The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0258, Akiel and Remia surrender

The audience was silent, the three maid demons were stunned, and Remia and Akiel were stunned.The five daughters never thought that Nie Kong dared to kill the son of the demon king, and killed so simply!

"You... You killed Lord Yan Wang, it's hard... Didn't you think about the consequences?" Remia stammered.

"That's right, you will cause the human world to be destroyed faster, bastard, do you know!" Akiel turned his head and stared at Nie Kong like a wolf, but the cute appearance was completely ineffective.

"Oh? Will there be any consequences? I only know that after killing King Yan, the two of you may be loyal to me. How? Now that your master is dead, you will be loyal to me directly?" Nie Kong asked, tilting his head. Tao.

"Kill...Kill Yan Wang, just for this little thing?" Remiya was stupid on the spot.

"How can there be people like you? Just killing someone else's master, he immediately raised the corner?" Akiel leaned in embarrassment and slashed the knife off, but Nie Kong didn't pay attention.Turning over his left hand, he has pinched the jade palm.When she broke back, the sharp blade in her hand fell to the ground with a slight effort.

Akiel did not give up resistance, and turned around again with a sharp dagger in his left hand.How many knives are hidden in this sturdy chick.Akiel was waiting to speak, Nie Kong took off Akiel's left dagger with his right hand.

The dexterous hands followed the jade lotus root-like forearms and touched the vines, and the sound rang.Poor Akiel MM, the sharp weapons hidden in his body were touched by Nie Kong.Accompanied by the fall was a three-point bikini, Akiel, who covered most of the secret cloak, and appeared in front of Nie Kong.

"Let go... let me go!" Akiel glared at Nie Kong in embarrassment and whispered.

Because of the arms being held by Nie Kong, the girl's white and smooth jade back was close to Nie Kong, her posture was too "elegant".Fortunately, the "extensive and profound" python did not get angry, otherwise it is estimated that it would have been inside Akiel's buttocks.

The girl's pure body is sweet and exudes an attractive virgin fragrance.

"Okay, but I will be angry if you do it again." Before becoming his own woman, Nie Kong didn't have much patience to deal with enemies.Even if it is a girl, the enemy should be killed.

"I'm just a little Xiaozhujue demon, how dare I do it." Akiel, are you mocking me, it should be praise, right?

When Nie Kong released her smooth arm, Akiel hurriedly picked up the cloak and pressed it against her front body, preventing Nie Kong from staring boldly.

"You are the enemy of the two of us, how do you tell us to be loyal to you?" Remia said at this time, but her tone was full of opposition.

"Then you guys know what the result will be if you return to the Demon Realm, you should be regarded as traitors. After all, the Behmot Division is completely destroyed, and only you survive. Perhaps the angry Demon King will kill you to vent your anger. Right." Nie Kong, who pushed the two women into desperation, smiled like a devil in his heart.

"I...I will explain clearly..." Akiel's voice became lower and lower, and finally fell silent.

"Mom..." Ramia hugged Remia's arm, her cute cheeks full of panic.Until now, the three of them were not ready for King Yan to die suddenly.His Majesty's anger is a must, if he goes back, he will definitely be executed.

Even if they accept the explanation from both of them, they have not been responsible for protecting King Yan, so they will definitely be killed by the angry Demon King.They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of being infamous.

And Remia was even more worried, because she would hurt her daughter after she died.

"Even if we surrender to you, His Majesty the Great Demon King already knows that Lord Yan is dead. Maybe in a few days, he will personally descend on the human world and destroy the human world." Remiya's voice has hesitated for a few minutes, no The previous ones were simply.That's right, she still has a lovely daughter to worry about. How could she die like this?

"Your Majesty, the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm, I would like to meet him. I don't know his strength, who is stronger than me and who is weaker?" Nie Kong laughed a few times, looking scared.

The two women were startled at the same time, as if recalling the strength that Nie Kong had just exploded.The two powerful and unpredictable commanders were quickly killed by Nie Kong's simple move.And the power of the Great Demon King's appearance in the human world will be suppressed, and it is not certain who will win.

Besides, they knew that Nie Kong was sitting on the shoulders of the Demon King’s sister, so their allegiance remained the same. They were all directly under the blood of the Demon King.

"Mom, please agree, Ramia doesn't want to leave her mother anymore. If... if it were the teacher, it would definitely protect our safety." Ramia begged.

"Master Nie Kong, thank you for taking in our mother and daughter!" Remiya leaned back and bowed to Nie Kong. Various phenomena showed that she had already expressed surrender.

"Allegiance to him is indeed much better than King Yan Xiaogui. Forget it, I don't have much place to go anyway." Thinking of this, Akiel has decided to be loyal to Nie Kong.

"Okay, okay, leave it to me if you have anything in the future. My name is Akiel, and adults can call me Ayre Meimei." Akiel said that, with scissors formed in his right hand and sold on his forehead. Cute.

If it weren't for her sexy leather jacket, she would be really cute.But the three-point leather jacket has already destroyed part of her cuteness.

"You Ludi, you three will be the maid demon of Little Lias, and form a maid team to take good care of my children, okay?" After conquering the two beauties, Nie Kong cast his eyes on the three maid demon behind.

After all, they just killed the master they served in front of them, so Nie Kong asked a few more questions to prevent them from thinking about resistance.

"Yes...Yes, master!" Isabella nodded heavily.

"Be at ease, master, Youludi has vowed to serve her master forever. Although King Yan was once our master, he abandoned us! The three of us took care of him very carefully and didn't owe him anything." You Ludi whispered.

"Anyway, we have nowhere to go. It is our blessing that the master is willing to take us in. Besides, Lord Yan, he made a mistake, and he injured the master's student first." Shatra Lolita continued. .

The strength is close to his Majesty the Demon King, and having such a master is their blessing.Moreover, You Ludi said that Nie Kong is very gentle, and the three of them have changed their moods to accept the new owner.

"Then you will go back with me first, and I will introduce my sister to you." The three maid devil's words should first be handed over to the maid chief Griffia for training.

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