The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0259, twins?

When I came, I brought You Ludi alone, but when I returned there were six more women.Among them are the four handmaid demon teams including Yuludi, the only remaining Akiel of Behmot and the deputy commander Remiya.Of course Lori Ramia is no exception.

Maid Griffia was supposed to be jealous and had a little temper, but Nie Kong told her that she would be responsible for managing them in the future, and that she would be the chief maid in the house, so she was full of energy.

Since the master's harem can no longer be blocked, let's retreat to be the harem queen to manage them.

Given that there are too many girls, the apartment is too small.So Nie Kong told Griffia to go out and search for an apartment again. The requirements were that the area should be large and the decoration should be luxurious and comfortable!When necessary, allow her to use magic.

The things the master confessed must be done no matter what, especially if you can stand before the four maid demons, so Griffia is not dissatisfied at all.Griffia worked very efficiently, and within half an hour she had completed the task assigned by her master.

"It's shameful to live in these simple houses as my lord and say it's too shameful to go out. A better house must be found." Akiel nodded in response.

"Graffia is my confidant and love servant. I am very relieved when she does things." What the maid is most happy about, of course, is the praise from the master.Griffia is no exception. After hearing Nie Kong's praise, her heart was as sweet as eating honey.

"Sister Griffia, please lead the way!" Isabella thought she was already a very qualified maid, but she was eclipsed by Griffia.Her performance impressed Isabel.

Griffia's eyes flashed dazzlingly, leading her master away in front.Every move is quite elegant and intellectual.The temperament that unintentionally revealed, overwhelmed the maid and the devil.

Although their three daughters have served experience, but the target is only the head of the King of Flames, but they can't compare with Griffia, who has been rigorously trained since childhood to serve the Demon King Lucifer.Perhaps after a long period of training, the only one who can contend is Shiludi.

Qian Qiu memorially engraved the apartment in the depths of his memory. Although the apartment is very simple, the memory left to her is so deep.In this house, I have a happy time living with my brother.

After half an hour's journey, they finally came to the door of the villa where Griffia found.Looking inside from the iron gate, first is the Western-style garden with a hundred flowers and flowers, and the winding road curves along the garden.Behind the garden is the open woods, and behind the woods the luxurious villa finally appeared in front of them.

The villa alone already has two thousand square meters, not to mention the garden trees.The area is already huge, like a small village.Living in such a large area of ​​the villa, there are no more than a dozen maids can not be too busy.Such a huge and beautiful villa was empty at this time, and of course it was not ruled out that Griffia could solve it all.

There are dozens of suites in the villa, and each suite has complete bedding.Especially the bathroom, almost the size of a swimming pool.It's no problem for hundreds of people in such a big room.

Griffia is like a housekeeper assigning the maids to their respective jobs. For example, Isabella is responsible for managing the garden, Shatra is responsible for washing clothes, and Ludi, who has a broom weapon, is responsible for cleaning the house.

Remia became the head of the security guard, and was responsible for the security of the villa while managing Akiel.

As for Griffia, who was responsible for cooking, of course, it did not mention that it included serving the master to take a bath and warming the bed for the master... The women were all overwhelmed by Bie Su, especially Qian Qiu and Lamia were happily playing hide-and-seek in the house.

"Lamia, isn't Xiludi awake yet." After arranging several girls, Nie Kong came to Xiludi's room.Ramia, a doctor of the devil, stays in the room to take care of Sherudi.

At this time, Shiludi had changed her goth dress, and she was wearing white pajamas.Nie Kong could clearly see from the neckline that the thin pajamas couldn't hide the plumpness and whiteness.

"Shhhhhhhh, please don't make a noise, teacher. Sister Shiludi has been severely traumatized, and she probably needs a long rest to fully recover. I can't heal the mental trauma." As a doctor, Lamia can't save her love. Shiludi, who was already full of self-blame.

After a few hours of sleep, I should have woke up early.If it weren't for the white flame, would it really burn the soul?

"If there is a mental problem, then let the teacher handle it. No one knows the origin of the soul better than I." The soul has been condensed from weak to solid step by step, and Nie Kong certainly has confidence in this aspect.

"Then I'm all to the teacher." I can't do anything about it, but the teacher should be fine.There was a ray of light in the dark heart.

"Xiludi is my favorite classmate, of course I will save her." Nie Kong came to the bedside and pulled Xiludi's eyelids away.The godless and pale eyes were completely presented in front of him.

Using spiritual consciousness, Nie Kong forcibly entered her consciousness space from Xiludi's eyes.The consciousness space seemed very silent, without any vitality.In the gray space, Shiludi's soul is sleeping like a body.

The weak soul was burned by the pale flame, and it appeared to be crumbling, showing signs of collapse.Zhu Jue's white flame has the ability to erase memories, which is considered a soul attack method.

After burning for a long time, Youludi has already hurt her soul origin.If Shiludi had no sense of resistance when he burned, perhaps it would only erase the memory.But Xiludi, who was eager to keep his memory, fully transported his soul to resist the flame erosion.

"Hildi's soul is damaged too badly, even I can hardly help her restore her damaged soul origin." Nie Kong, who sensed the state of Xiludi, shook his head and said.

"Wh...what!" The sound of the broken cup sounded, and You Ludi had appeared behind them for some time."Master, you are right, is Sister Xiludi really hopeless?"

"There is a way, but..." Double repair can repair the soul, but it is too boring to be a vegetative without expression.If you push a girl forcibly, there will be resistance, which is already a corpse.

"Please, master, please save Sister Xiludi anyway. If you can save Sister Xiludi, I will do whatever I ask." Youludi knelt on the ground and hugged Nie Kong. Thigh cried and pleaded.

"Teacher Lamia also begs you, wake up Sister Xiludi." Lamia looked at Nie Kong pitifully, as if I would cry if you refused.

"Well, I promise you. Ramia, you go out first, and Yuludi stay here."

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