so, the expression of Hayato in Prison Temple became more and more tearful.

"Falcon has finally grown up, and I'm very pleased to be a sister."

It is rare to be able to tease her brother like this, and Bi Yangqi will naturally not miss this opportunity to join in the fun.

"Cut, isn't it just a few sushi, I can't eat it!"

After hearing Bi Yangqi's words, the prison temple Hayato habitually returned to that arrogant appearance, with a cold and warm face.

"You eat first, I'll go and make it easier."

When the banquet was very busy, Nie Kong suddenly stood up and prepared to leave the banquet on the excuse of convenience.

"Okay, go early and return early."

Jingzi didn't doubt he was there, and after casually raising his eyes to Nie Kong, he turned his head and took care of Lan Bo.

It's just that Bi Yangqi raised her eyes and glanced at Nie Kong inadvertently, thoughtfully, but didn't say anything, but continued to eat her food normally.

After leaving the table, Nie Kong walked to a convenient place, and then went around and walked to the gym behind the shop.

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