The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0257, kill the Yan King

"With a magical attack covering such a large area, you shouldn't have a chance to escape." Behmot was not interested in paying attention to Remiya, his eyes were completely on the enemy Nie Kong.If the sister of the alien demon can be killed in the cradle, the demon of the alien should have no chance to come and invade.

But what was beyond everyone's expectations was that Nie Kong was not at all afraid, and instead walked towards the source of the "dark clouds" in the sky.When the magical power in the sky came to his face, strange fluctuations spread out from his eyes.The powerful and pure soul power made the present demons tremble inexplicably.

There was no explosion, no vibration, not even any sound.When the black magic power came two meters in front of Nie Kong, the strangeness disappeared completely, like a flash in the pan.

All the dozens of members of the Behmot Legion were discolored. What a heaven-defying ability.Our attack actually disappeared?It's totally unreasonable.

"Is the magic attack ineffective? It's horrible. It's our turn for Jeb Walker to go to the field. Let's fight melee." Behmot dropped the felt hat beside him, his voice filled with solemnity.

The battle has begun, and there is no room for relaxation.At this level, either you die or I die!

"I see, old captain." In addition to being surprised, Jeber Walker was also ready to move.The strength is comparable to that of the Demon King, if he can be defeated...

Jeb Walker wanted to know how big the gap between his strength and the Demon King was. Nie Kong's appearance just happened to be his sword stone.

After the two heads spoke, Nie Kong had already arrived ten meters in front of more than twenty Zhujue.But he didn't mean to stop, the target was Behmot's surviving subordinates.

"Asshole, don't deceive too much!" Zhu rushed Gurafier violently, and the magic spear in his right hand aimed at Nie Kong's heart.

"Angry blood whip!" The blood-red flame was like a dragon entrenched in Nie Kong's palm, and the angry blood whip that had been useless for a long time reappeared.Without any resistance, the Gurafiel of Zhujiang level was directly killed in seconds.

The blood-red flame looked very evil and directly burned Gurafiel to ashes.The Zhujiang level was too weak to stop the whip he swung with all his strength.

"The battle is not over yet, it's your turn." When Nie Kong cast his eyes on the remaining demons, they couldn't help but shudder.This is a human being, it is more cruel than a demon.

"Your opponent is us!" The two regiment leaders approached Nie Kong from the left and the right, with amazing magic blessings all over the body to increase the lethality of physical attacks.

"Boom!" With the two commanders' full force, Nie Kong was bombarded on both sides of the lower abdomen by the two magically blessed fists as if unable to escape.No powerful force was left, all rushed into him.

"Oh, the strength of the two of you is really interesting, no wonder you can become their leader!" After being attacked by the two with all their strength, Nie Kong did not suffer any injuries.The two of them were as powerful as a clay bull entering the sea, silent!

"This is obviously a close attack, how could it be useless?" I don't know that the two commanders were horrified, and even everyone on the scene was ashamed.The full attack failed to injure the enemy, this battle was impossible.

As the true ancestors of vampires, they have immortality, and the strength of the three is too different, it is strange that they can hurt Nie Kong.

"That's the strength!" Nie Kong grabbed the heads of the two of them with both hands, and pressed their heads hard to touch each other.

"What a powerful force!" The two suddenly exploded with all the magic power in their bodies, but they still couldn't break free from Nie Kong's palm, and there was no room for resistance.With a crash, the two heads exploded into pieces like a watermelon.

But the bloody mist that burst out from the sky stopped strangely in the sky, as if controlled by someone.Violent and elegant, but not bloody.

"Ahhhh... the two heads... are all killed, run away." The remaining twenty pillar generals and above the demons were scared, and they would care about Lord Yan under the threat of their lives.

More than twenty people were like birds of fright, scattered into several strands and fled in all directions.Due to the big difference in strength from Nie Kong, they had already lost the courage to fight.

"Want to escape? It's too late." The blood cells that stopped in front of Nie Kong and gathered all the essence and blood of the two regiments scattered into several strands, and later caught up and appeared behind them.With a light burst, the sky burst into blood mist.

Several violent explosions resounded through the city, awakening countless people who had fallen asleep.Like red fireworks, coquettish and deadly.Of the 394 members of the Behmot Division, only two women were not killed.They are Akiel and Remia who are not hostile!

"The Behmot division that supports me, just... is that over?" King Yan was stuck on the spot as if he had been hit by the hold technique.By now he realized that he had no one to trust.

"I...I am the prince of the Majesty of the Demon King, a mere human... dare to offend me?" King Yan took a few steps back, his eyes full of fright.

"Enough is enough, the culprit is the two heads of Behmot, let the Lord Yan go." Remiya stopped in front of the King Yan and discouraged Nie Kongdao.

"Old... teacher, please don't hurt my mother, okay?" Then Lamia's cute voice followed.

Killing King Yan can put an end to the illusions of the maids. Nie Kong had planned this. How could he obey Lemiya's instructions?Besides, there are many benefits to killing King Yan, and the opportunity is rare.

"There is no room for negotiation, what is my majesty's son?" Lemia, who should have been blocking the front, floated to the right strangely, and the target Yan Wang was completely presented in front of him.

"Dimensional knife!" Right fist formed a hand knife, and Nie Kong struck down with all his strength.In King Yan's horrified eyes, three meters wide and one hundred meters high, an invisible dimensional knife smashed his body.His Majesty the Demon King of the Demon World, the prince, ended up dead and dead.

At the same time, the demon king who was playing mahjong in the demon world immediately noticed the death of his son.

"Asshole stuff! Does the Behmot Division eat shit? How can my lovely son die in the world with their protection? Who, on earth, killed my lovely son!" There was a crash, The surrounding 100 meters all turned into powder.

The terrifying magic power spread in the demon world, causing countless demons to tremble and lie on the ground.No devil knows why the demon king, who should be kind, made such a big fire.

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