The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 059, the fear of Liu Dao Mukuro

Nie Kong, who had already left, naturally didn't know their thoughts at this time. He came to Jingzi casually and accompanied her to watch the battle between Liu Dao Mukuro and the poisonous snake.

"Kufufu, that guy is really strong. Boss, don't mind if I use your body to use it." After seeing Nie Kong appear, Liu Daomu who was fighting laughed in a strange tone.

Liu Dao Mukuro smiled evilly, and instantly waved the trident in his hand, his eyes of different colors changed constantly. I don't know if it was too excited or what, when he rushed towards Nie Kong, he continued to emit "kufufufu~" Weird laughter.

"I don't know how to live or die." Nie Kong's eyes met him, but the mental power from the golden eyes radiated radiantly.

Boom, Liu Dao Mukuro was in cold sweat, enduring extreme pain.In his induction, Nie Kong's soul seemed to be a god, full of majesty and terrible deterrence!

If he dared to get closer, his soul might be burned to ashes by the light emitted.What a terrible, terrible man.

Mamen took a lot of time to watch the changes before him, although he knew that he had misunderstood the meaning.However, he is still very interested in seeing this somewhat unexpected development.

Even if he is not interested in doing white work, it might be helpful for him to learn more about his opponent's abilities in his future tasks!

"Sorry, I have always been arrogant. Master Nie Kong, please forgive me for the offense."

After relieving for a while, Liu Daozou knelt in front of Nie Kong with a pale face.Although the appearance was restored, there was an indelible shadow in his soul.Liu Dao Mukuro quickly adjusted his mental state and barely smiled at Nie Kong.

"Haha, Liu Dao Mukuro, it seems you have failed." Mamen laughed.It turns out that Mamen and Liu Dao Meng are both playing around, Mamen doesn't want to fight with others without compensation.

"I can't help myself. With your little soul, I want to control my body? Let's not take it as an example, otherwise I will let you never be overborn." Nie Kong gave him a cold look, knowing that it was because the body exceeded the power of the soul. , He himself couldn't control Super Four's body.

"Hehe, the Mafia family, it seems to be very interesting~"

For the first time, Liu Dao Mukuro laughed so unrelentingly, seeing how terrifying Nie Kong was.He can already foresee the unrest among the Italian Mafia families.

"Brother Nie Kong." Kulom also ended the battle, wiping his sweat and ran to Nie Kong.

"Colom, you have worked hard."

"Not at all." Kulom hugged Nie Kong's arm, his face full of satisfaction.Behind Kulom was Bi Yangqi.

"Sister Biyangqi!" Jingzi exclaimed obediently.

"Kyoko, you still want to call my sister."

"We all like you very much, and the wind is too sure to be reluctant to bear you?"

Looking at how she got along in the previous days, Bi Yangqi has always treated herself and her elder brothers sincerely, and she has also taken care of Fengtai Lanbo Yiping with all her heart.


Bi Yangqi opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, looking at Kyoko who sincerely looked at her, and Kulom, who was not holding a grudge, felt very uncomfortable.

"Bi Yangqi, Libaun is not a trustworthy person. How about, do you want to be our partner?" Nie Kong said.

After hearing what Nie Kong said, Bi Yangqi felt bitter in her heart, and smiled at Kyoko, "Yes, I didn't expect Rebauen to use Colom to threaten Kyoko."

"Sister Jingzi——Boss Nie Kong——"

Just as Bi Yangqi, there was an excited cry from the prison temple Hayato from not far away.

Only seeing Bi Yangqi, the prison temple Hayato hugged his belly again, making the surrounding Kyoko and them big and small.

Yamamoto Takeshi also followed, so the two of them found this way together.

Although both of them looked very embarrassed, seeing that they will appear here at this time also shows their victory.

"If it's flat, it's almost there."

Nie Kong suddenly looked in one direction, leading a group of people to look over unconsciously.

A very embarrassed figure slowly appeared in the place where there was no one.

"Ah, it seems that I have to practice a lot to the limit!"

After meeting everyone in peace and seeing the situation of others, it seemed that he was the most injured person alone, and he could not help but cheer for himself.

Originally, he was worried about other people, so as soon as the battle was over, he was ready to find a companion to join him. He didn't have time to heal his injuries. Seeing Kyoko's worried eyes, he felt a little distressed.

"Speaking of those guys are so strong, we tried our best to kill them. If we hadn't been training for a long time, we would not be their opponents. Who are they and why would they be against us?" Yamamoto scratched his head. Asked.

"They are the nightmare of the Mafia, Barrian's assassination unit."

Liu Dao Mukuro chuckled and told the truth faintly.

"Ballian! The one with a high rate of assassination success?"

As a man of the Mafia, Hayato in Prison Temple was surprised and couldn't believe that he had defeated one of those powerful people.

"Huh? Prison Temple, do you know the origin of those people?"

Yamamoto looked at the Hayato in Prison Temple curiously and asked.

"I have only heard of it, and I don't know much."

The prison temple Hayato shook his head, saying that he was not very clear.

"The matter has come to an end, and Kulom is okay, let's go back and discuss it!"

When they came here, it was almost time for dinner. After this incident, they were basically tired and hungry. It would be better to go back and take a rest first.

Because of Nie Kong's strength and reliability, Jingzi and his team were unconditionally obedient to Nie Kong's words. After listening to Nie Kong's words, they suddenly felt physically exhausted, and no one had any objections.

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