The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 6 061 Arrange for Colom to go to school

Liu Dao Mukuro was indifferent. He naturally knew that he had lost his freedom. Even if he did not want to, Nie Kong would never let his practice go easily.

"Well, I got it."

"Although I am very happy to see your determination, training is one thing, and you can't afford to leave homework!"

"Hahaha, you deserve to be Teacher Nie Kong!"

Yamamoto Takeshi laughed heartily, expressing surprise at Nie Kong's sudden turn.

"It seems that I can no longer continue fishing in troubled waters!"

"Hmph, in order to prevent you from being dragged down, my uncle will help to give you some homework!"

With an arrogant appearance, the Hayato at Prison Temple looked to the other side awkwardly, and said to Takeshi Yamamoto in a very embarrassed and impatient tone.

From the unwillingness at the beginning to the active invitation, the attitude of Prison Temple towards Yamamoto has improved a lot.

Yamamoto took a friendly pat on the shoulder of the prison temple, and politely declined the kindness of the Hayato at the prison temple.

"Huh!" The prison temple Hayato cast a vicious look at Takeshi Yamamoto, and then stopped looking again, walked quickly to Kyoko's side, and shouted, "Sister Kyoko, I will help you with your homework."

Kyoko, who was thinking about something, was startled by the sudden yell of the jail temple Hayato, and was dazed for a while, then reacted, nodding stupefiedly, and thanked him by the way.

"I am very happy that Hayato has your thoughts, but as the leader, Xiaojing has a heavy responsibility and has a lot to learn. I will follow her progress personally. Hayato will help teach Yamamoto Kazuhira when it is convenient for you. Let them learn Italian!"

"As expected to be the boss of Nie Kong, what he thinks is thoughtful!"

The Hayato at the Prison Temple suddenly reacted and nodded, "I see!"

Since it is the Mafia in Italy, Italian is also very necessary!

"Well, everyone has been tired for a day, so let's go to rest first, and we have to go to school tomorrow!"

Nie Kong squinted at Liu Dao Mukuro, "As for Liu Dao Mukuro-Kulom, you can arrange accommodation for him!"


Kulom is a very polite child.

"Kufufufu, I don't need this, I will go back to Obsidian Academy."

Liu Dao Mukuro didn't forget his companions. Although he didn't mind being here with Nie Kong, he also found the Chengdao Dog. They probably wouldn't be too willing to live under the same roof with those who had been fighting hard not long ago.


Nie Kong didn't look surprised. I don't know if he had expected it a long time ago, or he didn't intend to let him stay.

"Xiao Jing, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you."

Seeing everyone leaving, Nie Kong suddenly stopped Jingzi who was about to leave.

"Then let's go to rest first!"

As the leader, Nie Kong estimated that he had some explanations to talk to Jingzi alone, so everyone had no objections. After waving to Nie Kong and Jingzi, they left together.

"Xiao Jing, your study task will be very heavy after this, you have to hold on to it!"

Although Nie Kong said this with a gentle smile, the weight of the words was not joking.

"I know, I will try my best!"

Kyoko nodded solemnly, saying that she would never admit defeat.

"Teacher, you have to rest early, don't be exhausted!"

Jingzi looked at Nie Kong with some worry. Although Nie Kong was very powerful, she always felt that Nie Kong silently took on a lot of things. Although she did not express it in words, Jingzi knew that his party must have made Nie Kong fuck A lot of heart.

"If it is something I can do, you must tell me!" Kyoko added seriously.

"Bang bang—"

Nie Kong was silent, but at this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, Kulom."

Nie Kong responded casually, and saw that the door slowly opened. Kulom was holding a cup of coffee and nodded slightly to Jingzi, and then put the coffee on Nie Kong's table.

"Brother, coffee."

"I know Xiaojing, you want to help me share the burden, but Xiaojing, your current task is not light, and I still have Kulom here to help me, Xiaojing don't have to worry!"

"I see, but Kulom, does your body matter?"

Kulom pursed his lips and smiled, shook his head faintly, indicating that his body was all right.

"I can rest assured that."

Kyoko breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled sweetly, "Then Kulom, I'll go to rest first, you should also pay attention to your body and rest early!"

After waving to the two of them, Kyoko gently closed the door intimately, and stopped disturbing them.

