The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 060, Kyoko is determined!

When he returned to his residence, after everyone had washed and taken care of himself, Nie Kong had already prepared enough food. Feng Tai helped arrange and waited for everyone.

"Ah, sister Biyangqi, sit here!"

Because Kyoko and the others didn't want Fengta to worry about the reason, they didn't tell, so Fengta didn't know what happened. After seeing Bi Yangqi, he warmly greeted her to sit next to him.

It's just that the Prison Temple Hayato who was sitting next to Fengtai couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, silently found an excuse and wanted to sit on the other side.

"I don't have a place to do it here~"

Nie Kong sat in the main seat, his sister Kulom on the left, and Kyoko on the right. He looked at the Falcon in the Prison Temple with a smile and faintly refused.

"Ah, brother can't sit down here anymore. If you want to change positions, Lord Prison Temple, then I will change with you!"

Kyoko didn't want to embarrass the prison temple too much, and quickly got up, wanting to change positions with the prison temple.

"Sister Jingzi doesn't need it, I just sit here!"

Seeing Kyoko about to get up, Prison Temple waved his hand quickly.

What a joke, Sister Jingzi and Boss Nie Kong are naturally the main seat, so how dare he sit there!

Following Nie Kong's order, everyone swiftly started, gorging themselves as if they hadn't eaten anything for several days.

After everyone was full, Fengtai also knew that they had something to talk about, so she consciously asked herself to clean it up, and Yiping also cleverly expressed that she wanted to help.

Only Lan Bo was left alone and no one accompanied to play together, so they had to help clean up together.

"Pengley is the first in the Italian Mafia family. Although the family members of the nine-generation chiefs did not appear, the ability to defeat their Balian troops is enough to prove your strength."

Sitting in the conference room, Nie Kong was manipulating the computer to display information about Pengley while spreading knowledge to Jingzi and others.

"Although the inevitable family is only a small family, its current strength has also increased a lot, and after the annexation of a lot of mafia organizations, its strength has been very different from before."

Nie Kong smiled and analyzed his own information, while watching the reactions of everyone thoughtfully.

"I don't like to live under other organizations, so we will definitely replace Penglee as the first family of the Italian Mafia in the future. What do you think about this?"

"Kufufufu~If you don't become the number one, it will be meaningless~"

Liu Dao Mukuro didn't have any opinion. It's better to say that this is what he expected.

"As the top leader, I will definitely work hard to improve my strength!"

The Falcon of Prison Temple was originally a member of the Mafia, so he didn't have any opinion on Nie Kong's words. Basically, there was no Mafia organization that didn't want to be the first. It just depends on the strength!

It's just that the others are different. They were just ordinary people before. To get involved in the dark world of the Mafia, it takes consciousness.

"Well, although it feels like it is not easy, but if you become the number one, it seems to be very powerful~"

Seeing the somewhat cold atmosphere, Yamamoto Takeshi smiled heartily, looking indifferent.

It's just that only he himself knows that, although he still has a soft spot for baseball, he was already aware of it when he decided to step into this world.

"It's not easy to become the number one, but it should be relatively less troublesome..."

Sasakawa Rapei frowned slightly. Since his sister has become the leader, no matter what it is from now on, he will do his elder brother desperately to complete it.

However, he can't help but worry about Kyoko's safety.

"It won't, relative, but there will be more trouble!"

The world of the mafia is dark, and there are so many mafia with ambitions. As the number one, it will naturally become the target of public criticism.

"In this world, being strong is the kingly way. Without strength, people will only be chewed and there will be no bones left!"

Nie Kong wasn't prepared to say anything good. They should know what they should know, or they would have a bit of ground, otherwise it would be even more troublesome if something went wrong.

"Also, although the Mafia gives ordinary people the impression that they do all evil, it also depends on the decision of the leader. If Kyoko is not prepared to do this, it can naturally be reduced as much as possible, but it is absolutely impossible to avoid it!"

In the past, in order not to affect their development, Nie Kong did not tell all of the darkness in it. However, now that their power has achieved little success, it is almost time to tell these things one by one.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the conference room was very low, Kyoko and the others were embarrassed, with some secrets.


Upon seeing this, Kulom took a small step forward and grasped the trident in his hand tightly. He looked at Nie Kong a little nervously, and a little panicked but firmly, and said softly.

"I will work hard!"

Her life was given by Nie Kong, so no matter what Nie Kong wants to do, she will naturally follow her every step of the way.

Although Kulom's words didn't say anything clearly, it successfully eased a lot of atmosphere.

At least, the original serious face of Nie Kong became gentle.

"I know, although I haven't really experienced it, I also know that the world of the mafia can't be as bright as ordinary people..."

Kyoko hesitated, and finally sighed quietly, muttering to herself.

"If I was not mentally prepared, I would never have agreed to this thing so easily, but..."

Jingzi raised his eyes and looked at Nie Kong. His eyes were out of focus. As if he wanted to look at something through Nie Kong, his body involuntarily approached Nie Kong.

"Why... Obviously, everyone had been mentally prepared before... But when they were going to bear it in the true sense, they were very uneasy..."

"Xiao Jing."

Nie Kong gently hugged Jingzi in his arms, gently soothing her emotions, "If you want to give up--"

Before Nie Kong could finish speaking, Jingzi shook his head, "Since it's decided, I won't give up easily."

"In that case, this is enough!"

Nie Kong bowed his head and kissed Jingzi's cherry lips. "If you are worried about their safety, as the leader, you should trust your family members more than anyone else!"

Although Nie Kong's main purpose this time was to "intimidate", he couldn't help but want to help enlighten him when he saw Jingzi's appearance.

"If you don't even believe in the leader, who will believe in their strength?"

At least, Nie Kong, who sees the growth of these children in his eyes, is very confident in their future.

"Teacher, can I really be a good leader?" Jingzi believed in Nie Kong more than himself.

"Although I think Xiaojing, you will definitely become a good leader, even if you can't, I will always guard behind you! It doesn't matter if you can't do it. Be my wife at home."

"I know what to do, teacher, please don't be polite to spur me! I...I will not only be a good leader, but also a good wife of the teacher."

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