The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 6052, get the ring again

"His condition is a bit dangerous, let's send him home for treatment first." Sasakawa said with concern.

After all, it was a dispute between the Mafia, and in fact it was still a civil war, and it was not convenient to go to the hospital. So now the enthusiastic Sasakawa received Ping Ping's first reaction after being injured.

After seeing Nie Kong’s greatness, Miura Chun’s admiration grew thicker, but in this case, it’s not too noisy, so she followed Nie Kong like a daughter-in-law, and prepared to go there together. Nie Kong's home.

Although it seems that Nie Kong and Jingzi are not ordinary people, but it doesn't matter, Xiaochun has already realized that he will work hard to be a good wife!

"You woman, what are you doing with us!"

Seeing Miura Haru who was following up together, because of her appearance of wanting to marry Nie Kong, the Prison Temple Hayato was very upset, and he didn't care about any gentleman's courtesy at all, and he said impatiently.

"Hayato, isn't it? While I teach you to improve your strength, I also need to teach you more about the etiquette as a gentleman?"

Nie Kong wouldn't say anything if it was just a fight between men, but he was rude to the lady, which made Nie Kong a little unhappy.

Xiaochun was unconvinced and wanted to reply, but Nie Kong was the first to protect her. This made Xiaochun even more admiring Nie Kong.

"Prison Temple Lord, we originally came to invite Xiaochun to play together. Although there was a little accident, the original intention has not changed."

Although Kyoko was taken aback by Xiaochun's sudden confession, she reflexively thought it was just a joke, so she didn't care much.

"Ah, originally you are the girl who is very good at learning that Teacher Nie Kong said, hello, I am Takeshi Yamamoto!"

The good old man Takeshi Yamamoto also came out to liven up the atmosphere, and introduced himself at the same time, by the way, he also introduced the Koji Hayato who didn't seem to be ready to introduce himself.

"This is the Falcon from the Prison Temple. Although he looks fierce, he is actually a hard-mouthed person. In fact, he is still a good person. Don't be afraid!"

Sasakawa Rapei has already known each other, and there is no need to introduce him, but he is a person with a flat back, but no one knows him.

"He is also a Mafia, and his name is Bagir. If he is specific, you can ask Xiao Jing after he wakes up."

Nie Kong was not prepared to give more introductions, if Jingzi wanted to understand, naturally there was a way to understand.

"Teacher, can I know what the box you just got?" Jingzi asked softly.

"If it's specific, it's actually the same thing as the ring I gave you."

"Eh? Great! In this case, my brother and their strength will probably grow faster!"

Jingzi understood what he meant with just a few words, and even Nie Kong himself was a little surprised, "Yes, my Jingzi is really smart."

Being so boasted by Nie Kong, Jingzi couldn't help but blushed and lowered his head slightly.Because of Nie Kong's anything, I felt very happy.

"Kyoko, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaochun originally wanted to talk to Nie Kong, but when she saw Kyoko who was silent with her head down, she couldn't help but wonder.

"Teacher Nie Kong, Jingzi, what were you talking about just now?"

"Xiaochun, are you free during the fireworks display? We are going to watch it together. If you are free, why not go and play with us!"

Nie Kong did not answer any questions, smiled and offered Xiaochun an invitation to the fireworks display.

"Hayi, is the fireworks display? Free time! Teacher Nie Kong, you have all invited, of course I will go!"

Xiaochun is a more nervous girl, she habitually skips the subject of everyone together, and directly regards Nie Kong as an invitation to her for a date.

Because of the wounded, the group quickly returned to their residence.

"Welcome back."

Beyoncé, who happened to be in the yard by the door, habitually said to everyone, and then focused on Nie Kong, "Nie Kong; teacher, Kulom seems to be a little restless, and has been locked in the room since he returned. ."

Kulom was a little pale, so Kyoko persuaded him to go home and rest first, but he didn't expect that when he returned, he heard such news.

"I'm going to see Kulom."

Kyoko was very uneasy. After exchanging a glance with Nie Kong, he walked towards the room where Kulom was.

Nie Kong probably guessed that because Kulom's power had begun to awaken, it was inevitable that he would be a little at a loss because of his spiritual world.If you had Kyoko's help, he would be able to cheer up soon, so he wasn't particularly worried.

"Ping, you can bandage Bagir for help."

Although the Falcon of Prison Temple is smart, he is too impulsive, and his temperament is still immature. As a person who charges ahead, he is not very suitable as a healer.

"When it is convenient, I will ask Shamar to teach you some treatment knowledge. You can learn more and be prepared."

"No problem, I get it!"

Every time when he was injured outside, in order to prevent his sister from worrying, Sasakawa Rakuhei secretly used some small hands and feet by himself, so he was really good at dressing and handling wounds.

"Yes, that's it. Just do what I said to help Bagir treat the wound. I'll leave it to you here. I have something to do. Go to the basement first."

Nie Kong checked the situation and found that there was no problem, so he went to the laboratory in the basement first.

Penglie's ring was already in his hand. With the experience of the last time, Nie Kong smoothly poured the flames of gluttony into it.

What's amazing is that the Penglai ring suddenly changed greatly. The flame power in the ring not only retained the previous ability, but also became very powerful.

So he gave this ring with his own power to Kyoko, just thinking that the ring could protect her safety.

Following this, continuing to remodel the rings of the remaining family members will also bring unexpected surprises to the others.

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