The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0256, rescue the three women

"Teacher, save Sister Shiludi and my mother from the Behmot Division, please." Because her mother Lemia was summoned by Behmot, Lamia, who had lost her maternal love since childhood, was very Dislike Behmot Division.In particular, the so-called childhood sweetheart Jeb Walker, the so-called mother, is also the coveted mother Remiya whose husband has been dead for a long time.Otherwise, how could Elamia’s mother be the deputy commander of the division?

Except for the three head-level demons at the scene, almost all the forces of the Behmot Legion have been mobilized.Of course, Akiel, who likes to fight, did not take action. She has always longed for a fair fight.She doesn't bother to do gang fights or plots.

Nie Kong fixed his eyes on Xiludi in the distance, his scarlet pupils gleaming with golden light.The white flames that had flooded her all disappeared.It turned out that Nie Kong used super powers to dissolve the white flames burning on Xiludi.

"Yes... it's the teacher, is he here to save me?" Xiludi, who barely opened his eyes, saw Nie Kong in the distance, and a smile of relief appeared on his face.But she was injured too badly, so she lost consciousness again without waking up for too long.

"Kill!" The first to arrive in front of Nie Kong was a low-level demon whose combat power was as good as rubbish. Even Kanzaki could defeat them.The only trouble is that there are too many.

With more than 300 people running at the same time, even the teaching building was violently turbulent, and the running force physically resonated.

"Night Demon Flying Attack!" After several enhancements, the Vampire Beast's signature trick has been increased several times.The fascinating red bat turned in front of Nie Kong, dyeing the moonlight into blood.

"Squeak!" The hungry bat turned into a beast, as if a red river flooded the low-level demon rushing forward.More ants can kill elephants, not to mention vampire bats that are a hundred times more fierce.

"Ah..." Countless screams sounded, and three hundred people were crushed by a huge number of vampire bats and all disappeared into the sky."Snake Dragon Palm!" The black magic power in Najia's right hand sprayed out like an ion cannon, sweeping away the bright red bat in front.The rest of the demons began to use magic to destroy the bats. Facing the attack from more than twenty pillars, most of the bats disappeared.

"Killing more than three hundred of my subordinates is quite capable. But are you worried about this woman? Then I will kill her in front of you." Jeb Walker began to gather magic power in his palm, and it didn't take long for the black magic bullet Jet towards the cross Shiludi.

"Kill her, I want him to experience the same pain as mine!" Yan Wang shouted.

With a bang, the floor cracked a terrifying crack as the magic moved forward.Regarding the level of magic power alone, Jeber Walker has reached the level of advanced demons, no wonder Behmot abdicated to the virtuous.

"Don't be kidding, do you think there is still a chance to hurt them with me? Transfer..." The golden pupils radiated inexplicable fluctuations, and I saw that the three women who were originally in front of the magic bullet moved strangely to avoid the bombing of Jebel Walker.

There is no force, but it still floats behind Nie Kong.Using the transfer superpower, the three women easily rescued the enemy's claws.

"Hiludi, Isabella, Shatra!" Youludi loosened the three women's bondage and liberated the three women's freedom.Except for Cherudi, Isabella's two women did not suffer any injuries.

"Youludi, what are you doing to save us? The maid demon expelled by the master has no effect." Isabella said quietly.Even the maid demon Lori Shatra was a little listless, not happy to be rescued.

"Don't be discouraged, since King Yan has abandoned us, then choose a new owner, a master ten thousand times better than King Yan." You Ludi firmly believed.

"We are the laughingstock of the maid devil, who will take us in?" Shatra said with a desperate heart.

"I...I believe that the master will take in the three of us, he...he is so gentle! Otherwise, why would he rescue you?" You Ludi looked at Nie Kong idiotically, with deep attachment in her eyes.

"Really?" The two women cast their gazes on Nie Kong to shield them from the wind and rain, and their gray-hearted eyes gradually recovered.A child who also has a demon king also needs a maid demon.

"Why are you still stunned, kill them all for me!" Facing the unpredictable Nie Kongbehmot, he was a little horrified, but as the commander, he had to stabilize the army.At this time, the more than twenty demon leaders who were surprised by Nie Kong's strange skills were awakened by the commander's words.

"What are you afraid of? He is only one person, how can he block so many Zhujuezhu generals!" I don't know who said the words, which agitated the morale of the demons.

"Look at the power of my evil eyes!" Pillar Bajilisk let out soul fluctuations in his eyes, and he used his soul power to suppress Nie Kong so boldly.The golden pupils were indifferent to Bajilisk's pupils, and he cried out in pain while holding his head in the soul power confrontation.


"Snake Dragon Palm!" Najia's right hand magic bullet launched towards Nie Kong.

"Magic bullet!!" A dozen Zhu will condense all the magic power, and all roared and pressed towards Nie Kong.More than 20 people have released such a large amount of magic power, and the amount has reached the level of the devil.

The black pressure is like a dark cloud with strong energy, which completely sucks the moon's light in the sky.If it is allowed to explode, it will definitely destroy everything within a few hundred meters.

"It should be okay, this has gathered all the strength of our division, even if your Majesty the Great Demon King will not want to retreat!" Jeb Walker's hideous face showed a triumphant smile, as if the winner was already in hand.

"Asshole, my daughter is still there, don't you want to kill her together?" Remia scolded angrily.

"No way, we didn't expect Lamia to be on his side. But if the danger of Lord Yan Wang can be eliminated, this little thing is nothing! Lemia, please listen to me clearly, our division is dedicated to loyalty It's for Lord Yan." Behmot's words were so righteous and so right, there was no room for Remia to refute.

"Sir Yan Wang can't put other lives in his eyes, this is too sad." Remiya has been completely disappointed, at this time she has no nostalgia for the division.

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