"Colom, how is the task I gave you accomplished?"

Nie Kong consulted casually while flipping through the information.

"I see, these data have been processed, brother, please check it out."

"Well, you did a good job of organizing, it was a great help!"

Nie Kong glanced at the ten lines and read it all, then put it into the folder, picked up a data book, and placed it in front of Kulom.

"I have sorted out your information, and the school has already contacted you. Tomorrow you will go to school with Kyoko and others!"

"Eh? Don't you need to go to the Academic Affairs Office?"

Kulom used to change many schools due to family reasons, but because her parents didn't care about this kind of thing, she had always done it alone, so she knew the cumbersomeness of applying.

"This is naturally my elder brother, Kulom, as a student, just think about how to study and get along with your classmates!"

Nie Kong couldn't help but feel a little distressed for Kulom, but it made him want to pamper Kulom even more.

"Okay, I know."

Kulom also knew that Nie Kong wanted to make himself happy, and he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and nodded heavily.

"School uniforms and so on, are you ready?"

Nie Kong suddenly thought of something and asked apologetically.

These days are relatively busy, busy dealing with the diplomatic affairs of the Bovino family, so he is not careful about this kind of thing.

"Well, last time I went to the street with Kyoko, sister Biyangqi made a custom order, and I took it back when the time came. Kyoko and Biyangqi helped me buy a lot of beautiful clothes! Thank you brother! "

Although it was led by Bi Yangqi, Bi Yangqi had said that it was Nie Kong's money and orders, so Kyoko and Kulom knew it.

Kulom couldn't help being a little shy when she thought of those beautiful clothes. She had never been so happy to go shopping, chatting, eating and playing with her friends.

"Oh? I'm really looking forward to the look Kulom wears! It must be beautiful!"

Nie Kong stood up while talking, and walked behind Kulom.

"In that case, let my brother give you another present!"


Kulom was surprised, and was about to look back at Nie Kong, but was suddenly fixed by Nie Kong's hands.

"Don't move, close your eyes first."

Nie Kong put his hands on Kulom's shoulders and gently covered her eyes. After seeing her cleverly stopped moving and closed her eyes, he started to make his own plan.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

After a while, Nie Kong let go and asked Kulom to open his eyes.

Kulom opened his eyes in confusion, and was surprised when he saw Nie Kong in the mirror in front of him.

"this is me?"

In order to welcome his first visit to Hesheng Middle School tomorrow, Nie Kong specially helped Kulom get a new hairstyle and a new look.

"Well, it's more energetic to look at this way!"

Nie Kong placed his hands on Kulom's shoulders lightly, then leaned down and moved to Kulom's side. Looking at Kulom's new hairstyle in the mirror, he nodded in satisfaction.

In the original work, Kulom was forced to be transformed into the same hairstyle of Liudao Mukuro by the city island dog, but after Nie Kong saved Kulom first, Kulom has always been the image of shawl hair before. .

Although it looked very quiet and sweet, Nie Kong hoped that Kulom could become cheerful and happy.

"Sorry for taking the initiative, Kulom, what do you think?"

On both sides of his cheeks, Nie Kong also deliberately donned the cute hairpins he bought by accident to bring out the lively appearance of Kulom's originally quiet and sweet face.

Simply fixing the length of the hair and putting on the hair accessories made Kulom look lively and cheerful.

Nie Kong was very satisfied with his change, but he didn't know if Kulom would like it himself.

"I like it very much, thank you brother!"

Kulom raised his hand and touched the hairpin affixed to his hair. He couldn't put it down very much. He never thought that he should have a dark personality and be able to look so sunny.

"This is in return for Kulom's well-behaved!"

Seeing that Kulom liked it, Nie Kong was relieved, stood up straight, and lightly patted Kulom on the shoulder.

"The matter is almost handled, I can do the rest, Kulom, you should go to rest too! Only after you rest will you have good energy!"

Seeing Kulom nodded happily, when he was about to leave, Nie Kong suddenly thought of something and hurriedly exclaimed, "But don't tell Xiaojing about them yet~"

Kulom was stunned. Seeing Nie Kong's smirk, he knew that he was going to surprise Jingzi and the others, so he knew it, nodded and left the room.

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