The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 058, the stupid class of the dog?

Nie Kong glanced at the big hole that was bombed out, and stared at Sawada Ieyasu diagonally.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be a masterpiece of Colonino!"

Nie Kong glanced in the direction where the bullet came, making Sawada Ieyasu conditioned to be alert.

"Sure enough, as Lieburn said, he is really a dangerous man!" Sawada Ieyasu thought to himself, and then looked behind Nie Kong.

"I remember that the child named Sasakawa Kyoko is the girl that Tsunami likes..." Sawada Ieyasu suddenly lowered his head thoughtfully and muttered to himself.

"The kid Atsuna has been talking about it for a long time, but that kid is really a nice girl. When he grows up, he will fight with my family Nana! It would be a good thing to be with Atsuna!"

After Nie Kong heard Sawada Ieyasu's words, his expression instantly became very cold.Although he believes that Kyoko will not betray him, he does not allow his woman to be coveted by others.

"Very well, it seems that you are ready to negotiate."

Nie Kong walked towards Sawada Ieyasu and Ribaun step by step. They had already deployed a defensive mode when Nie Kong's expression changed.


But facing Nie Kong's heavy killing intent, Sawada Ieyasu was directly oppressed to kneel to the ground. He tried to control himself without falling and exhausted his whole body strength, let alone stood up and resisted.

"It's really useless, I don't need to do anything at all, and I can make you all fights."

However, the next moment before Nie Kong started his hand, a powerful force swiftly struck towards where Nie Kong was, but Nie Kong did not avoid it, but waved his hand to destroy it in the air.

"Mr. Nie Kong..."

The nine generations of leaders in Italy are also hiding in the dark.He sighed, and finally slowly appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Please forgive Ieyasu for his rudeness. I hope you can let them make a living. I...I am grateful."

Seeing Sawada Ieyasu whose mouth was bleeding, the ninth-generation leader had to be soft to Nie Kongfu.

"Haha, do you think the kidnapping of my partner is over like this?" Nie Kong looked at Libaun and asked coldly.

"I'm really sorry, they are also helpless, hoping to take back the ring of our family heir from Kyoko. I promise that they will not disturb you in the future." The ninth generation leader promised.

Nie Kong turned his head and glanced at the ninth-generation leader, and then at Sawada Ieyasu who was almost unable to hold it, and then withdrew his killing intent.

At the same time that the murderous spirit disappeared, Sawada Ieyasu also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as he relaxed, he fainted.

Lieburn's situation should be a little better, lying on the ground and panting, trying to calm his inner restlessness and anxiety.

"The ninth generation leader, now, I want to know, who are you going to let you inherit the tenth generation leader of Pengley?"

Nie Kong got up and was planning to leave to see how Jingzi and the others were fighting. Before leaving, he suddenly remembered what was normal, and turned around and asked the ninth generation leader.

"Although I prefer my son Xanxus, he does not have the blood of Pengley after all. If he is just the son of Ieyasu, it seems that he is not suitable for him now..."

The plans originally set up with Sawada Ieyasu were all disrupted by Nie Kong. The face of the nine-generation leader who needed to re-plan was a little bit depressed, not knowing whether it was because of regret for his lack of ability or some other reason.

On the side, Xanxus, who was almost drained by Nie Kong's power, was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes were deep, as if he was enduring something.

"Nine-generation leader, I take the liberty to ask--"

Nie Kong suddenly turned around and walked to the side of the ninth generation leader, "In the history of the Pengley family, has it ever happened that people of foreign races have the space flames of the Pengley family?"

"This--" The ninth generation leader seemed to have thought of something, his body stiffened, "Never before."

"But not only does Mr. Xanxus have it, but his fighting style seems to be very similar to the generations of Pengley leaders in history, right?"

Nie Kong smiled ruowu, although he had no basis, but this was his biggest question when he was looking at the tutor.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, he wanted to say it and try.

There is very little introduction about the origin of Xanxus in the original work of the tutor, and there is no way to verify it, but this makes Nie Kong more curious.

"If there is really no blood inheritance from the Pengley family, can it really be done like this?"

"You make a lot of sense, but Xanxus's mother is just an ordinary woman. I have verified that it has nothing to do with the Mafia."

"Isn't the matriline, what about the patriline?"

"No way to verify..."

The ninth generation leader looked gloomy, and his expression at Xanxus gradually changed.

"No way to verify?"

Nie Kong chuckles. If even the most powerful Pengley family in Italy can't verify something, what does this mean?

Of course, it is naturally impossible for the ninth-generation leader to be able to become the leader of Pengley.

However, in a short period of time, the leader changed, the strength strengthened, and the degree of danger rose linearly.

However, Xanxus didn’t think so much. He opened his eyes wide when he heard this, and conditionedly looked at the ninth generation leader. However, when he saw his sullen face and silent, he couldn’t help but feel kind Bad premonition.

"Hey, old man!"

Although Xanxus's voice was a bit weak, it was as arrogant as it was, but it was indelible.

"What are you hesitating!"

After listening to Nie Kong's analysis, Xanxus decisively began to doubt his true identity.

The ninth-generation leader raised his head and glanced at Xanxus. The emotions in his eyes were full, and his body was still trembling slightly. This undoubtedly made Xanxus stunned, not thinking about it, but can only feel it. The ninth-generation leader seemed very surprised. sad.

"Finally, at this time, seeking the so-called truth is no longer meaningful. The Penglai Ring has disappeared, and the only way to verify the blood is no longer."

Nie Kong didn't know what the ninth-generation leader would think if he knew that the Pengley ring rejected Xanxus, but at this time, he only knew that the ninth-generation leader had already made a decision.

"For specific matters, I will inform Ie after discussing with Ie Kang, Xanxus, don't let me down..."

The ninth-generation leader sighed and stopped looking at Xanxus. He glanced at Nie Kong and told Nie Kong his intention with his firm eyes.

Although many things were done directly by Nie Kong, it was only the affairs of the Bovino leader who really came out to do everything in the end.

"Liburn, temporarily withdraw the entrustment of Tsunayoshi Sawada, now, please, lead Xanxus to become an excellent leader!"

The ninth-generation leader talked to Lieburn in a low voice. Xanxus listened to the news. He should be happy to achieve his goal. However, at this time, Xanxus's mood became inexplicably gloomy.

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