The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 054, Biyangqi's transformation

Coming out of Kulom's room, Nie Kongjiu noticed Bi Yangqi's color.

"If Miss Biyangqi wants to tell me something, it's nothing more than covering it up."

Nie Kong, who was walking slowly, suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs, and a casual glance from the corner of his eyes, the nonchalant voice made Bi Yangqi who was hiding in hiding nothing to hide.

"As a result, there is still no way to hide from you... Teacher Nie Kong, you guys, why do you have Penglai's ring?"

Bi Yangqi smiled reluctantly, although she wanted to smile gently at Nie Kong as before, but now that she knew the situation, she couldn't smile at Nie Kong without any complaints.

"That, snatched it back from someone else."

"how come!"

"Is it possible that Miss Biyangqi has been obliterated by the ordinary daily life? Get what you want. This is the style of our Mafia!"

Bi Yangqi was taken aback, and she seemed speechless to Nie Kong's rebuttal.

"The Pengley ring is something that belongs to the Pengley family. It can only be used by people with the blood of Pengley. This is why other families have been coveting them, but they are too tasteless and have to give up. If I got it, I couldn't use it at all!"

"What you said makes sense..."

Nie Kong nodded if it happened, "It just happens, then take this opportunity, I will let you see the effect of this ring!"

He gestured to Bi Yangqi with a "follow me" look, and then with a confused, frowning and very uneasy Bi Yangqi came to the front of the Hayato in the Prison Temple and Kulom.

In order to prevent the Falcons from the prison temple from conditioned to see Bi Yangqi and have stomach pains, Nie Kong naturally asked Bi Yangqi to wear sunglasses at the beginning, and said "Battle Test" to Kulom and Yamamoto. , Prison Temple took the lead with an excited expression.

"Then go and have a look together, but remember to stay by my side, otherwise it will be bad if you accidentally hurt it!"

Before the Falcon of the Prison Temple reflexively wanted to refuse, Nie Kong had already agreed to Miura Haru's application, and said the rules this time casually.

"This time is completely different from the previous ones. I need you to exert all your strength. I don't need to click to stop, and I don't need to worry about the other things. I will bear everything."

As soon as Nie Kong said this, everyone gasped in air.

"Exerting all the power means... a real battle!"

Kulom is a girl, so how could Takeshi Yamamoto give his best.

Even Yamamoto Takeshi is a little bit incredulous. Although he really wants to prove his strength, if it is true, one of the two sides will definitely be injured!

"Teacher, are you kidding me." Yamamoto Takeshi couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, I'm watching."

If the previous combat quizzes were designed to test whether each person's abilities have improved or not, then this kind of test of fighting for their lives would have no idea what it meant.

Although Yamamoto Takeshi didn't understand Nie Kong's thoughts, because he believed him from the bottom of his heart, there was no doubt about it. After bowing a little guilty to the opponent, he immediately started the fight.

Proceed first and then pawn, even if you are fighting, you must maintain your own demeanor.

As a remote combat, Kulom was not good at close combat. For people like Yamamoto, who was in close combat, he pounced at first.

It would have been an easy game, but the speed and strength that Kulom exploded in the next moment surprised Takeshi Yamamoto. Kulom's physique has improved more than ten times compared with the previous one.

Just when Bi Yangqi was puzzled, what she saw in front of her had answered many of Bi Yangqi's questions.

Moreover, the power that bursts out, although there is a trace of Penglai's power, it is more, but it is even more intense, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo. It can be clearly seen that it belongs to Nie Kong's power.

Bi Yangqi understood Nie Kong's intentions.

Seeing the violent vibration he created before him, Kulom himself couldn't believe it, staring at the ring in his hand dumbfounded.

Just holding it in his hand, he already felt a steady stream of power replenishing energy into his body. He was only tentatively shooting, but he did not expect that the small ring had such a powerful force.

The two confronted each other, and finally Yamamoto took a punch by Kulom.

"Ahem-ahem -"

Takeshi Yamamoto walked out embarrassedly from the thick smoke raised by the huge turmoil, while covering his mouth and nose to avoid inhaling the dust, he couldn't help coughing a few times, and sighed from his heart.

"It's really a sensation..."

Takeshi Yamamoto is a genius in kendo. Although he now puts all his thoughts on baseball, this can't extinguish his talent in kendo.

"Ok... so awesome!"

Miura Haru was stunned at what was happening before her eyes, shocked in her heart, but compared to fear, the thoughts in her heart were shock and admiration.

It's natural for boys to be strong, but Haru Miura is more curious about Kulom's actions, "They are also teachers Nie Kong you taught?"

"Almost, one part is my teaching and the other part is their own efforts. Next, please do your best to protect the family!"

Nie Kong patted Kulom on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said with a light smile.

Kulom blushed, hiding behind Nie Kong shyly, like a little wife.

Their current strength doesn't need to worry about foreign aggression any more, and what is left is to unite and accumulate combat experience.

Nie Kong will teach them without reservation, but to what extent they can learn depends on their own efforts!

At least what Nie Kong could teach them, almost made them stronger.The only thing that can improve them now is to give them a special ring boost like Kulom, and it would be a good choice to grab a few more from Pengley.

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