The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 057, the disturber Sawada Ieyasu

This realization of Jingzi proved Nie Kong's idea, so Nie Kong was not prepared to refuse.

"Xiao Jing, although that guy looks very big, he is the weakest in the team in terms of strength. With your current ability and make good use of the power of the ring, that guy is not afraid." There is Nie Kong in the ring. Infused with the flame power representing the original sin of anger,

"Liu Dao Mukuro, I think you should know how to do it yourself."

Nie Kong's eyes were looking directly at Xanxus not far away, but he spoke to Liu Dao Mukuro, who was still hiding his figure and watching the play silently.

"If I can, I really want to just watch the show..."

Liu Dao Mukuro chuckled and revealed his true body, and then looked at the other illusionist who was the same as himself, his face a little helpless.

"One of the children of the rainbow, it's not easy to deal with!"

"Is it possible, are you scared?"

"How come~"

Liu Dao Mukuro curled up the corners of his mouth and clenched the trident in his hand, "It's too late for me to be excited!"

Although facing one of the world's strongest killers, the children of the rainbow, and at the same time also taking on the task of finding and protecting Kulom, Liu Dao Mukuro is very calm, seemingly not paying attention to anything.

"Although I don't want to do this kind of unpaid work, but since the other party has come to the door, then I can only fight..."

Mamen had no fear, his complexion was very calm, and he was faintly unwilling because of his work in vain. However, when he started his hands, he was not soft at all.

"So, next, are you going to play together or alone?"

After Mameng and Liu Daosu suddenly disappeared from their place into a cloud of smoke, Nie Kong raised his eyes to look at Liborn and Xanxus.

Liborn backed silently, the meaning was obvious.

Although he doesn't mind teamwork, it's a pity that Xanxus is not a person willing to cooperate with others.

"It's so noisy, rubbish!"

Before Lieborn could further inquire, Xanxus was very impatient and directly picked up the pistol and shot at Nie Kong.

Lieburn opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, and finally decided to watch the battle before speaking.

To be honest, he didn't think that Xanxus alone could win Nie Kong.

He can only wait for the moment, just when Nie Kong reveals his flaws!

"Interrupting other people's conversations, but it's very rude. Didn't your father teach you this truth in the nine generations of leaders?"

The ninth generation leader is a moderate person. It is really hard to imagine that the son who was taught by such a person turned out to be a son with such a bad temper, even if he is indeed strong.

Isn't it his biological...or the next door Lao Wang?

"Trash, you don't deserve to mention that person!"

Xanxus quickly flashed in front of Nie Kong, raising his hand with a punch. He didn't hide any strength at all, obviously he was completely angered by Nie Kong's words.

Even if he hates the ninth generation leader, but that does not allow anyone to despise him!

Nie Kong turned around and walked around behind Xanxus, raised his palm, and kicked Xanxus out more than ten meters..

"Let me see your enlightenment!"

Nie Kong drew out the blood whip of sin and quietly looked at Xanxus who was rushing towards him, who was completely angry. He lifted his right hand and randomly hit with a long whip to drop a sneak attack bullet in Lieburn's secret.

Seeing that Nie Kong had taken out his weapons, Xanxus also picked up his double spears, and continuously fired bullets with his own flames towards Nie Kong from all directions. Under Nie Kong's airtight protection, he quickly turned around. Instantly flashed behind Nie Kong.

"Go to hell! Rubbish!"

While flashing to the back, Xanxus fired, and along with Lieborn's bullets from the front of Nie Kong, they flew towards Nie Kong.

"Good job~"

Knowing that Xanxus wanted to avenge the revenge that he had succeeded from his back, Nie Kong raised his mouth, turning around like a random, the blood whip of sin quickly flipped, directly absorbing the angry flames from several bullets of Xanxus, and transformed it into his own power. .

And those bullets that had been unloaded hadn't reached Nie Kong's body before they fell to the ground softly, without any threat.

"Does it represent the anger of the seven deadly sins... it is very suitable for the bloodlash of sins..."

Nie Kong suddenly took the initiative to get to Xanxus's side, and while Xanxus conditioned his reflex, he used the blood whip of sin to restrain his behavior.

Xanxus, whose movement was restricted, struggled desperately instinctively, however, his body was out of control as if he was not his own.

This is something Xanxus absolutely cannot tolerate!

"I'm going to kill you……"

Xanxus screamed hard, trying to make a sound, and at the same time, he did not care about hurting his body, desperately resisting the long whip wrapped around him.

It's just a pity that Xanxus felt more and more powerless as his strength gradually lost.

"Stop it, Mr. Nie Kong." Suddenly from the darkness, a man's voice came.

Nie Kong looked up, and there was a sloppy-bearded person in front of him, but the pressure released from the other party was enough to prove that the other party was not just a sloppy uncle.

"Mr. Sawada, your son Tsunayoshi Sawada has been at the bottom of his recent studies, and I hope you, as a father, will urge you to stop participating in the mess."

"Ahahaha, it turns out that you are my son's teacher. You really made the teacher laugh."

Sawada Ieyasu was shocked by what Nie Kong said. Then he scratched his head a little embarrassed, and after a casual greeting, his face changed immediately.

"I will naturally educate myself about the dog in my family from now on, but, Mr. Nie Kong, now, in your true identity, communicate with me."

Sawada Ieyasu's face was serious, which was very inconsistent with his current description.

"Communication? Then your communication style is quite unconventional."

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