The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 053, Colom-Gluttony Ring

"Teacher, teacher!"

Just after finishing the transformation of the ring, Kyoko's panicked voice suddenly sounded outside the door of the laboratory.

"Teacher, Kulom's situation is a bit wrong, she looks very uncomfortable!"

After finally finding Nie Kong, Jingzi's worried expression finally eased, and he reported the situation to Nie Kong in a panic.

Nie Kong's brows frowned slightly, and things happened suddenly, which made him start to worry.

"Go, take me to see."

Nie Kongshun picked up the reformed rings on the table, put them in his arms, and rushed towards the place where Kulom was with Jingzi.

Because of the special reason of Kulom's situation, in order to avoid other situations, Kyoko didn't let others into the room, so even though he was anxious and worried, the Hayabusa and his group only stayed outside.


Entering the room, Nie Kong looked at Kulom, who was short of breath, the strangeness in his lower abdomen, and he understood Kulom's situation with just one glance.

"Colom, did you do it yourself?"

Jingzi was looking at Kulom worriedly, waiting for Nie Kong to take care of him, but he did not expect that instead of taking action, Nie Kong approached Kulom and asked a question that he didn't understand at all.

" to...try...see..."

Kulom answered intermittently, often taking a few deep breaths, and spitting out a few words vaguely, with cold sweat on her forehead, and she could see that she was working hard to continue living.

At the same time, they are also suffering tremendously.

"I see, you are a brave and strong child, I believe in you."

After knowing Kulom's thoughts, Nie Kong still did not take the initiative to treat or relieve Kulom's pain. Instead, he took out a ring in his arms and placed it in Kulom's hands.

"Colom, take it well, feel the power it brings to you, and then try hard to fix it yourself!"

"I know……"

Kulom moved his fingers and grasped the ring in his hand. From the ring, a warm current was slowly added to his body, which eased Kulom's pain a lot.

After finally having the opportunity to relax, Kulom continued his efforts, working hard to mobilize his little power, assisting the power brought by the ring, and working hard to follow the previous feelings and create a maintenance in his body. The liver of your own life.

"Don't worry, Kulom's efforts rely on his own strength, and he will take his time."

Just when Kyoko was at a loss, suddenly a pair of warm hands took her hands, and a familiar and peaceful voice rang in her ears at any time, which was very effective in calming Kyoko's nervous mood.

Nie Kong felt quite calm. As soon as he entered the room and saw Kulom's situation, he knew the reason.

This happened completely because the virtual liver he gave to Colom was forcibly destroyed.It should be Kulom who wanted to become stronger after sensing his own power.

And the first step to become strong is to maintain your own body.

Nie Kong knew that Liu Dao Mukuro's instigation was indispensable for Kulom, who had never had much confidence in it, to make such a decision. Fortunately, his ring had been remodeled, and it was just right for Kulom to use it.

People who can have this kind of consciousness, after having their own modified ring, their strength is naturally not at the same level.

Similarly, Kulom relies on the power of the ring to repair his body. After all, it is a gluttony ring, which contains a small part of the power of ghouls and gourmet cells.

As Kulom's rapid breathing gradually became stable, Kyoko's eyes could finally see Kulom's situation.

"Great, Kulom seems to be fine..."

Seeing Kulom whose breathing was steady, Kyoko finally felt relieved.

You know, the look of Kulom just now was in danger, but it really shocked Kyoko.

"Kulom has already survived this difficulty on her own. Now, let's give her a good rest."


Kyoko nodded. Although he agreed with what Nie Kong said, his eyes still looked at Kulom, as if she was afraid that something might happen to her again.

After seeing Kulom's success, Nie Kong hesitated.

"Xiao Jing, is your ring on you?"

"Well, I kept it next to my body."

Although Jingzi didn't know why Nie Kong asked this suddenly, she still answered honestly.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to my room."

Nie Kong easily took Jingzi's hand, opened the door, and prepared to leave the room.

"Kulom is all right now, and now I need to take a break, please take care not to disturb her."

Looking at the group of worried people surrounding the door, Nie Kong smiled faintly, calmed everyone's emotions softly, and then took Kyoko to leave.

"You take care of the situation first. Kyoko and I need to deal with something. If there is no important thing, it is best not to disturb us."

Like everyone else, Jingzi was confused about what Nie Kong was going to do, but they also knew that Nie Kong had his own plans. If he could say it, he would naturally say that at this time, just believing in silence.

"Xiao Jing, you know, we got these rings from other places."

Before arriving in his room, Nie Kong suddenly stopped and looked at Jingzi with piercing eyes.

Kyoko doesn't know anything, he needs to tell her something she should know first.

"Although these rings have been modified by me, only you can use them now, but before that, the original owner of these rings was the Ninth Generation.


Jingzi lowered his head, trying hard to digest the information Nie Kong told him, and worked hard to sort out his thoughts.

"I know……"

Jingzi nodded without understanding, and looked up at Nie Kong firmly, "Everything the teacher does is for us, I know."

Kyoko secretly vowed from the bottom of her heart that she must work hard to grow the family and make her no longer worry about herself.

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